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Source code to support SPLC 2022 paper "WipeOutR: Automated Redundancy Detection for Feature Models"


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WipeOutR: Automated Redundancy Detection for Feature Models

WipeOutR is an algorithmic approach to support the automated identification of redundancies in feature models (FM) and FM test suites. This approach has the potential to significantly improve the quality of feature model development and configuration.

This repository shows the implementation and the evaluation of the WipeOutR algorithms, presented at the SPLC 2022 in the paper entitled WipeOutR: Automated Redundancy Detection for Feature Models. The research community can fully exploit this repository to reproduce the work described in our paper.

Table of Contents

Repository structure

folder description
./conf contains all configuration files used in the evaluation of the WipeOutR algorithms
./data stores Linux- feature models, a test suite, and scenarios
./data/testsuite stores a test suite of the original Linux- feature model
./data/scenarios contains scenarios selected to evaluate the WipeOutR_T algorithm
./data/results evaluation results published in the paper
./docs guides of jar files
./results stores the results
./src source code
./shell bash scripts to execute the evaluations
./docker a bash script and a copy of configuration files, which are used to build a Docker image
Dockerfile Dockerfile to build the Docker image
settings.xml settings of the GitHub Maven repository

Evaluation process

We have evaluated the WipeOutR algorithms using the Linux- feature model taken from Diverso Lab's benchmark [2]. To ensure the reproducibility of the results, we have used the seed value of 141982L for the random number generator. The folder ./conf stores all configuration files used in the evaluations.

WipeOutR_T evaluation

To evaluate the WipeOutR_T algorithm, we analyzed different degrees of additionally induced redundancy with regard to the impact on (1) run-time of WipeOutR_R and (2) test case execution run-time. In particular, the evaluation results are shown in the paper as the following:

Table 5: Avg. runtime (sec) of WipeOutR_T in test set (T) evaluated on an Intel Core i7 (6 cores) 2.60GHz (16GB of RAM).

#T 0% redundancy 50% redundancy 90% redundancy
10 wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime
50 wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime
100 wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime
250 wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime wr_t_runtime / ts_runtime / nonred_ts_runtime


wr_t_runtime - WipeOutR_T runtime

ts_runtime - execution runtime with redundant T

nonred_ts_runtime - execution runtime with non-redundant T

The evaluation process of the algorithm WipeOutR_T consists of the following four steps:

Step 1 - Test suite generation

We have generated a test suite for the Linux- feature model. The test suite includes 5 types of test cases: dead features, false optional, full mandatory, false mandatory, and partial configuration. Each partial configuration refers to 2-5 randomly features. The folder ./data/testsuite stores the test suite file with "testsuite" as its file name extension.

type of test cases number of generated test cases
dead feature 6.466
false optional 249
full mandatory 6222
false mandatory 244
partial configuration 18.800

Test suite file structure

A test suite file starts with the six-lines header. Each header line has a number that represents:

  • 1st line - the total number of test cases,
  • 2nd line - the number of dead features test cases,
  • 3rd line - the number of false optional test cases,
  • 4th line - the number of full mandatory test cases,
  • 5th line - the number of false mandatory test cases, and
  • 6th line - the number of partial configuration test cases.

After the header, each line represents a test case.

ts_gen.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the ts_gen.jar guideline.

Step 2 - Scenario selection

Based on the generated test suite in Step 1, we have selected 30 test scenarios with the test set cardinalities of 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 and the redundancy ratios of 0%, 20%, 50%, 70%, and 90%. Besides, for each selected redundant scenario, we used the WipeOutR_T algorithm to obtain its non-redundant scenario, which is used in Step 4 to compare test case executions.

The folder ./data/scenarios stores the selected scenarios (only 12 selected scenarios with the cardinalities of 10, 50, 100, 500, and the redundancy ratios of 0%, 50%, and 90%).

ts_select.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the ts_select.jar guideline.

Step 3 - WipeOutR_T evaluation

We calculated the average run-time of the WipeOutR_T algorithm (after three iterations) for 12 scenarios. Evaluation results are filled in wr_t_runtime elements of the Table 5.

wipeoutr_t.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the wipeoutr_t.jar guideline.

Step 4 - Test case execution evaluation

We measured average test case execution run-times (after 3 iterations) for 12 scenarios in both cases of redundant scenario and non-redundant scenario. Evaluation results are filled in ts_runtime/nonred_ts_runtime elements of the Table 5.

ts_runtime.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the ts_runtime.jar guideline.

