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90am committed Jun 13, 2019
1 parent eb966be commit 9a663b2
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Showing 17 changed files with 12,031 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
<div class="section collapsed section-hidden" data-id="NPHH9sxk" name="Vistrate Components Canvas" data-type="package"><div class="paragraph body-paragraph collapsed" name="Documentation" data-id="Xh5Wuz8t" style=""><div data-type="content" type="text/html" codemirror="true" contenteditable="true" class="section-documentation"><h2>Description</h2><div>The Components Container package integrates with Vistrate and allows arrange component views on a 2D canvas. The 2D canvas also allows for drawings.</div></div></div><div class="paragraph data-paragraph locked collapsed" name="Properties" data-id="kNiGcjkY" style=""><pre data-type="content" type="application/json" class="section-properties" contenteditable="false">{
"version": "0.2.18",
"icon": "view_compact",
"description": "Vistrate components container to arrange component views on a 2D canvas.",
"tags": [
"assets": [
"dependencies": [
"id": "kTKppb2i",
"name": "Vistrate",
"optional": false,
"usage": "The components canvas only works together with the Vistrate package."
"id": "Kw6McUkB",
"name": "Canvas",
"optional": true,
"usage": "The components canvas allows for drawings, but only works if the canvas package is installed."
"id": "VxDJJKw9",
"name": "Canvas Objects",
"optional": true,
"usage": "The Canvas Objects allows for to add componets to the canvas."
"changelog": {
"0.1": "Initial version.",
"0.1.1": "Added optional dependency to Canvas package.",
"0.1.2": "Added context menu paragraphs (temporary, will move to Codestrates)",
"0.1.3": "Fixed bug that didn't populate the component containers on page load.",
"0.1.4": "Fixed style of context menu",
"0.1.5": "Wrapped components in context menu in sub menu",
"0.1.6": "Added support for touch in context menu",
"0.1.7": "Added canvas lock/unlock option to context menu",
"0.1.8": "Locks are now per canvas and the setting persists after page reload",
"0.1.9": "Updated context menu including z-index",
"0.1.10": "Reworked the Vistrate Component Canvas to work with a regular canvas, and added the option to add text and other assets.",
"0.2": "Removed context menu section, which was now integrated into Codestrates prototype.",
"0.2.1": "Removed old code paragraphs and styles",
"0.2.2": "Added dependency to Canvas Objects",
"0.2.3": "Refactored context menu",
"0.2.4": "Adapted to changes in context menu",
"0.2.5": "Added grid view style and option to context menu to enable grid view.",
"0.2.6": "Removed background and min-height for grid view.",
"0.2.7": "Added options to move grid items forward/backward.",
"0.2.8": "Add drag and drop for canvas objects in grid view.",
"0.2.9": "Adapted grid view CSS to make it work with Presentation package.",
"0.2.10": "Drag and drop of grid canvas objects works in Presentation package.",
"0.2.11": "Giving the Vistrate controller ample time to render the component before taking it out of its default view and adding it to the canvas.",
"0.2.12": "Fixed issue that did not put back the view component to the viscontroller view when removing component from the canvas.",
"0.2.13": "Removed console.log.",
"0.2.14": "Matching Clemens' amazing view.moveTo and view.moveBack API ;).",
"0.2.15": "Only showing components in the context menu that are in section, which are not hidden.",
"0.2.16": "Always show pipeline component in canvas context menu.",
"0.2.17": "Fixed size for canvas object (720x480px).",
"0.2.18": "Undone 0.2.16 due to rework of pipeline view."
"github": {
"url": "",
"folder": "Presentation/NPHH9sxk-VistrateComponentsCanvas"
}</pre></div><div class="paragraph code-paragraph collapsed" data-id="yFHgdU6e" run-on-load="true" last-execution-state="success" name="Add Components Sub Items to Canvas Context Menu"><pre data-type="content" type="text/javascript">const CanvasContextMenu = require('#canvas-context-menu');
const CanvasObjectUtils = require('#canvas-object-utils');

// component views sub menu
type: "item",
label: "Components",
icon: "label",
items: () =&gt; {
// only get controllers with a view,
return Object.values(Vistrate.outputs)
.filter((controller) =&gt; {

