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FastCampus iOS School

기간 : 2019.03.04 ~ 2019.08.24

Week Date Class 수업자료 과제
Week 1 - -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
1 - 1 190304 OT - -
1 - 2 190305 [컴퓨터개론] 컴퓨터개론
1 - 3 190306 [자습] - -
1 - 4 190307 [Git] Git -
1 - 5 190308 [사전테스트] 사전테스트 -
Week 2 - -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
2 - 1 190311 basicGrammer xcode 과제
2 - 2 190312 조건문,반복문,튜플 조건문,반복문,튜플 과제
2 - 3 190313 [자습] - -
2 - 4 190314 Enum & Collection Enum & Collection 과제
2 - 5 190315 Closure & Optional Closure & Optional 과제
Week 3 - -------------------------- -------------------------- ----
3 - 1 190318 [자습] - -
3 - 2 190319 [객체지향(OOP)] - 과제
3 - 3 190320 [자습] - -
3 - 4 190321 [AccessControl&객체지향] - 과제
3 - 5 190322 [AppLifeCycle] App Life Cycle 과제
Week 4 --------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ----
4 - 1 190325 [UIGuide&AlertActive] UIGuide,AlertActive UIGuide, AlertActive
4 - 2 190326 [UiViewController&TextField] UIViewController TextField, UiViewController
4 - 3 190327 자습 - -
4 - 4 190328 자습 - -
4 - 5 190329 1차시험 - 1차시험문제
기타 강의 190330 특강 UI&UX,개발가이드 -
5 - 1 190401 1차 시험 복습 - 1차시험답안
5 - 2 190402 [타입캐스팅&storyboardSegue] 타입캐스팅&storyboardSegue] 타입캐스팅 , storyboardSegue과제
5 - 3 190403 [Git] Git 특강 -
5 - 4 190404 [UserDefaults&singleton&delegate] UserDefaults&singleton&delegate 과제1, 과제2
6 - 1 190408 [자습] [자습] -
6 - 2 190409 [AutoLayout] AutoLayout AutoLayout, BogusAlertController
6 - 3 190410 [특강] Delegate&Singleton -
6 - 4 190411 ScrollView ScrollView 생성자, ScrollView
6 - 5 190412 [UITableView] UITableView 과제1, 과제2
7 - 1 190415 [UITableView] UITableView Shopping, TableViewPractice


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