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AI Directory 2024 🤖 rzAI's

Rudyz edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 1 revision

2024 Top Open Source AI Projects

These open source projects are valuable additions to the growing landscape of tools and applications leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs). Join me and Explore their potential impact on AI development and programming practices, you will enjoy embracing the possibilities these event horizon technologies offer

  • Open Interpreter - Open Interpreter acts as your personal OS AI, performing any task including writing and running code to solve problems interactively ⭐⭐⭐

  • CrewAI - CrewAI is a state-of-the-art multi-agent framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. It fosters collaborative intelligence, empowering agents to work together on complex tasks⭐⭐⭐

  • Ollama - Ollama is an infrastructure to locally deploy any open-source LLM with an AI-powered natural language model capable of generating Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript code.⭐⭐⭐

  • Devika - Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that understands high-level human instructions, breaks them down, researches information, and writes code to achieve the objective. It aims to be a competitive open-source alternative to Devin by Cognition AI.⭐⭐

  • GTP Pilot - GPT Pilot is the core technology for the first real AI developer companion, aiming to write full features, debug them, and discuss issues⭐⭐

  • DeepSeek Coder - DeepSeek Coder is composed of code language models trained for coding capabilities, achieving state-of-the-art performance among open-source code models.⭐⭐

  • Databricks - DBRX is a mixture-of-experts (MoE) large language model trained from scratch by databricks⭐⭐

  • AutoGen Studio - AutoGen is a framework for developing LLM applications using multiple agents that converse to solve tasks. AutoGen agents are customizable, conversable, and allow human participation⭐

  • GTP-Engineer - GTP-Engineer lets you specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it⭐

  • Fabric - Fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts.

  • LLaVA - LLaVA is a Large Language and Vision Assistant with Visual Instruction Tuning, built towards GPT-4V level capabilities.

  • Aider - Aider is a command-line tool that edits code stored in your local Git repository. Aider directly edits the code and commits the changes with sensible messages.

  • Shell-AI - Shell-AI is a CLI utility that brings the power of natural language understanding to your command line. Simply input what you want to do, and shai will suggest commands to achieve your intent.

  • BotPress - BotPress is the standard developer stack to build, run, and improve conversational AI applications.

  • Local Perplexity AI - Perplexity-Inspired Answer Engine using Next.js, Groq, Mixtral, Langchain, OpenAI, Brave & Serper

  • LM Studio - LM Studio is not open-source but provides a free UI for running any open-source LLM locally, similar to Ollama.

2024 Recommended AI Tools

  • OpenAI Playground - GPT-4-0125-preview AI vision, agents with tools and file upload ⭐⭐⭐
  • GradIO App - Build and share ML prototypes easily! Create web apps with minimal lines of Python code.
  • Grammarly Grammar Checker - One of the best grammar checkers available online today, powered by machine learning algorithms.
  • ChatBase - Collect user feedback and monitor conversations across all channels. Improve customer satisfaction and engagement.
  • Prodigy - An annotation interface powered by active learning. Help train NLP models efficiently.
  • Haystack - End-to-end python library for building QA systems utilizing transformers and indexes.
  • LAION's Open Assistant - Open-source assistant based on GPT-4, allowing anyone to create their own AI assistant.
  • Flan-T5: Flan-T5 is Google’s unified transformer-based multilingual pretraining approach, which leads to better results than previous multilingual approaches.
  • Codex: A powerful generative AI model developed by Microsoft, especially useful for writing complete programs.
  • LAVIS: Latent Alignment via Variational Inference with Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning (LAViS), a self-supervised method for aligning latent spaces between modalities.
  • Coqui Text-To-Speech: State-of-the-art, real-time speech synthesis platform with support for English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Japanese and Arabic.
  • Awesome Text Summarization: Curated list of resources dedicated to text summarization.
  • FairScale: PyTorch extensions for high-performance Distributed Training.
  • LangFlow: Multi-language Conversational Platform for building Conversational Agents quickly.
  • ERNIE: ERNIE is a controllable pretrained language representation model, particularly suitable for understanding human language semantics.
  • BMFlow: BMFlow is a Bloomberg-backed toolkit designed to facilitate end-to-end deep learning workflows targeting computer vision, finance, recommendation systems, robotics and more.
  • MLflow: MLflow is an open source platform to manage the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle.
  • DeepSpeed Examples: Collection of DeepSpeed example configurations and microbenchmarks.
  • FastText: Library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification.
  • Spacy: Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python.
  • ParlAI: ParlAI is a framework for training and evaluating dialog agents in a variety of tasks such as chit-chat, question answering, conversation generation etc.

AI LLM Chatbots

Graphical AI's Visual Generators

AI Tools Plugins and addons

AI Prompts Engineering

New AI release Indexes

AI Text Generators (Articles,PDF,Presentations)