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Releases: 9001/copyparty

folder thumbs

12 Mar 19:33
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new features

  • folder thumbnails are indexed in the db
    • now supports non-lowercase names (Cover.jpg, Folder.JPG)
    • folders without a specific cover/folder image will show the first pic inside
  • when audio playback continues into an empty folder, keep trying for a bit
  • add no-index hints (google etc) in basic-browser HTML (?b, ?b=u)
  • commandline uploader supports long filenames on win7


  • rotated logfiles didn't get xz compressed
  • image-gallery links pointing to a deleted image shows an error instead of a crashpage

other changes

  • folder thumbnails have purple text to differentiate from files
  • copyparty32.exe starts 30% faster (but is 6% larger)

⚠️ not the latest version!

fix no-dedup + add up2k.exe

06 Mar 04:55
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new features

  • controlpanel-connect: add example for webdav automount


  • fix a race which, in worst case (but unlikely on linux), could cause data loss
    • could only happen if --no-dedup or volflag copydupes was set (not default)
    • if two identical files were uploaded at the same time, there was a small chance that one of the files would become empty
    • check if you were affected by doing a search for zero-byte files using either of the following:
    • let me know if you lost something important and had logging enabled!
  • ftp: mkdir can do multiple levels at once (support filezilla)
  • fix flickering toast on upload finish
  • [💤] (upload-baton) could disengage if chrome decides to pause the background tab for 10sec (which it sometimes does)

introducing up2k.exe

the commandline up2k upload / filesearch client, now as a standalone windows exe

  • based on python 3.7 so it runs on 32bit windows7 or anything newer
  • no https support (saves space + the python3.7 openssl is getting old)
  • built from b39ff92 so it can do long filepaths and mojibake

⚠️ not the latest version!

r 2 0 0

26 Feb 22:14
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two hundred releases wow

new features

  • more docker containers! now runs on x64, x32, aarch64, armhf, ppc64, s390x
    • pls let me know if you actually run copyparty on an IBM mainframe 👍
  • new event hook type xiu runs just once for all recent uploads
    • example hook generates sha512 checksum files
  • new arg --rsp-jtr simulates connection jitter
  • copyparty.exe integrity selftest
  • ux:
    • return to previous page after logging in
    • show a warning on the login page if you're not using https
    • freebsd: detect fetch and return the colorful sortable plaintext listing


  • permit replacing empty files only during a --blank-wt grace period
  • lifetimes: keep upload-time when a size/mtime change triggers a reindex
  • during cleanup after an unlink, never rmdir the entire volume
  • rescan button in the controlpanel required volumes to be e2ds
  • dupes could get indexed with the wrong mtime
    • only affected the search index; the filesystem got the right one
  • ux: search results could include the same hit twice in case of overlapping volumes
  • ux: upload UI would remain expanded permanently after visiting a huge tab
  • ftp: return proper error messages when client does something illegal
  • ie11: support the back button

other changes

  • copyparty.exe replaces copyparty64.exe -- now built for 64-bit windows 10
    • on win10 it just works -- on win8 it needs vc redist 2015 -- no win7 support
    • has the latest security patches, but is still better for long-term use
    • has pillow and mutagen; can make thumbnails and parse/index media
  • copyparty32.exe is the old win7-compatible, dangerously-insecure edition

⚠️ not the latest version!

windows smb fix + win10.exe

12 Feb 15:45
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  • windows-only: smb locations (network drives) could not be accessed
    • appeared in v1.6.4 while adding support for long filepaths (260chars+)

other changes

  • removed tentative support for compressed chiptunes (xmgz, xmz, xmj, ...) since FFmpeg usually doesn't

introducing copyparty640.exe

  • built for win10, comes with the latest python and deps (supports win8 with vc redist 2015)
  • much safer than the old win7-compatible copyparty.exe and copyparty64.exe
    • but only takes advantage of the operating system security patches
  • includes pillow for thumbnails and mutagen for media indexing
  • around 10% slower (trying to figure out what's up with that)

starting from the next release,

  • copyparty.exe (win7 x32) will become copyparty32.exe
  • copyparty640.exe (win10) will be the new copyparty.exe
  • copyparty64.exe (win7 x64) will graduate

so the copyparty64.exe in this release will be the "final" version able to run inside a 64bit Win7-era winPE (all regular 32/64-bit win7 editions can just use copyparty32.exe instead)

⚠️ not the latest version!


