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FreeBSD Community Ports Tree


At the moment we are looking for some dedicated Community members who can oversee this project and also merge PRs. If you are interested please send a mail to git-admin@ or portmgr@.

This is the FreeBSD Community Ports Collection. In often times there are cases when a specific ports cannot make it to the official tree or there are security issues and for various reasons it is not the right choice to be in the official tree. But the end users need the ports for backward compatibility of may not be ready yet for upgrade or migration. Hence this tree allows us to keep older ports in a community repository and give the users some additional time to migrate or use.

Installation and Usages

This needs to be used with poudriere. Although so many will ask why not with ports but the ports team will slowly phase out support for ports for end users. Ports tree will be there as that is the heart of the entire pkg sets of the FreeBSD Operating System but there will be no support available as it is difficult to reproduce the same environment for a committer and debug the problem whereas if the end user uses poudriere the builds are done in a clean environment and is reproducible and easier to debug for a developer or a ports committer.

Install poudriere

pkg install poudriere-devel

Create a jail

poudriere jail -c -j 132amd64 -V 13.2-RELEASE

Create the official ports tree

poudriere ports -c

Create the Community ports tree

poudriere ports -c -p fupt -m git+https -U

Build a port from the Community tree

Considering a ports games/mario in the Community tree the following commands will build the port:

poudriere bulk -j 132amd64 -p defaults -O fupt games/mario

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why was my port deleted from the official ports tree and moved here?

Answer: The port may have been moved for the following reasons:

  • The port has security issues
  • The port build and works fine but there have been no upstream activity and hence might have undisclosed vulnerabilities
  • The port is BROKEN for more than 3 months. This port can again be moved to the official tree once there is enough proof that it builds on all supported versions
  • The port cannot be packaged or has RESTRICTED licensing or needs additional files which have to be downloaded manually
  • The port has reached End-of-Life(EOL) by upstream and this specific version is no longer supported by the upstream
  • The port does not build on any of FreeBSD Official Tier-1 Architectures
  • The port requires an older version of a language or compiler which is no longer in the official ports tree but has been moved to the community tree

Why there is no official pkg for my super port?

Answer: This official builder do not build this port tree at all. As mentioned earlier pkgs which cannot be officially distributed or poses security risks to a wider community or might jeopardise the community value of The FreeBSD Project are not distributed from the official channel.

Can we create customized pkg repositories and distribute pkgs?

Answer: Any community member is allowed to create and distribute pkgs on their own without any specific permissions from The FreeBSD Project itself however this has to be done with care and reading the specific License Requirements of each ports separately.

Why is the MOVED file missing?

Answer: The MOVED file is needed for the official ports tree to map deleted ports or ports which have moved into a different location. This is also needed for poudriere to detect the changes and pickup the new ports to build.

Why are there so many .keepme files?

Answer: To have the same alike directory layouts of the official tree the .keepme files are created as they are mostly empty directories now. If one single port has been added to a specific category please remove the .keepme file in that directory.

Are we allowed to add new categories and/or directories?

Answer: No. No additional categories are allowed. And please do not create additional directories. Also please do not create any virtual categories either.

Why is the UPDATING file missing?

Answer: The UPDATING file is there for adding important UPDATING information like while changing a DEFAULT_VERSIONS of a port. This does not apply to the community tree as although most of the USES macros are available but they are not usable at great extent. Let us say that someone is adding php74 in the tree it is not possible to utilize the USES=php macros. And it is also counter productive to add an entry in the UPDATING file to mention about that.

Why is there no Tools directory?

Answer: The Tools directory is specific to ports developers and mostly used by the developers and in the cluster for pkg creation. This does not apply for the community tree. Hence there is no Tools directory.

Why is there no Templates directory?

Answer: The Templates directory is specific to ports developers and mostly used by the developers and in the cluster for pkg creation. This does not apply for the community tree. Hence there is no Templates directory. If there is a need to additional LICENSE templates which are not yet in the Templates directory please submit a bug report.

Why is there no Keywords directory?

Answer: The Keywords directory is mainly for displaying information which are are more or less the same in both the repository. If there is a need to add more Keywords please submit a bug report.

Why is there no CHANGES file?

Answer: CHANGES file is intended for the ports developers only and there can be only one source of truth only about the major changes hence there is no CHANGES file. Always follow the CHANGES file if there is any concerns about the major changes happening in the official tree.

What is the purpose of the file in Mk?

Answer: The purpose of the file is if there is a need to override a knob from Mk/ from the official tree.

Why is there an empty Mk/Uses directory?

Answer: In case there is a need to override USES macros from the official tree it can be done here. But remember that anything added should also be from the official Uses file plus the changes.

Why is UIDs/GIDs file missing? How do I add UIDs/GIDs for my port?

Answer: For some files we need to have one source of truths only hence these files are missing. If there is a need for specific UIDs/GIDs please submit a bug report.


FreeBSD Community Ports Tree






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