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Python script which takes internal asset inventory at scale using zmap. Outputs to CSV.


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Python script which takes internal asset inventory at scale using zmap. Outputs to a nicely-formatted CSV for delivery to the customer.


  • Scans entire private IP space (by default)
    • Bandwidth, by default, is capped at 500Kbps
  • Automatic reverse-DNS lookups
  • Ability to calculate delta between scan results and another list
    • Great for finding stray hosts
  • Outputs to CSV
  • Can check for EternalBlue, default SSH creds, and open VNC (optional)
  • Automatic caching of scan results
    • Run additional port scans without waiting for host discovery or DNS lookups
    • Saves lots of time if scanning > thousands of hosts

Typical usage scenario:

zmap ping scan → zmap port scan(s) → modules (optional, e.g. EternalBlue scan) → CSV

  1. Host Discovery
    1. Ensure your /etc/hosts contains the correct DNS information for reverse lookups
    2. Run a ping sweep (defaults to entire private IP range):
      • $ ./
    3. Tip #1: You can specify a --blacklist
    4. Tip #2: All raw output is saved in ~/.asset_inventory
  2. Port Scans
    • Multiple ports can be scanned in one go:
      • $ ./ -p 21 22 23 80 443 445
    • Note: Only alive hosts (discovered during the ping sweep) will be scanned unless --skip-ping is specified
  3. Service Enumeration
    • Useful for enumerating host-based controls such as AV on Windows systems
    • Note: Requires an account which can execute code on target systems (e.g. a Domain Admin)
    • To enumerate services:
      1. Edit services.config and ensure credentials are valid
        • Note: Impacket's wmiexec is used for execution, and it must be in your path:
          • $ export PATH=/root/Downloads/impacket/examples:$PATH
        • Tip: You can pass the hash or use a golden ticket. A password or hash is recommended; golden tickets can be a bit buggy, and only work on systems with a resolvable hostname.
      2. Ensure credentials are valid (seriously)
      3. Dew it. All systems with 445 open are scanned by default:
        • $ ./ -M enum-services
        • Tip: You can specify a whitelist
  4. Additional Checks
    • To check for EternalBlue:
      • $ ./ -M eternalblue
    • To check for default SSH creds:
      • $ ./ -M default-ssh
    • To check for default open VNC:
      • $ ./ -M open-vnc
    • To check for open fileshares (SMB, FTP, and NFS):
      • $ ./ -M open-shares
    • Multiple modules can be run at once, e.g.:
      • $ ./ -M eternalblue open-vnc
      • $ ./ -M all
  5. Generate CSV
    • A report is automatically generated after each run
      • They are saved in the working directory (default: ~/.asset_inventory)
    • To combine all past reports:
      • $ ./ --make-deliverable
      • A combined CSV file will be created in the current directory


# ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-t STR [STR ...]] [-p PORTS [PORTS ...]] [-n]
                          [--force-dns] [-B STR] [-i IFC] [-G MAC]
                          [--blacklist FILE] [--whitelist FILE] [-w CSV_FILE]
                          [-f] [-Pn] [--force-ping] [--force-syn]
                          [-M [MODULES [MODULES ...]]] [--work-dir DIR]
                          [-d FILE] [--netmask NETMASK] [--make-deliverable]

Assess the security posture of an internal network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t STR [STR ...], --targets STR [STR ...]
                        target network(s) to scan
  -p PORTS [PORTS ...], --ports PORTS [PORTS ...]
                        port-scan online hosts
  -n, --no-dns          do not perform reverse DNS lookups
  --force-dns           force dns lookups while loading cache
  -B STR, --bandwidth STR
                        max egress bandwidth (default 500K)
  -i IFC, --interface IFC
                        interface from which to scan (e.g. eth0)
  -G MAC, --gateway-mac MAC
                        MAC address of default gateway
  --blacklist FILE      a file containing hosts to exclude from scanning
  --whitelist FILE      only these hosts (those which overlap with targets)
                        will be scanned
  -w CSV_FILE, --csv-file CSV_FILE
                        output CSV file
  -f, --start-fresh     discard cached data (a backup is made)
  -Pn, --skip-ping      skip zmap host-discovery
  --force-ping          force a new zmap ping sweep
  --force-syn           SYN scan hosts which have already been scanned
  -M [MODULES [MODULES ...]], --modules [MODULES [MODULES ...]]
                        Module for additional checks such as EternalBlue (pick
                        from default-ssh, open-shares, eternalblue, enum-
                        services, open-vnc, all, *)
  --work-dir DIR        custom working directory (default
  -d FILE, --diff FILE  show differences between scan results and IPs/networks
                        from file
  --netmask NETMASK     summarize networks with this CIDR mask (default 16)
  --make-deliverable    combine all data gathered for each host into a
                        deliverable CSV file

NOTE: For best results, run in a Docker container

Zmap has trouble scanning the local subnet, which can be fixed by using Docker's built-in NAT

  1. Build docker image
    $ docker build -t zmap-assets .
  2. Start container (making sure to remap the script's working directory to the host)
    $ docker run -it -v /root/inventory/asset_inventory:/root/.asset_inventory zmap-assets
  3. Start scan with desired options
    # NOTE: you may need to ping (or any IP) so the MAC of the gateway is populated in the ARP cache
    $ ./ -t
  4. (Optional) Change the default Docker network if it overlaps with any of your target subnets
    • It's by default
    $ ip addr
    1: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 
        link/ether 02:44:73:ff:35:93 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global docker0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    • Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json
    $ sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
        "bip": "",
    • Restart dockerd
    $ sudo systemctl restart docker


Python script which takes internal asset inventory at scale using zmap. Outputs to CSV.







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  • Python 97.6%
  • Dockerfile 2.4%