// // This is a workaround to show pipeline on canvas even if pipeline view
// // section is collapsed
// if ( === "pipeline") {
// return true;
// }

// only show component views from sections that are visible
const section = controller.paragraph.closest('.section');
if (section.classList.contains("section-hidden")) return false;
return !!controller.view;
.map((controller) =&gt; {
return {
type: "item",
label: controller.friendlyName,
icon: "fiber_manual_record",
action: (event) =&gt; {
let canvasObject =`[data-ref="${}"]`);
if (canvasObject) {
} else {
const canvasObject = CanvasObjectUtils.createCanvasObject(event.x, event.y); = '720px'; = '480px';
canvasObject.dataset.ref =;;

type: "item",
label: (event) =&gt; {
const canvas ='.paragraph .canvas');
return canvas.classList.contains("grid") ? "Grid off" : "Grid on";
icon: (event) =&gt; {
const canvas ='.paragraph .canvas');
return canvas.classList.contains("grid") ? "grid_off" : "grid_on";
action: (event) =&gt; {
const canvas ='.paragraph .canvas');

if (canvas.classList.toggle("grid")) {
// const allCanvasObjects = Array.from(content.querySelectorAll('.canvas-object'));
// const filteredCanvasObjects = allCanvasObjects.filter((object) =&gt; !;
// filteredCanvasObjects.forEach((object, idx) =&gt; {
// = allCanvasObjects.length - filteredCanvasObjects.length + idx;
// });

// // grid context menu items
// CanvasContextMenu.addItem({
// type: "item",
// label: "Grid",
// icon: "grid_on",
// items: [{
// type: "item",
// label: (event) =&gt; {
// const content ='.paragraph [data-type="content"]');
// return content.classList.contains("grid") ? "Grid off" : "Grid on";
// },
// icon: (event) =&gt; {
// const content ='.paragraph [data-type="content"]');
// return content.classList.contains("grid") ? "grid_off" : "grid_on";
// },
// action: (event) =&gt; {
// const content ='.paragraph [data-type="content"]');

// if (content.classList.toggle("grid")) {
// // const allCanvasObjects = Array.from(content.querySelectorAll('.canvas-object'));
// // const filteredCanvasObjects = allCanvasObjects.filter((object) =&gt; !;
// // filteredCanvasObjects.forEach((object, idx) =&gt; {
// // = allCanvasObjects.length - filteredCanvasObjects.length + idx;
// // });
// }
// }
// }, {
// type: "item",
// label: "Move backward",
// icon: "arrow_upward",
// action: (event) =&gt; {
// const canvas ='.paragraph [data-type="content"]');

// const canvasObject ='.canvas-object');
// if (canvasObject) {

// let order =;

// const allCanvasObjects = Array.from(canvas.querySelectorAll('.canvas-object'));
// const filteredCanvasObjects = allCanvasObjects.filter((object) =&gt; ( &lt; order);
// filteredCanvasObjects.sort((a, b) =&gt; &gt;;

// let siblingCanvasObject = filteredCanvasObjects[filteredCanvasObjects.length - 1];
// if (siblingCanvasObject) {
// let tmpOrder =;
// =;
// = tmpOrder;
// }
// }
// }
// }, {
// type: "item",
// label: "Move forward",
// icon: "arrow_downward",
// action: (event) =&gt; {
// const canvas ='.paragraph [data-type="content"]');

// const canvasObject ='.canvas-object');
// if (canvasObject) {

// let order =;

// const allCanvasObjects = Array.from(canvas.querySelectorAll('.canvas-object'));
// const filteredCanvasObjects = allCanvasObjects.filter((object) =&gt; ( &gt; order);
// filteredCanvasObjects.sort((a, b) =&gt; &gt;;

