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Toggle Group Controllers

Daniel Colina edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 14 revisions


Toggle group controllers are specialized entity controllers that control a ToggleGroup component and a group of toggle controllers.

Toggle group controllers are only able to control a group of toggle controllers of a specific type. This is by design; in essence they serve as a proxy for callbacks from a group of toggle controllers in addition to providing more control over the group.

The base implementation of a toggle group controller is the AToggleGroupController<TToggleGroupProperties, TToggleController, TToggleProperties>. It inherits from AEntityController<TEntityProperties>, and as such maintains all behaviour detailed in entity controllers.

AToggleGroupController<TToggleGroupProperties, TToggleController, TToggleProperties> has two type generic type constraints:

  • TToggleGroupProperties must implement IToggleGroupProperties<TToggleProperties>. This forces whatever properties the toggle group controller uses to return the properties of the toggle controllers it will control.

    public interface IToggleGroupProperties<TToggleProperties>
        List<TToggleProperties> GetToggleProperties();
  • TToggleController must inherit from AToggleController<TToggleProperties>.

AToggleGroupController<TToggleGroupProperties, TToggleController, TToggleProperties> exposes a few methods that sub-classes can override:

  • abstract InitializeToggle(TToggleController toggle): Handler to initialize the given `toggle. Usually, this can be used to set the name of the toggle or any other custom behaviour as the toggle is instantiated.
  • virtual Toggle_ValueChanged(TToggleController toggle, bool value): Handler for when a controlled toggle's value is changed.


For an example, see the ExampleToggleGroupController that controls a group of ExampleToggleController below:

Example Toggle Controller

// This is an simple toggle controller that stores an integer as its properties.
public class ExampleToggleController : AToggleController<int> {}

Example Toggle Group Controller

// Make sure your custom properties implements IToggleGroupProperties<TToggleGroupProperties>,
// passing the type of properties of the toggle controller this group will control to it.
public class ExampleToggleGroupProperties : IToggleGroupProperties<int>
    public List<int> values;

    public List<int> GetToggleProperties()
        // Because this method is part of the IToggleGroupProperties<TToggleProperties>
        // interface, each custom toggle group properties must implement it.
        // Essentially, this method creates and returns the properties of the
        // toggles this toggle group will control.
        return values;

public class ExampleToggleGroupController : AToggleGroupController<ExampleToggleGroupProperties, ExampleToggleController, int>
    protected override InitializeToggle(ExampleToggleController toggle)
        // Handle initializing the given toggle here. This can include
        // naming its GameObject, coupling specific components on it
        // to this toggle group, etc. = $"[ExampleToggle] {toggle.Properties}";

    protected override void Toggle_ValueChanged(ExampleToggleController toggle, bool value)
        base.Toggle_ValueChanged(toggle, value);
        // Handle backend behaviour that occur when a controlled
        // toggle is toggled on or off here. You can think of this
        // as a aggregate of toggles; if a value is changed on
        // the group, and then all toggles are off, then no toggles are
        // on, and vice versa.
        if (ToggleGroup.AnyTogglesOn())
            Debug.Log("One toggle is on!");
            Debug.Log("All toggles are off!");