11 Feb 21:15
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new features

  • 🔧 new config syntax (#20)
    • the new syntax is still kinda esoteric and funky but it's an improvement
    • old config files are still supported
      • --vc prints the autoconverted config which you can copy back into the config file to upgrade
    • --vc will also annotate and explain the config files
    • new argument --cgen to generate config from commandline arguments
      • kinda buggy, especially the [global] section, so give it a lookover before saving it
  • 🎲 randomize filenames on upload
    • either optionally, using the 🎲 button in the up2k ui
    • or force-enabled; globally with --rand or per-volume with volflag rand
    • specify filename length with nrand (globally or volflag), default 9
  • 🔗 export a list of links to your recent uploads
    • copy links in the up2k tab (🚀) will copy links to all uploads since last page refresh,
    • copy in the unpost tab (🧯) will copy links to all your recent uploads (max 2000 files / 12 hours by default)
    • filekeys are included if that's enabled and you have access to view those (permissions G or r)
  • 🇦 arch package -- added in #18, thx @icxes
    • maybe in aur soon!
  • 🐳 docker containers -- 5 editions,
    • min (57 MiB), just copyparty without thumbnails or audio transcoding
    • im (70 MiB), thumbnails of popular image formats + media tags with mutagen
    • ac (163 MiB) 🥇 adds audio/video thumbnails + audio transcoding + better tags
    • iv (211 MiB), makes heif/avic/jxl faster to thumbnail
    • dj (309 MiB), adds optional detection of musical key / bpm
  • 🎶 chiptune player
    • transcodes mod/xm/s3m/it/mo3/mptm/mt2/okt to opus
    • uses FFmpeg (libopenmpt) so the accuracy is not perfect, but most files play OK enough
    • not yet supported in the docker container since Alpine's FFmpeg was built without libopenmpt
  • windows: support long filepaths (over 260 chars)
    • uses the //?/ winapi syntax to also support windows 7
  • --ver shows the server version on the control panel


  • markdown files didn't scale properly in the document browser
  • detect and refuse multiple volume definitions sharing the same filesystem path
  • don't return incomplete transcodes if multiple clients try to play the same flac file
  • prisonparty: more reliable chroot cleanup, sigusr1 for config reload
  • pypi packaging: compress web resources, include webdav.bat

⚠️ not the latest version!

sandbox k

31 Jan 22:10
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new features

  • dotfiles are hidden from search results by default
    • use --dotsrch or volflags dotsrch / nodotsrch to specify otherwise
    • they were already being excluded from tar/zip-files if -ed is not set, so this makes more sense -- dotfiles should now be undiscoverable unless -ed or --smb is set, but please use volumes for isolation / access-control instead, much safer


  • lots of cosmetic fixes for the new readme/prologue/epilogue sandbox
    • rushed it into the previous release when someone suggested it, bad idea
    • still flickers a bit (especially prologues), and hotkeys are blocked while the sandboxed document has focus
    • can be disabled with --no-sb-md --no-sb-lg (not recommended)
  • support webdav uploads from davfs2 (fix LOCK response)
  • always unlink files before overwriting them, in case they are hardlinks
    • was primarily an issue with --daw and webdav clients
  • on windows, replace characters in PUT filenames as necessary
  • prisonparty: support opus transcoding on debian
    • rm -rf .hist/ac to clear the transcode cache if the old version broke some songs

other changes

  • add rel="nofollow" to zip download links, basic-browser link

⚠️ not the latest version!

cors k

29 Jan 18:55
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Ellie Goulding - Stay Awake (kors k Hardcore Bootleg).mp3

breaking changes

but nothing is affected (that i know of):

  • all requests must pass cors validation
    • but they almost definitely did already
    • sharex and others are OK since they don't supply an Origin header
  • API calls ?delete and ?move are now POST instead of GET
    • not aware of any clients using these

known issues

  • the document sandbox is a bit laggy and sometimes eats hotkeys
    • disable it with --no-sb-md --no-sb-lg if you trust everyone who has write and/or move access

