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Qinwei Zhuang edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 47 revisions

Tools Overview

Tool Paper Code Tutorial Our Results Team Members
Kraken kraken-paper kraken-code kraken-tutorial preliminary-results Dongjo
CLARK clark-paper clark-code clark-tutorial CLARK-results Tomas
SURPI surpi-paper surpi-code surpi-turial - Vishnu
MetaPhlAn2 MetaPhlAn-paper MetaPhlAn-code MetaPhlAn-turial Tool Evaluation Juichang Lu
PaPrBaG PaPrBaG-paper PaPrBaG-code - Vasanta
Phylosift Phylosift-paper Phylosift-code Phylosift-tutorial - Yihao Ou
MetaSPAdes MetaSPAdes-paper MetaSPAdes-code - MetaSPAdes-results Vishnu
bowtie2 bowtie2-paper bowtie2-code bowtie2-tutorial bowtie-results Vasanta
MGmapper MGmapper paper MGmapper code MGmapper tutorial Preliminary evaluation Juichang Lu

Retrieving NCBI taxonomy IDs


  1. Download pre-formatted DB for nt (nt.*tar.gz) from NCBI.

  2. Download BLAST taxonomy DB from NCBI.

  3. Extract all tar.gz to a directory.

  4. Set environment variable indicating location of BLAST DB to be used in the BLAST run.

    export BLASTDB=[path-to-dir]


  1. The input for blastn, all.fasta, was created by using cat on all of the reference genome for the challenge.

  2. The taxonomy IDs were retrieved by running the following command:

    blastn -db nt -query all.fasta -max_target_seqs 1 -max_hsps 1 -outfmt "6 qseqid staxid ssciname scomname pident evalue" -out refGenomeTaxMapping.tsv

Refer to this link for details on supported output formats for blastn.

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