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Loyverse Node.js API Wrapper

Deprecated: Package no longer supported.

🚧🚧🚧 WARNING: Work in progress (WIP) 🚧🚧🚧

This is still WIP and not many of the API features are implemented yet.

The API resources are also not testsed.

Resource implemented? tests
Categories ✔️
Inventory ✔️
Items ✔️
Payment types
POS devices
Stores ✔️


npm install loyverse-api-wrapper


Loyverse supports two Authorization methods.

1. Personal Access tokens

Enables you to create an access token that is unrestricted in scope to make authenticated requests against their API.

The token is unrestricted in scope.

2. OAuth 2.0

This follows the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow. There are helper methods to simplify the process.

Refresh tokens

The client will automatically refresh the access token when it expires.


ES6 import syntax

import { PersonalAccessTokenAuth, Client } from 'loyverse-api-wrapper';

Authentication using Personal Access Tokens

Example explicitly instantiating the PersonalAccessTokenAuth Provider.

const { PersonalAccessTokenAuth, Client } = require('loyverse-api-wrapper"');

const auth = new PersonalAccessTokenAuth('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
const client = new Client(auth);

Let the client instantiate the Auth provider

const { Client } = require('loyverse-api-wrapper"');

// sets up the (PersonalAccessTokenAuth) authorization Provider
const client = new Client('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

Authentication/Authorization using OAuth 2.0

For OAuth2.0 you must explicity instantiate the OAuth2 provider.

const { OAuth2, Client } = require('loyverse-api-wrapper');

const auth = new OAuth2(
    clientID: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
    clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
    loyverseAPIbaseURL: '', // optional
    redirectURL: '',
    scope: [OAuth2.Scope.ITEMS_READ, OAuth2.Scope.STORES_READ],
  // you can also instantiate with an access token, (optional)
    access_token: 'string',
    expires_in: 'seconds(number)',
    refresh_token: 'string',
    token_type: 'Bearer',

// you may update credentials on the fly using auth.setCredentials
// providing the options obj above
// with required fields clientID, clientSecret, redirectURL and scope

const client = new Client(auth);
// At this point, client might not be ready to start interacting with
// loyvers API as you might still need to authenticate the user through loyverse first

Redirecting user to loyverse for authentication

// this method generates the redirect url you need to send the user
// to for authentication.
// You may specificy a unique state value that you can validate
// when the user gets redirected back to your site.

// auth.getAuthURL('SomeUniqueState');

Exchanging the authorization code for an access token

// provide the authorization code sent back to your site
// to exchange it for an access token
// this method returns a promise
// and resolves with the scoped access token if successful

// if you provided state to the auth.getAuthURL method
// you might want to validate the state to make sure things are in order

Setting the accessToken on the fly

// with OAuth2.0 Provider
  access_token: 'xaccess_token',
  expires_in: 1,
  scope: [],
  refresh_token: 'refresh_token',
  expires_at: 33,
  token_type: 'bearer',

// with PersonalAccessTokenAuth Provider
// auth.setAccessToken('PersonalAccessToken');

Calling the API resources/Enpoints to get data

// client contains all available resources
// client.items.getItem('itemID') // get single item
// client.categories.getCategory('categoryID') // get single Category

Example using OAuth with Express JS

Please have a look in this repo ./examples/express.js

API documentation: Loyverse API documentation

For a full list of all available scopes see: Loyverse OAuth 2.0