new features

  • event hooks -- run programs on new uploads, renames, deletes
  • configurable cors (cross-origin resource sharing) behavior; defaults are mostly same as before
    • --allow-csrf disables all csrf protections and makes it intentionally trivial to send authenticated requests from other domains
  • sandboxed / prologues / epilogues
    • documents can still run scripts like before, but can no longer tamper with the web-ui / read the login session, so the old advice of --no-readme and --no-logues is mostly deprecated
    • unfortunately disables hotkeys while the text has focus + blocks dragdropping files onto that area, oh well
  • password can be provided through http header PW: (instead of cookie cppwd or or url-param ?pw)
  • detect network changes (new NICs, IPs) and reconfigure / reannoucne zeroconf
    • fixes mdns when running as a systemd service and copyparty is started before networking is up
  • add --freebind to start listening on IPs before the NIC is up yet (linux-only)
  • per-volume deduplication-control with volflags hardlink, neversymlink, copydupes
  • detect curl and return a colorful, sortable plaintext directory listing instead
  • add optional powered-by-copyparty footnode on the controlpanel
    • can be disabled with -nb or redirected with --pb-url


  • change some API calls (?delete, ?move) from GET to POST
    • don't panic! this was safe against authenticated csrf thanks to SameSite=Lax
    • --getmod restores the GETs if you need the convenience and accept the risks
  • u2cli (command-line uploader):
    • recover from network hiccups
    • add -ns for slow uefi TTYs
  • separate login cookies for http / https
    • avoids an https login from getting accidentally sent over plaintext
    • sadly no longer possible to login with internet explorer 4.0 / windows 3.11
  • tar/zip-download of hidden folders
  • unpost filtering was buggy for non-ascii characters
  • moving a deduplicated file on a volume where deduplication was since disabled
  • improved the linux 6.0.16 kernel bug workaround because there is similar funk in 5.x
  • add custom text selection colors because chrome is currently broken on fedora
  • blockdevs (/dev/nvme0n1) couldn't be downloaded as files
  • misc fixes for location-based reverse-proxying
  • macos dualstack thing

other changes

many hands

12 Jan 06:12
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hello from warsaw airport (goodbye japan ;_;)

new features

  • multiple upload handshakes in parallel
    • around 5x faster when uploading small files
    • or 50x faster if the server is on the other side of the planet
      • just crank up the parallel uploads like crazy (max is 64)
  • upload ui: total time and average speed is shown on completion


  • browser ui didn't allow specifying number of threads for file search
  • dont panic if a digit key is pressed while viewing an image
  • workaround linux kernel bug causing log spam on dualstack
    • related issue (also mostly harmless) will be fixed next relese 0107706
      • they fixed it in linux 6.1 so these workarounds will be gone too

made in japan

30 Dec 14:35
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hello from tokyo

new features

  • image viewer now supports heif, avif, apng, svg
  • partyfuse and option to read password from textfile


  • thumbnailing could fail if a primitive build of libvips is installed
  • ssdp was wonky on dualstack ipv6
  • mdns could crash on networks with invalid routes
  • support fat32 timestamp precisions
    • fixes spurious file reindexing in volumes located on SD cards on android tablets which lie about timestamps until the next device reboot or filesystem remount

folder-sync + turbo-rust

13 Dec 21:10
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new features

  • one-way folder sync (client to server) using -z --dr
    • great rsync alternative when combined with -e2ds --hardlink deduplication on the server
  • 50x faster when uploading small files to HDD, especially SMR
    • by switching sqlite to WAL which carries a small chance of temporarily forgetting the ~200 most recent uploads if you have a power outage or your OS crashes; see --help-dbd if you have -mtp plugins which produces metadata you can't afford to lose
  • location-based reverse-proxying (but it's still recommended to use a dedicated domain/subdomain instead)
  • IPv6 link-local automatically enabled for TCP and zeroconf on NICs without a routable IPv6
  • zeroconf network filters now accept subnets too, for example --z-on
  • .hist folders are hidden on windows
  • ux:
    • more accurate total ETA on upload
    • sorting of batch-unpost links was unintuitive / dangerous
    • hotkey Y turns files into download links if nothing's selected
    • option to replace or disable the mediaplayer-toggle mouse cursor with --mpmc


  • WAL probably/hopefully fixes #10 (we'll know in 6 months roughly)
  • repair db inconsistencies (which can happen if terminated during startup)
  • davfs2 did not approve of the authentication prompt
  • the connect button on the control-panel didn't work on phones
  • couldn't specify windows NICs in arguments --z-on / --z-off and friends
  • ssdp xml escaping for --zsl URL
  • no longer possible to accidentally launch multiple copyparty instances on the same port on windows