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Variant Calling using GATK

To Determine the SNPs and indels in two paired end samples

Setting up the environment and data preparation

I setup an AWS EC2 instance and created a conda environment to install all the required tools to build the pipeline.

conda create --name var_call
conda activate var_call
conda install -c bioconda fastqc
conda install -c bioconda bwa
conda install -c bioconda samtools openssl=1.0
conda install -c bioconda picard
conda install -c bioconda bcftools
conda install -c bioconda tabix

I used "Filezilla" to transfer the files from my local repository to AWS. I setup the directories as follows:

mkdir data
mkdir output
mkdir scripts
mkdir reference

The two paired end raw sequences data were placed in the directory "data" and the reference genome was placed in the directory "reference" as ref.fa.gz.

Quality Check of the raw fastq data using fastqc

I did a quality check of all the raw sequencing data using fastqc. The results showed that all the sequences were of good quality therefore I did not process it further (scripts/

Aligning the reads to reference genome and preparing files for analysis

I created the index file for the reference genome using bwa

bwa index ref.fasta.gz

I mapped the paired end raw sequence data to the reference genome using bwa. The output after performing the alignment are samfiles (./scripts/

I used samtools to convert the obtained samfiles into bamfiles and then sorting the bamfiles (./scripts/

The next step is to locate and tag duplicate reads in the BAM file and sort them using Picard. I indexed the final bam file using samtools (./scripts/

Variant Calling Using gatk

The next step is Variant Calling using gatk. This tool has specific requirements for the reference file - it needs to be indexed and need a sequence dictionary.

samtools faidx ref.fasta
picard CreateSequenceDictionary R=ref.fasta O=ref.dict

Once the reference genome is ready, I used a gatk docker container (./scripts/ to run the gatk tool. I used gatk HaplotypeCaller to call the snps and variants (./scripts/

I combined all the vcf files obtained from variant calling to create a merged vcf file (./scripts/

Filtering the variants to obtain the SNPs and Indels

For filtering the variants, I first separated the SNPs and Indels followed by hard filtering steps. The final SNPs and indels are then extracted to form a table which can be used for further analysis (./scripts/ and ./scripts/ The SNP table can be found under output/SNP/snp_table.tsv and the indels table can be found under output/indel/indel_table.tsv

Visualization of the variants

The variants can be visualized using common tools like the IGV. The next step is to prepare the vcf files to for visualization using bcftools and tabix (./scripts/ and ./scripts/

Once these files are ready, we can visualize the files using IGV software as follows by choosing the appropriate reference file and uploading the vcf file.


To determine the SNPs and indels in given samples using gatk






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