// let siblingCanvasObject = filteredCanvasObjects[0];
// if (siblingCanvasObject) {
// let tmpOrder =;
// =;
// = tmpOrder;
// }
// }
// }
// }]
// });</pre></div><div class="paragraph code-paragraph collapsed" data-id="f7u2dUBD" run-on-load="true" last-execution-state="success" name="Live Selector to Add Components to Containers" style=""><pre data-type="content" type="text/javascript"> const watchCanvasesForComponentContainers = () =&gt; {

const liveSelector = document.liveQuerySelectorAll('.canvas');
liveSelector.added((canvas) =&gt; {

const canvasObjectSelector = canvas.liveQuerySelectorAll('.canvas-object');
canvasObjectSelector.added((canvasObject) =&gt; {
// window.console.log('added', canvasObject.dataset.ref);

// check if canvas object has a data-ref attribute

const refId = canvasObject.dataset.ref;
if (refId) {
const component = Vistrate.getOutput(refId);
canvasObjectSelector.removed((canvasObject) =&gt; {
// window.console.log('removed', canvasObject.dataset.ref);

const refId = canvasObject.dataset.ref;
if (refId) {
const component = Vistrate.getOutput(refId);
// putting the component view back to where it came from

Codestrate.addEventListener("loaded", function onLoaded() {
Codestrate.removeEventListener("loaded", onLoaded);
setTimeout(() =&gt; {
}, 0);
});</pre></div><div class="paragraph code-paragraph collapsed" data-id="NsymcJdM" last-execution-state="success" run-on-load="true" draggable="false" style="" name="Drag and Drop in Grid"><pre data-type="content" type="text/javascript">const EventUtils = require('#event-utils');

const sortable = (canvas) =&gt; {

let dragEl;

const onDragOver = EventUtils.throttle((event) =&gt; {
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';

var target ='.canvas-object');
if (target &amp;&amp; target !== dragEl) {
//getBoundinClientRect contains location-info about the element (relative to the viewport)
let targetPos = target.getBoundingClientRect();

//checking that dragEl is dragged over half the target y-axis or x-axis. (therefor the .5)
let relY = (event.clientY - / targetPos.height;
let relX = (event.clientX - targetPos.left) / targetPos.width;
let next = relX &gt; 0.5; // || relY &gt; 0.5;

canvas.insertBefore(dragEl, next ? target.nextElementSibling : target);
}, 250);

const onDragEnd = (event) =&gt; {

canvas.removeEventListener("dragover", onDragOver, true);
canvas.removeEventListener("dragend", onDragEnd, true);

const onDragStart = (event) =&gt; {
dragEl ='.canvas-object');

event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
event.dataTransfer.setData('Text', dragEl.textContent);

canvas.addEventListener("dragover", onDragOver, true);
canvas.addEventListener("dragend", onDragEnd, true);

setTimeout(() =&gt; {
}, 0);

canvas.addEventListener("dragstart", onDragStart, true);

return {
destroy: () =&gt; {
canvas.removeEventListener("dragstart", onDragStart, true);
canvas.removeEventListener("dragover", onDragOver, true);
canvas.removeEventListener("dragend", onDragEnd, true);

const liveSelector = document.liveQuerySelectorAll('.body-paragraph .canvas');
liveSelector.added((canvas) =&gt; {

canvas.liveAttribute("class").changed((value) =&gt; {

if (canvas.__gridSortable) {
delete canvas.__gridSortable;

if (canvas.matches('.canvas.grid')) {
canvas.__gridSortable = sortable(canvas);
});</pre></div><div class="paragraph style-paragraph collapsed" data-id="xkGewi7k" name="Grid Style" style=""><style data-type="content" type="text/css" codemirror="true">.canvas.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr));
grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr));
/* grid-gap: 50px; */
/* grid-auto-flow: dense; */

justify-items: center;
align-items: center;

/* Needed to disable transformer style */
.canvas.grid .canvas-object {
position: static !important;
transform: none !important;

border: 1px dashed lightgray;
-webkit-user-drag: element !important;
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions InsideInsights/3_NPHH9sxk-Vistrate_Components_Canvas/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<h2>Description</h2><p>The Components Container package integrates with Vistrate and allows arrange component views on a 2D canvas. The 2D canvas also allows for drawings.</p>

