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RCE: Remote Code Editor


This software allows you to browse and edit plain text files on your server remotely, from the comfort of your browser.

It uses ACE editor for editing content of files, combined with custom PHP API for serving and managing files, all integrated into a simple JavaScript/Bootstrap UI for browsing files, launching file editors and to provide some basic functionality shortcuts to the contained components.

It should be usefull to edit all kinds of source code files with syntax highlighting and auto-completion across different languages without the need to use FTP or FTP-based native running editors or such.

This means you can also use it to develop most of the web applications from anywhere within the browser in your favorite tablet or even mobile phone, such as Android or iThing.

It was developed while being used on Windows desktop and Android versions of Chrome to work on code for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and some C#, but should also work in other major browsers on all major platforms.

How to use

Just copy the whole contents of this directory to a folder accessible through HTTP via PHP-enabled web server and access it through the browser.

It is recommended that you somehow protect this folder from public access by any method available.

On Apache web server I use .htaccess with .htpasswd files to allow access to certain username/password combinations only.

This is mostly what it looks like:
Screenshot: main screen with two file browser tabs and three file tabs open, one changed but not saved

You will see a resizable file browser tab on the left with the content of the editor's parent folder on the web server. If you hover over icons above and read what each one does, you will find the one whith which you can add more file-browser-tabs (for different projects maybe), or the one with which you can create new files and folders on the server. Plus sign will expand a subfolder while clicking on a file will attempt to open it in a code editor tab within the current window.

Feel free to explore other buttons as well. You can open current file in a new tab, or fold the code to make it more easily readable. There are also some keyboard shortcuts hidden throughout the app. The most usefull of them all is probably Ctrl+S which will Save the current file, and standard copypasting shortcuts should also work. You can find more by hovering over buttons - if there is a shortcut for it, it will most likely be shown there.

Syntax highlighting is automatic based on file extension, but can also be changed manually. When a file is changed, the tab text is colored red until the file is saved. A backup of file is created in the editor's backup folder on each save, for just in case. I've thought about eventually using it as a simple versioning tool, but we will see what the future brings. It's just a safety measure at the moment and files can be safely deleted if no longer required.

Additional features

Also at the moment, code editor used is ACE editor. Internally I have begun experimenting with providing different editors (namely CodeMirror, Monaco, but others not excluded), if only to provide some choice at runtime for the end-user. As of now, I haven't done anything other than research on the matter though. Again, we will see what the future brings.

The functionalities od this software has been developed as needed while running on an Apache/PHP server, also utilizing JavaScript/CSS/HTML for working on web projects mostly. You may encounter issues unknown to the author for the simple reason of never having a chance to encounter them. Bug fixes are welcome.

Likewse you may also encounter use cases that I never required (I think file upload is one of them). If you do reqire them, I have made this project open-source just for the reason so that by having access to the code, you can add features I've never needed. I'm working on this project alone, to suit my needs, so if you also like me find it usefull enough to also wish to contribute every now and then, contributions are also welcome.

I have not considered implementing any additional features just because someone so requested, or even paid, but this is not a definitive no and suggestions and7or offers are also welcome.

That being said, I've thought (but not yet done much else) about implementing the following features collected in this ToDo file, also available at settings > help and notes, but some features listed there have already been implemented and it needs some cleaning. both versions. Pull requests also welcome.

Other notes

  • I've never used this editor on anything other than Unicode (UTF) encoded files. If you create a new file from the editor, the appropriate encoding will be used. If you encounter any problems with other files, change encoding to UTF.
  • I like dark mode. I like it so much that at some point I've made the whole editor dark, which interfeers with light editor themes. This is a known bug, but I don't use light mode enough to care. Maybe later, or maybe someone else will make it work.
  • During the development this was hosted at shared hosting site on a server shared with many other clients. It was regularly updated with the latest security features, some of which work against the functionalities of this application, like exposing access to arbitrary files on server or transferring full paths and any file content, including unsafe content as a feature. For this reason, some work-arounds have been implemented, like changing '.' and '/' symbols with others, and Base64 encoding/decoding content (even twice! and then slightly un/scrambling even that!) before transfer. This is JUST a TEXT editor. As such it does not work with binary file types at the moment, but this does not mean binary transfers can't be implemented for particular cases at some point in the future.

Again, for never enoughth time

  • BE WARNED THAT THIS CODE, particularly index.php file, pose a SERIOUS SECURITY RISK and may expose unintended/unknown/undesired contents of the server to the user.
  • MAKE SURE TO APPLY APPROPRIATE PROTECTION, like using .htaccess with .htpasswd on Apache server to limit access to only certain users, or IP addresses, or other similar rules on other web servers.
  • KNOW WHICH FILES YOU ARE EXPOSING AND WHOM YOU ARE EXPOSING IT TO. Any path the web server can access via relative path of dots and slashes can be served to any authenticated user. Make sure you don't provide anonymous public access to everything by mistake or ignorance.

Included libraries

No, I could not have done all this all by myself. I stand on the shoulders of the following giants (find them in code for more info, like versions and licenses and such):

  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • Require.JS
  • Bootstrap
  • FontAwesome
  • ACE editor

Project structure

  • index.php (main API/PHP code file for serving and saving content)
  • app (the rest of the application code)
  • --- app.php (all the app HTML and UI)
  • --- app.js (all the app JavaScript)
  • --- app.css (all the app CSS)
  • backups (folder for saving backup files)
  • lib (the shoulders of the giants, third party code)
  • --- ace (ACE editor)
  • --- fonts (FontAwesome, Bootstrap)
  • --- js (RequireJS, jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap)
  • --- css (jQueryUI, Bootstrap, FontAwesome)


If there is anything or anyone I forgot to do or mention, let me know.


I can be contacted via email at info at abilab dot net or via contact form at this website.