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Servlet 3.0 wrapper for WAsys_pojo_http_data lib

Repo Social Media Img
Diagram 0: Repo Social Media Img

Revision History

Latest: v0.4.1 (Apr 19, 2021)
Please refer to file


  1. A HTTP server that supports Servlet 3.0 (e.g. Apache Tomcat, Jetty, etc..)
  2. WAsys_pojo_http_data Library
  3. WAsys_Java_type_util Library
  4. WAsys_simple_generic_object_pool Library

Who is Supposed To Use It?

If you wish to perform some "HTTP Parameter to POJO" in Servlet level env, so this lib may help.

Sample Usage

Please check WAsys_pojo_http_data_servlet3_wrapper_test repo that contains some sample usage about utilizing the lib.


This library is a wrapper, between a concreted Servlet 3.0 Engine, and required HTTP Server Component module in WAsys_pojo_http_data lib.

It simply implements(completes) the support for HTTP to POJO for Servlet 3.0 API.

Considering following abstracted composition diagram, that gives a fast vision of related componenets, and this lib.

Abstract Composite Structure Diagram
Diagram 1: Abstract Composite Structure Diagram

Maven Repository

This lib now is available from central maven repository(thanks sonatype, and apache)

Add following dependency to your pom.xml maven conf file


Not a maven project? Not a problem this lib could be build using ant too.
Besides that artifacts could be grabed from central maven repository.

Composition Structure

Considering the more detailed composite structure diagram.

Composition Structure Diagram
Diagram 2: Composite Structure Diagram


Overview: Servlet 3.0 Wrapper component, implements Request_Data_Handler, which is a requirement for POJO HTTP Data module. User Component Asks initialize/utilize the Servlet 3.0 Wrapper(Servlet_Request_Data_Handler) to ask its Fillable_Objects filled.

HTTP Server Component

This refers to the engine that implements the Servlet 3.0(JEE) API spec, this could be Apache Tomcat or whatever as far as implements the Servlet 3.0 API correctly.


This componenet is used for getting some config about internal/default Object_Pool initialization that Servlet 3.0 Wrapper may requires, such as pool initialize size, max and full policy. (please refer to repo WAsys_simple_generic_object_pool for more detailed info)

User Component

The componenet where end-user/dev sits, as user defines its POJOs(Fillable_Objects), and asks this lib to its POJOs get filled.

Please mind that User Component should not be run on a JEE/Servlet enviroment essentially, where for instance assuming a serverless(higher-level) of business, that depends on a WAsys_pojo_http_data for good.

Note: for missed componenet explination, please refer to WAsys_pojo_http_data repo

Class Diagram

Class Diagram
Diagram 3: Class Diagram


The type that implements Poolable_Request_Data_Handler_Adapter(which is an addapter of type Request_Data_Handler).

This type is a Poolable_Object too, and has a builtin private-dedicated Object_Factory, and a reference to an Object_Pool instance as home/pool of the type.

Filling Method

Filling is done by default POJO filler Generic_Object_Filler which is part of WAsys_pojo_http_data dependent project.

The actual method fill_object(:Fillable_Object):void has a default definition from in parent type Request_Data_Handler_Adapter as calls the default filler object, and this method is not overriden by Servlet_Request_Data_Handler/this-repo.

Please refer to WAsys_pojo_http_data for more detailed info about POJO filling policy.

Utilizing The Lib

Class Servlet_Request_Data_Handler could be grabbed as a standalone-classic instance using new, or from its internal pool, as a Poolable_Object instance, that is a AutoClosable too, and could be used in a try-with-resource block.

Getting A Servlet_Request_Data_Handler

Considerring following ways are provided for utilizing Servlet_Request_Data_Handler

A Pooled(Poolable_Object) Instance Using new_pooled_instance()

Static method new_pooled_instance returns a pooled instance from the internal Object_Pool instance. This method may throws a NullPointerException when the internal pool has not been initialized yet by calling init_default_pool() method.

Step 0: Initializing The Internal Pool

Calling init_default_pool() once is required in order to initializing the internal Object_Pool for Servlet_Request_Data_Handler type.

One recommendation is using the default ServletContextListener implemented type Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_Servlet_Ctx_Listener, by referencing it as a servlet context listener int web descriptor file(web.xml).


Class Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_Servlet_Ctx_Listener simply calls static init_default_pool(), and shutdown_default_pool() methods from type Servlet_Request_Data_Handler, when servlet context is about init or destroy state. So those methods would be called somewhere else as user.

Step 1: Grab A Poolable_Object

Using static method new_pooled_instance(:HttpServletRequest):Servlet_Request_Data_Handler that first it asks the intarnal Object_Pool for a Servlet_Request_Data_Handler instance, and then sets the given servlet request object to it.

As mentioned Servlet_Request_Data_Handler is a AutoClosable too, so this is recommended to use by a try-with-resources block, considering following example.

