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Typing and quantification of immune gene alleles in single cell and spatial transcriptomic data

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Biological background and motivation

Immune molecules such as B and T cell receptors, human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) or killer Ig-like receptors (KIRs) are encoded in the genetically most diverse loci of the human genome. Many of these immune genes are hyperpolymorphic, showing high allelic diversity across human populations. In addition, typical immune molecules are polygenic, which means that multiple functionally similar genes encode the same protein subunit.

However, integrative single-cell methods commonly used to analyze immune cells in large patient cohorts do not consider this. This leads to erroneous quantification of important immune mediators and impaired inter-donor comparability, which ultimately obscures immunological information contained in the data.

scIGD workflow

Automated genotyping and allele-specific quantification for immune genes from scRNA-seq data

scIGD (single-cell ImmunoGenomic Diversity) is a Snakemake workflow that has been designed to automate and streamline the genotyping process for immune genes, focusing on key targets such as HLAs and KIRs, and enabling allele-specific quantification from single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data using donor-specific references.

The workflow is organized into three distinct stages, each addressing specific objectives (Figure 1):

  1. Demultiplexing multiplexed scRNA-seq datasets:

    • This initial phase is dedicated to demultiplexing multiplexed scRNA-seq datasets, which are datasets containing information from multiple donors. The outcome of this step is the generation of donor-specific FASTQ files - this is crucial for the subsequent steps. Note that this part is skipped if the user provides data with only one donor in each dataset.
  2. Allele-typing procedures on immune genes:

    • Following demultiplexing, the workflow executes allele-typing procedures on immune genes, with a focus on critical entities such as HLAs and KIRs. This process utilizes donor-specific references to enhance accuracy and specificity, thus mitigating potential quantification bias.

    • The output for each gene will consist of 1 or 2 alleles, providing a clear and concise representation of the allele types associated with the immune genes in the dataset.

  3. Quantification of genes and typed alleles:

    • The final stage involves the quantification of genes and typed alleles. As generated by kallisto, the resulting output is a count matrix that serves as a rich source for downstream analysis and exploration, capturing the nuanced expression levels of genes and specifically typed alleles.

    • To harness the full analytical potential of the results, we've curated a dedicated R package, SingleCellAlleleExperiment. This package provides a comprehensive multi-layer data structure, enabling the representation of immune genes at various levels, including alleles, genes, and functional aspects.

This workflow is designed to support both 10x and BD Rhapsody data, encompassing amplicon/targeted sequencing as well as whole-transcriptome-based data, providing flexibility to users working with different experimental setups.

alt text here

Figure 1: Overview of the scIGD workflow for unraveling immunogenomic diversity in single-cell data, highlighting the integration of the SingleCellAlleleExperiment package for comprehensive data analysis.


Preparing a working directory

First, create a new directory scIGD at a place you can easily remember and change into that directory in your terminal:

$ mkdir scIGD
$ cd scIGD

Then, download the workflow:

$ curl -L -o scIGD.tar.gz

Next, extract the data. On Linux, run:

$ tar --wildcards -xf scIGD.tar.gz --strip 1 "*/data" "*/demo" "*/scripts" "*/Snakefile" "*/config.yaml" "*/environment.yaml"

On MacOS, run:

$ tar -xf scIGD.tar.gz --strip 1 "*/data" "*/demo" "*/scripts" "*/Snakefile" "*/config.yaml" "*/environment.yaml"

This will create three files: Snakefile, config.yaml and environment.yaml. In addition, three folders will be created: data, demo and scripts.

Creating an environment with the required software

Assuming that you have a 64-bit system, on Linux, download and install Miniconda 3 with:

$ curl -L -o
$ bash

If you are asked the question

Do you wish the installer to prepend the install location to PATH ...? [yes|no]

answer with yes. Along with a minimal Python 3 environment, Mambaforge contains the package manager Mamba. After closing your current terminal and opening a new terminal, you can use the new conda command to install software packages and create isolated environments to, for example, use different versions of the same package. We will now utilize this to create an isolated environment with all the required software for this workflow.

