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SEIR model basics, assumptions, and interpretation

Supporting materials for NHSEI COVID-19 Data Analytics community mini-huddle on 10 June 2020

  • Slides including detailed references
  • Example basic and very stylised SEIR model for COVID-19 in Microsoft Excel

Further examples and tools

A general national UK-level model for C19 from LSHTM SAGE modellers by Davies N et al, LSHTM CMMID nCoV Working Group
COVID-19 Transmission App

Another alternative SEIR webapp with visual sliders by Gabriel Goh, Epidemic Calculator

An excellent example of an operational dashboard using SEIR dynamics that has been fit to real-time Trust & PHE data
from the East London Health & Care Partnership - WEL Financial Strategy Team,
"NEL COVID-19 Demand Modelling Dashboard"

Sub-national R0 estimates over time for the UK from Funk S et al, LSHTM CMMID nCoV Working Group, “Temporal variation in transmission during the COVID-19 outbreak – National and subnational estimates for the United Kingdom”

Various Python and R repositories exist for S(E)IR models
, including for the above examples, e.g.

Recommended reading to learn modelling

Emilia Vynnycky and Richard G White, An Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling

On COVID-19 modelling and epidemiology in general, my LSHTM colleagues in the Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (CMMID) nCoV working group have a fab repo of data visualisation and modelling web apps (using RShiny) and quick research reports as manuscripts are prepped for peer review. Check it out:

Many thanks to Jason Pickles and Sophie Hodges from NHSE/I for inviting and coordinating to the mini-huddle. Recording is on FutureNHS. All queries and corrections welcome to julia dot shen dot 1 at lshtm dot ac dot uk


Supporting materials for NHSEI mini huddle on 10 June







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