HttpServletRequest _serv_req;//
My_Fillable_Entity _ent = new My_Fillable_Entity();
try(Servlet_Request_Data_Handler _srdh = Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.new_pooled_instance(_serv_req)){
//Using the _srdh

}//_srdh will be closed(back-to-pool) automatically

Note: make sure any pooled Servlet_Request_Data_Handler instance is taken from new_pooled_instance() method will be closed(no matter using a try-with-resource, or manually by calling the close()), or inconsistency will be for your env.

Standalone (Non-Pooled) Instance

In this way, simply using the public constructor that takes the related servlet request entry, and it's done. Considerring following example.

HttpServletRequest _serv_req;//
My_Fillable_Entity _ent = new My_Fillable_Entity();
Servlet_Request_Data_Handler _srdh = new Servlet_Request_Data_Handler(_serv_req);
//Using the _srdh
//no need for closing _srdh

Fast And Easy Filalble_Object Filling Using Static fill()/fill_all() Methods


Static method fill() grabs an instance from internal pool, and attempts to fill the given Fillable_Object using HttpServletRequest arg.

This is a very fast and safe way, since it closes the grabbed pooled Servlet_Request_Data_Handler once the fill is finished.

Note: the internal pool MUST be initialized before any call to fill() is appreciated, or there will be some NullPointerExceptions

The return type is always the same input A:Fillable_Object argument for fill() method. Actually this method is supposed to be void. The reason it returns the same input arg is make it easier use of try-with-resources where the given A:Fillable_Object is a AutoClosable too(such as Poolable_Object)

Considering following example

HttpServletRequest _serv_req;//
My_Fillable_Entity0 _ent0 = new My_Fillable_Entity0();
//OR maybe something like
try(My_Fillable_Entity1 _ent1 = Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.fill(_serv_req,new My_Fillable_Entity1());){

}//closing the _ent1


Unlike the fill() method, this method is a void, and it tries to fill up all given Fillable_Objects with associated HttpServletRequest. Please mind just like fill() method, the internal pool MUST be already initialized in order to call this method.

Considering following example

HttpServletRequest _serv_req;//
My_Fillable_Entity0 _ent0 = new My_Fillable_Entity0();
My_Fillable_Entity1 _ent1 = new My_Fillable_Entity1();
My_Fillable_Entity2 _ent2 = new My_Fillable_Entity2();

Servlet_Request_Data_Handler Internal Pool Initializing

Internal pool initializing for type Servlet_Request_Data_Handler is done by calling the static init_default_pool() method, which as mentioned, it's better to be called by a servlet context listener (as default Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_Servlet_Ctx_Listener to be added to web descriptor web.xml file).

During the initialization, Servlet_Request_Data_Handler asks the JNDI to grab some env parameters are requried for initializing the internal pool, these values as explained as following list

  1. A String value with key Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_INIT_LEN, that holds the pool initial value.
  2. A String value with key Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_MAX_LEN, that holds the pool maximum allowed holding instances.
  3. A String value with key Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_FULL_POL, that points out to a const of Full_Pool_Object_Creation_Policy enum (case-sensitive).

Note: any invalid or missed value will causing using defined values/state from Generic_Object_Pool_Policy.DEF_INS.

Here is one way to customizing/providing a non-default data for internal pool policy data, using web descriptor web.xml

<web-app ...>
    <!-- -1 to specify using the default pool value, probably 0 -->
    <!-- values should be one of wasys.lib.generic_object_pool.Full_Pool_Object_Creation_Policy enum consts -->

HINT: This is highly recommended to sync the value of Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_MAX_LEN with server's HTTP connection pool config, for maximum performance, and minimum incosnsitency.


T0: Calling Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.init_default_pool() prints some exception on STDOUT

  • Invalid integer values for Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_INIT_LEN or Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_MAX_LEN JNDI keys
  • Invalid value for Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_FULL_POL key, which is supposed to be one of the const of Full_Pool_Object_Creation_Policy enum type
  • Invalid values for Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_INIT_LEN or Servlet_Request_Data_Handler_POOL_MAX_LEN that violets creation of a Generic_Object_Pool_Policy (e.g. max is less than init size)

T1: Calling static Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.fill() or Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.fill_all() method throws NullPointerException
This is probably because non-initialized internal pool yet, make sure internal pool has been initialized(only once) using init_default_pool() method

T2: Calling static Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.new_pooled_instance() method throws NullPointerException
Same as T1 above, make sure internal pool is initialized

T3: Thread lock on calling Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.new_pooled_instance() or Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.fill()
One reason could be becasue of the internal pool, that has initialized with Full_Pool_Object_Creation_Policy.Wait_Till_One_Free, and there is no any pooled instance ready to be provide, eitehr because of a bad conf for initialization, or previously instances by Servlet_Request_Data_Handler.new_pooled_instance() are still in used, or has been forgotten to get free.

T4: IllegalStateException for filling a Fillable_Object
This is probably because of a streamable field in related POJO(Fillable_Object). Make sure your HttpServlet has annotated with MultipartConfig


  • Wrapper for pre Servlet 3.0 spec (maybe, just maybe, using Apache Commons for multipart processing)


Servlet 3.0 wrapper for WAsys_pojo_http_data lib



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