# Properties

| Property | Value |
| :--- | :--- |
| Name | Vistrate Components Canvas |
| ID | NPHH9sxk |
| Version | 0.2.18 |
| Description | Vistrate components container to arrange component views on a 2D canvas. |
| Tags | `Vistrate, 2D, canvas, drawing` |
| Assets | `hammer.min.js, transformer.min.js` |
| Dependencies | `[{"id":"kTKppb2i","name":"Vistrate","optional":false,"usage":"The components canvas only works together with the Vistrate package."},{"id":"Kw6McUkB","name":"Canvas","optional":true,"usage":"The components canvas allows for drawings, but only works if the canvas package is installed."},{"id":"VxDJJKw9","name":"Canvas Objects","optional":true,"usage":"The Canvas Objects allows for to add componets to the canvas."}]` |
| Changelog | `{"0.1":"Initial version.","0.1.1":"Added optional dependency to Canvas package.","0.1.2":"Added context menu paragraphs (temporary, will move to Codestrates)","0.1.3":"Fixed bug that didn't populate the component containers on page load.","0.1.4":"Fixed style of context menu","0.1.5":"Wrapped components in context menu in sub menu","0.1.6":"Added support for touch in context menu","0.1.7":"Added canvas lock/unlock option to context menu","0.1.8":"Locks are now per canvas and the setting persists after page reload","0.1.9":"Updated context menu including z-index","0.1.10":"Reworked the Vistrate Component Canvas to work with a regular canvas, and added the option to add text and other assets.","0.2":"Removed context menu section, which was now integrated into Codestrates prototype.","0.2.1":"Removed old code paragraphs and styles","0.2.2":"Added dependency to Canvas Objects","0.2.3":"Refactored context menu","0.2.4":"Adapted to changes in context menu","0.2.5":"Added grid view style and option to context menu to enable grid view.","0.2.6":"Removed background and min-height for grid view.","0.2.7":"Added options to move grid items forward/backward.","0.2.8":"Add drag and drop for canvas objects in grid view.","0.2.9":"Adapted grid view CSS to make it work with Presentation package.","0.2.10":"Drag and drop of grid canvas objects works in Presentation package.","0.2.11":"Giving the Vistrate controller ample time to render the component before taking it out of its default view and adding it to the canvas.","0.2.12":"Fixed issue that did not put back the view component to the viscontroller view when removing component from the canvas.","0.2.13":"Removed console.log.","0.2.14":"Matching Clemens' amazing view.moveTo and view.moveBack API ;).","0.2.15":"Only showing components in the context menu that are in section, which are not hidden.","0.2.16":"Always show pipeline component in canvas context menu.","0.2.17":"Fixed size for canvas object (720x480px).","0.2.18":"Undone 0.2.16 due to rework of pipeline view."}` |

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions InsideInsights/4_g5nny5g7-States_and_Annotations/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<h2>States and Annotations<br></h2><p>Methods for saving and retrieving annotations related to component states.&nbsp;</p><p>Require "#stateManagement" which exposes the methods <i>save_annotation(id, text), restore(id, state_id), get_annotations(id),&nbsp;</i><i style="color: var(--color-secondary-text); font-family: var(--font-secondary); font-size: 1rem; background-color: var(--color-primary-shade-2);">get_annotation(id)</i><i style="color: var(--color-secondary-text); font-family: var(--font-secondary); font-size: 1rem; background-color: var(--color-primary-shade-2);">, get_stateid(id, text) and reset()</i><span style="color: var(--color-secondary-text); font-family: var(--font-secondary); font-size: 1rem; background-color: var(--color-primary-shade-2);">.</span></p>

# Properties

| Property | Value |
| :--- | :--- |
| Name | States and Annotations |
| ID | g5nny5g7 |
| Version | 0.6 |
| Description | States and annotations. |
| Tags | - |
| Assets | - |
| Dependencies | `[{"id":"kTKppb2i","name":"Vistrate","optional":false}]` |
| Changelog | `{"0.1":"Initial version.","0.2":"Added function to get a single annotation","0.3":"Also checking parent states when getting annotation","0.4":"Bug fixes","0.5":"More Bugs","0.6":"Removed stored data"}` |

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