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6 Troubleshooting

Theodoor edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 10 revisions

This page in intended to present possible hints and/or solutions for solving general problems with using AndroidAPS-Omnipod.

Build error: file name too long

While trying to build I get an error stating the file name is too long. Possible solutions:

  • Move your sources to a directory closer to the root directory of your drive (e.g. "c:\src\AndroidAPS-EROS")

From Android Studio:

  • Make sure "Gradle" is done syncing and indexing after opening the project and pulling from GitHub
  • Execute a Build->Clean Project before doing a Rebuild Project

Can not select Omnipod for pump

AndroidAPS is not running in "developer mode" (see below)

Alert: Running dev version. Closed loop is disabled

AndroidAPS is not running in "developer mode".

AAPS shows the following message: "running dev version. Closed loop is disabled". You can not select Omnipod for pump.

  • Make sure AndroidAPS is running in "developer mode" by placing a file named "engineering_mode" at the location where logfiles are stored: "Android/data/info.nightscout.androidaps/files". Any file will do as long as it is properly named.

    Hint: Make a copy of an existing logfile and rename it to "engineering_mode" (note: no file extension!). Make sure to restart AndroidAPS for it to find the file and go into "developer mode".

Location of the settings file.

Settings files will be stored on your phone's internal storage in the directory "AAPS".

The settings files are in .json format and are encrypted by default. Optionally you can disable encryption of the settings files from the Maintenance menu settings.

WARNING: Make sure not to loose your password as without it you will not be able to import an encrypted settings file!

Can I import my settings file when on an active Pod?

No! You may loose your Pod unless...

In addition to your preference settings and Objectives the settings file also stores the current Pod state:

  • Importing an older settings file will import an outdated Pod state and your currently active Pod will be lost.

  • When you are on an active Pod you can import settings that were saved after the Pod was activated. Use this when you need to uninstall and then reinstall AndroidAPS.

    Remark (unsupported: request for help on our Discord channel): Provided the settings files are unencrypted, there are options to "hack" your current Pod state into an older settings file by replacing all JSON "AAPS.Omnipod" content attributes.


The AAPS logfiles are located on your phone in the directory "Android/".

There are several ways to get the logfiles, for instance to add them to an issue you are reporting on GitHub. Use whatever option is the most convenient for you:

  1. On the phone, open the logfile location. Maybe to attach them from your e-mail client or upload them to cloud storage like OneDrive or Dropbox.

  2. Attach the phone to your PC using an USB cable.

  3. E-mail the logfiles from AAPS:

For this you need to configure the e-mail address to use for sending logfiles. Go to preferences, scroll all the way down. Then, under maintenance Settings, Advanced, enter your e-mail address under Email recipient. You can now send the latest logfiles to the e-mail address configured directly from AAPS by going to the Maintenance menu and choosing "SEND LOGS BY EMAIL".

Configuring battery savings

The setup instructions mention Disabling Power Management (aka Battery savings).

Properly configuring Power Management is important to prevent your Phone's OS to suspend AndroidAPS and related app's and services when your phone is not being used. As a result AAPS can not do its work and/or Bluetooth connections for sensor and Rileylink (RL) may be shut down causing "pump disconnected" alerts and communication errors.

On the phone, go to settings->Apps and disable battery savings for:

  • AndroidAPS
  • xDrip or patched Dexcom app
  • The Bluetooth system app (you may need to select for viewing system apps first)

Alternatively, fully disable all battery savings on the phone. As a result your battery may drain faster but it is a good way to find out if battery savings is causing your problem.

The way battery savings is implemented greatly depends on the phone's brand, model and/or OS version. Because of this it is almost impossible to give instructions to properly set battery savings for your setup. Experiment on what settings work best for you.

Pump unreachable.

Make sure your phone stays in Bluetooth reach from RileyLink (RL). Depending on the phone, RL and the environment Bluetooth range may vary from a few meters to up-to 30 meters. When the phone looses the connection with RL it tries to reconnect. Especially when this takes longer then a few minutes AAPS may fail to restore the connection. To reconnect, exit AAPS through the "..." menu and restart.

(see also battery savings)

Pump unreachable alerts several times a day or at night.

Your phone may be suspending AAPS services or even Bluetooth causing it to loose connection to RL.

(see battery savings)

Make sure pump unreachable alerts are configured to 120 minutes by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting Preferences->Local Alerts->Pump unreachable threshold [min].

AAPS is connected, but can not communicate with the pump.

Try one of the following:

  1. Restart AAPS by exiting through the "..." menu.
  2. Restart the phone.
  3. Reset RileyLink (by switching it on/off).

Sometimes AAPS reports is connected but is unable to communicate with the pump. When restarting AAPS or the phone does not resolve the problem, "resetting" your RileyLink by switching it "off" and "on" may restores communication.

AAPS is not getting BG values from xDrip.

  • This can be caused by Nightscout issues.

    • Make sure your Nightscout site is operating as expected.
    • On xDrip+ check the connection to your Nightscout site. Nightscout should display recent BG values.
  • You specific phone Brand/model/OS may be having BT issues causing problems to connect both RL and your sensor source. Check if your phone is on the list of phone that have been tested to work for other users (see wiki home page)

My problem is not listed here.

  • Join our the Discord channel and ask for help.
  • Report your issue on GitHub

My problem is not listed here but I found the solution.

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