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Andy edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 7 revisions

Channels form

This form allows you to receive channels' posts. Each post includes a username, post ID and an image (or thumbnail for a video). You can download a certain number of posts, download all posts up to a specific date, or download posts up to a specific post ID.

The downloaded post data will be saved in the program cache folder (Data path). This cache will be deleted after the program is closed.

You can download channels with users that you have in the program together.

Each user you selected in the channel form will be added to the temporary list and their number will be shown in the caption of the Add button. This is a temporary list. To add users from this list to the program, you need to click the Add button.

To add a user to the temporary list, you just need to mark the post in the posts list. The user ID will be added to this list after you change the page (using the page change buttons) or forcibly click the Add button (in this case, users will be added to the program).


  • Download/Stop - start/stop download.

  • Add - add selected users to the program (from the temporary list) for future download.

  • Next/Back - change pages.

  • All Channels - download all channels.

  • Curved arrows - update channels list.

  • + - add a new channel.

  • X - delete channel.

  • Edit - change channel options.

    Channel options

  • i - info button. The statistics of the selected channel will be shown.

    One channel info

  • Hide exists users - users who are already in the program will be skipped.

  • Info - The statistics of all channels will be shown. You can also delete channels in this form. The information will be shown according to the template: [ChannelName]: Users: n1 (avg: n2; s: n3); Posts: n4 (s: n5); My users: n6

    • n1 - total number of added users
    • n2 - average number of added users
    • n3 - number of added users in the current session
    • n4 - average number of downloaded posts
    • n5 - number of downloaded posts in the current session
    • n6 - users from this channel who are already in the program

    Channels stats


  • Count - download a certain number of posts.
  • Post - download posts up to a specific post ID.
  • Date - download all posts up to a specific date.
  • Default - the program will automatically determine the downloading mode:
    • if it is a new channel, the first 1000 posts will be downloaded;
    • if the channel has already been downloaded in the past, the program will download each post until the date and until the post ID is found in the saved channel information.

List context menu

  • Open user/post - open user/post in default browser.
  • Open picture - open the original cached image in your default image viewer.
  • Open folder - open channel cache folder.
  • Remove user from selected - if you added a user to the temporary list by mistake, you can click this button to remove him from.
  • Add/Remove this user to/from the BlackList

You can read more about the BlackList here.

Hot keys

  • Insert - add a new channel.
  • F5 - start downloading.
  • F2 - go to previous images page.
  • F3 - go to next images page.
  • F1 - go to previous channel.
  • F4 - go to next channel.
  • F8 - add selected users to the program (from the temporary list) for future download.

Double-click the post thumbnail to open its full-size image.

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