First, make sure to activate the conda base environment with:

$ conda activate base

The environment.yaml file that you have obtained with the previous step (Preparing a working directory) can be used to install all required software into an isolated Conda environment with the name scIGD via:

$ mamba env create --name scIGD --file environment.yaml

Written in C++, Mamba is a faster and more robust reimplementation of Conda.

Once the environment has been created, activate it by executing:

$ conda activate scIGD

and deactivate it by executing:

$ conda deactivate

(but don't do this if you want to run the workflow now)

Input data

Upon preparation of the working directory, two essential folders were generated: data and scripts.

The scripts directory houses essential scripts integral to the workflow's execution, requiring no user intervention.

On the other hand, the data directory serves as a space for user-provided data necessary for the workflow:

Within its raw subfolder, you can deposit raw files in the form of gzipped FASTQ files. To ensure compatibility, file names must adhere to the format {dir_raw_fastq}/*.R{1/2}.fastq.gz, concluding with .R{1/2}.fastq.gz.

In the meta subfolder, you are required to supply the following:

  • SampleTagSequences.fasta: This is necessary only if the data is multiplexed. It should contain a FASTA file of sample tag sequences crucial for demultiplexing the data and generating donor-specific or sample-tag-specific FASTQ files.

  • mRNAPanelRef.fasta: Essential for amplicon-based data, this FASTA file comprises sequences needed for executing allele-typing procedures and quantification.

  • dnaPrimaryAssembly.fa.gz and gtf.gz: For whole-transcriptome-based data, you must provide a gzipped FASTA file of the reference (dnaPrimaryAssembly.fa.gz) and its corresponding gtf file (gtf.gz) to execute allele-typing procedures and quantification. These files can be obtained from Ensembl.


The configuration for this workflow is designed to offer flexibility and adaptability to different user requirements. Users can customize their parameters in a dedicated configuration file (config.yaml) to suit specific use case and control various aspects of the workflow. Below are the essential parameters available for configuration:

  • wta: Determines the experiment setup. Set to true for whole-transcriptome-based data, and false for amplicon-based data.

  • multiplex: Specifies the presence of multiple donors in a dataset. Set to true for multiplexed data, and false for datasets with a single donor. Currently, this feature only works for BD Rhapsody data.

  • threads_number: Set the desired number of threads or cores. For optimal performance, match this value with available computational resources.

  • sequencing_technology: Indicates the sequencing technology used, such as 10XV{1/2/3} or BDWTA. To display the list of supported technologies, run kb --list.

  • genes_to_be_allele_typed: Provides a list of gene names for allele typing. This parameter specifically supports HLA genes and will be extended to include KIRs in future releases.

  • raw_data_fastq_list: Provides a list of paths to gzipped raw FASTQ files. Each file should adhere to the naming format: {dir_raw_fastq}/*.R1.fastq.gz for Read 1 and {dir_raw_fastq}/*.R2.fastq.gz for Read 2.

  • sample_tag_seqs: Provides the path to a FASTA file containing sample tag sequences. This is applicable when the input data is multiplexed, and sample tags are used to differentiate between samples.

  • read_bp_length: Specifies the read length in base pairs. Set only if the input data is from amplicon-based sequencing.

  • amplicon_cDNA_fasta: Provides the path to a FASTA file containing amplicon cDNA sequences. Set only for amplicon-based sequencing.

  • single_end_samples: Set to true for single-end reads and false for paired-end reads. Set only for whole-transcriptome-based data.

  • reference_genome_gtf: Provides the path to the GTF file with annotation information for the reference genome. Set for whole-transcriptome-based data.

  • reference_genome_fasta: Provides the path to the FASTA file containing the primary assembly of the reference genome. Set for whole-transcriptome-based data.

Examples for populating these parameters are provided in the demo/configDemo.yaml file.

Please ensure you input your values directly into the config.yaml file.

Remove rows associated with unused parameters to enhance clarity and precision in the configuration file.

In addition, ensure all paths are specified relative to the directory containing the Snakefile to facilitate proper configuration.

