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WiseSnail is the short name of Wise Sensor Network Abstract Interactive Layer. It is a layer to define the topology and behavior of sensor network. A complete device represented in WiseSnail includes one virtual gateway, one sensor connectivity interface and several sensor devices. WiseSnail provides a form-like array which we call it infospec array to define the parameters of sensor device. And a form-like data array updates your real time data. So, you can easy to represent your device by creating several arrays.

Hardware requirements

  • CPU architecture
    • x86
    • ARM
  • Minimum ram size
    • 256kb and above


  • Ubuntu ( 14.04, 16.04 )
  • Yocto ( 1.5.3 Dora )
  • OpenWRT
  • Windows ( 7, 10 )

Build WiseSnail on Ubuntu 16.04

Install development tools

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install git build-essential automake autoconf libtool cmake libmosquitto-dev

Install Eclipse Paho MQTT C client library

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install libssl-dev doxygen graphviz
git clone
cd paho.mqtt.c
make html
sudo make install

Install Mosquitto Broker

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install mosquitto mosquitto-clients


  • WiseSnail Sample program will connect to local MQTT Broker (ip:, so if you want to run WiseSnail sample program, you need to install a local MQTT Broker.

Build WiseSnail

git clone
cd WiseSnail/script/Ubuntu-1604

Then, WiseSnail library, header file and sample program (test) will be installed at release folder.

Run sample program

cd WiseSnail/release


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