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Oliver Steffen edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 6 revisions

The main program Ant (inside the build/bin folder) runs physics classes and typically creates ROOT histograms, trees and canvases (if run interactively). Some typical usage examples are given below. Refer to Ant --help to see all possible command line options.

Basic Invocation

To run a physics class, for example the one from the tutorial called Tutorial on a experimental data file (CBTaggTAPS_6399.dat.xz) and save the output into a root file (6399.root) run this:

Ant -i CBTaggTAPS_6399.dat.xz -p Tutorial -o 6399.root

You can specify several physics classes to run at the same time by supplying multiple -p arguments. After Ant finishes it drops into a ROOT shell and you can start exploring the output that was created. The physics class(es) may open a canvas windows to present some results at this point. To exit directly without going to the ROOT shell and not showing any windows you can add the --batch option to the Ant command.

If you do not specify an output file all objects will be created in the ROOT memory which can be accessed from the interactive shell via the TBrowser.

Multiple input files

Note that it is not possible to give multiple input files to Ant for sequential processing. If you want process a set of files you can either run Ant on each file individually and merge/sum up the output afterwards, for example by using Ant-hadd (a more intelligent version of ROOT's hadd program). This gives you the possibility to process multiple files in parallel.

In case your input data is stored in ROOT TTrees, you can use Ant-chain to create a file that contains a TChain, linking all input files together. Then run Ant on that file.

Analyzing Monte Carlo data

In case of Monte Carlo data Ant cannot deduce which experiment configuration to use. This has to be specified by the user with the --setup option on the command line. For example:

Ant -i geant_mc.root -p Tutorial -s Setup_2014_10_EPT_Prod -o output_mc.root

To pass the MCTrue information from Pluto alongside with the geant4 files, specify a second -i option. All files specified this way will be read in parallel and merged event by event.

Ant -i geant_mc.root -i pluto_mc.root -p Tutorial -s Setup_2014_10_EPT_Prod -o output_mc.root
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