Running the workflow

Begin by confirming that you are in the directory containing the Snakefile. Once confirmed, you only need to execute the following command:

snakemake --resources mem_gb=<your_memory_allocation> --cores <your_core_count> all

Replace <your_memory_allocation> with the desired memory allocation value, and <your_core_count> with the desired number of CPU cores for parallel execution of the workflow. This flexibility allows you to tailor the resource allocation based on your system's capabilities and requirements. We recommend allocating a minimum of 12 GB of memory and utilizing 12 CPU cores for optimal performance.

Additionally, it's worth noting that using amplicon-based data is significantly faster than whole-transcriptome-based data, as the latter requires the generation of a BAM file, which is computationally expensive.

This workflow has been rigorously tested. Here, we report two distinct scenarios:

  1. Amplicon-based data:

    • 8 donors, 280 million reads in 1 FASTQ file
    • Completed in 80 minutes utilizing 8 CPU cores and 8 GB of memory
  2. Whole-transcriptome-based data:

    • 1 donor, 50 million reads in 1 FASTQ file
    • Completed in ~ 3 hours utilizing 32 CPU cores and 40 GB of memory

When dealing with whole-transcriptome-based data, it is advisable to use the tool on a cluster. A Snakefile that was executed on a SLURM cluster can be found in demo/SnakefileCluster. It was run with the following parameters: nodes=1, ntasks=1, cpus-per-task=40 and mem-per-cpu=2000.


As a product of kallisto, the output comprises a count matrix (cells_x_genes.mtx), a feature list encompassing genes and typed-alleles (cells_x_genes.genes.txt), and a barcode list (cells_x_genes.barcodes.txt). The matrix serves as a rich source for downstream analysis and exploration, capturing the nuanced expression levels of genes and specifically typed alleles.

In addition, the output includes a lookup table (lookup_table_HLA.csv) to facilitate the creation of the relevant additional data layers during object generation for analysis.

Example datasets and outputs are available in our data package hosted on ExperimentHub: scaeData.

To facilitate the analysis of this output, we offer a structured data representation in the form of an R package named SingleCellAlleleExperiment. For detailed instructions on utilizing this package, please refer to its documentation.


Tools and packages

  • Snakemake: Koster, J., & Rahmann, S. (2012). Snakemake - a scalable bioinformatics workflow engine. Bioinformatics, 28(19), 2520-2522.

  • R: R Core Team (2023). R - a language and environment for statistical computing.

  • Tidyverse: Wickham H. et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686.

  • Matrix: Bates D. et al., (2023). Matrix - sparse and dense matrix classes and methods.

  • ShortRead: Morgan M. et al., (2009). ShortRead - a Bioconductor package for input, quality assessment and exploration of high-throughput sequence data. Bioinformatics 25:2607-2608.

  • sparseMatrixStats: Ahlmann-Eltze C. (2023). sparseMatrixStats - summary statistics for rows and columns of sparse matrices.

  • ExperimentHub: Morgan M, Shepherd L (2023). ExperimentHub - client to access ExperimentHub resources.

  • kb-python: Melsted P., Booeshaghi A.S. et al, (2021). Modular, efficient and constant-memory single-cell RNA-seq preprocessing. Nature Biotechnoly 39, 813-818.

  • kallisto: Bray NL. et al, (2016). Near optimal probabilistic RNA-seq quantification. Nature Biotechnology 34, 525-527.

  • SeqKit: Shen W. et al, (2016). SeqKit - a cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation.

  • Seqtk: a fast and lightweight tool for processing sequences in the FASTA or FASTQ format.

  • STAR: Dobin A. et al, (2013). STAR - an ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics, 29(1), 15-21.

  • Samtools: Danecek P. et al, (2021). Tools for alignments in the SAM format. GigaScience, 10(2).

  • arcasHLA: Orenbuch R. et al, (2019). High resolution HLA typing from RNA seq. Bioinformatics, 36(1), 33-40.

  • Bioconda: Gruening B. et al, (2018). Bioconda - sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences. Nature Methods 15, 475-476.

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Typing and quantification of immune gene alleles in single cell and spatial transcriptomic data






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