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140 lines (77 loc) · 2.17 KB


Use / to indicate the start and end of a search

Expressions that match patterns

  • can have multiple matches

Match on the entire line

Useful patterns

\d+ find a digit of any length


. match any character \. match special character (in this case .)

^ = starts with $ = ends with

r = raw string

\d = digit \w = alphanumeric \s = space, tab, new line

Capitalize to inverse:

\D = not a digit \W = not alphanumeric

Character classes

Match one of several characters

gr[ae]y -> gray, grey

Can match a range



Can negate


Can repeat to match multiple using

  • ? (zero or one)
  • * (zero or more)
  • + (one or more)

| for multiple patterns

( ) for groups

{ } for a range


For all vowels [aeioiAEIOU]

For all non-vowels [^aeioiAEIOU]

Any alphanumeric [0-9a-zA-Z] (same as \w)

Two vowels [aeiou][aeiou]

Need to escape heaps of the characters [()] = matches ( or )

/hij/ will find hij (case sensitive)


Put on end

/hij/g global (return all matches)

/hij/i case insensitive

/hij/m multiline


Specifying quantity



* 0 or more + 1 or more ? 0 or 1 {2} exactly 2 {2, 4} 2 to 4

\d+ = one or more digits \d{3,5} = between 3 and 5 \d{3,} = 3 or more

[aeiou]+ = one or more vowels

If we want constant-vowel, constanant-vowel n times

Use () to group

To match sayonara


Useful regex

To extract the contents of the HTML tag in Kindle exports

cat personal/notes/books/Hamming_art_science_engineering.html | sed "s/.*<div class='noteText'>//" | sed "s/<\/h3>//" > personal/notes/books/


Al Sweigart Yes, It's Time to Learn Regular Expressions PyCon 2017 (youtube)

Read This If You Don’t Know Enough About Regex

Regexp (The GNU Awk User's Guide)

Regex Crossword

Regex 101