WipeOutR_FM evaluation

To the WipeOutR_FM algorithm, we analyzed (1) runtime of WipeOutR_FM and (2) solution search on the basis of increased redundancy degrees in CF. Evaluation results are shown as the following:

Table 6: Avg. runtime (sec) of WipeOutR_FM evaluated on an Intel Core i7 (6 cores) 2.60GHz (16GB of RAM).

#CF red.% runtime solv. (red.) solv. (non-red)
13,972 34.36% wr_fm_runtime sol_runtime nonred_sol_runtime
18,342 50% wr_fm_runtime sol_runtime nonred_sol_runtime
30,572 70% wr_fm_runtime sol_runtime nonred_sol_runtime


wr_fm_runtime - WipeOutR_FM runtime

sol_runtime - solution search runtime on the redundant feature model

nonred_sol_runtime - solution search runtime on the non-redundant feature model

The evaluation process of the algorithm WipeOutR_FM consists of the following four steps:

Step 1 - Redundant constraints generation

We have generated a set of redundant constraints automatically. These constraints belong to one of two following types:

  • Excludes constraints between child features of alternative relationships
  • Requires constraints from an optional feature to a mandatory feature

For the Linux- feature model, we generated 693 redundant constraints of the first type and 51531 redundant constraints of the second type.

rc_gen.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the rc_gen.jar guideline.

Step 2 - Create two variant feature models with increased redundancy

We manually added 4370 and 16600 generated redundant constraints to the original Linux- feature model to create two variant feature models with increased redundancy. The new redundancy ratios of the two variants are 50% and 70%, respectively, compared with 34.36% of the original feature model.

Step 3 - WipeOutR_FM evaluation

We calculated the average run-time of the WipeOutR_FM algorithm (after three iterations) for three feature models, i.e., the original feature model and two variants with 50% and 70% redundancy ratios. Evaluation results are filled in wr_fm_runtime elements of the Table 6.

wipeoutr_fm.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the wipeoutr_fm.jar guideline.

Step 4 - Solution search evaluation

We measured average solution search run-times (after 3 iterations) for three feature models in both cases of redundant feature models and non-redundant feature models. Evaluation results are filled in solver_runtime/nonred_solver_runtime elements of the Table 6.

solver_runtime.jar is a jar file executing this step. For further details, we refer to the solver_runtime.jar guideline.

How to reproduce the experiment

You can reproduce the experiment by choosing one of three following ways:

  1. Build a Docker image
  2. Use pre-build Java applications
  3. Build apps by yourself

Build a Docker image

Note: The evaluation process in this Docker image would take 5 - 6 days to complete. If you want to reduce the runtime, you could reset the numIter parameter in configuration files (in the ./docker folder) to 1.

After downloading the repository, please replace USERNAME and TOKEN in the settings.xml file with your GitHub username and your personal access token (see Creating a personal access token). Note: your token must have the read:packages scope.

Next, build a Docker image of the WipeOutR evaluations with the following command:

docker build -t wipeoutr-image .

Next, create a folder for the experiment results and copy results inside the Docker image to the folder:

mkdir results
docker run --rm --entrypoint tar wipeoutr-image cC ./results . | tar xvC ./results

Use pre-build Java applications

Install Java

If you have not installed Java or the Java version isn't the latest one, please go to Java's website at, download and install the latest version.

In this way of reproducing the experiment, you need to download the folders ./conf/, ./data, and ./shell/ from the repository. You need also create a ./results folder for the experiment results.

Download the standalone Java applications

apps description
wipeoutr_t.jar WipeOutR_T evaluation
ts_runtime.jar Execution runtime of a set of test cases
wipeoutr_fm.jar WipeOutR_FM evaluation
solver_runtime.jar Solution search runtime
ts_gen.jar Test suite generator
ts_select.jar Scenarios selector
rc_gen.jar Redundant constraints generator

Please download these apps, and put them into the ./app folder.

Use bash scripts

To facilitate the evaluation executions, we provide the following eight bash scripts:

apps description estimated runtime Executes all evaluations and gets results for two evaluation tables - Table 5 and Table 6 5 - 6 days Executes the WipeOutR_T evaluation and gets results for wr_t_runtime elements in the Table 5 4 - 5 days Executes the test cases checks and gets results for ts_runtime/nonred_ts_runtime elements in the Table 5 1 - 2 hours Executes the WipeOutR_FM evaluation and gets results for wr_fm_runtime elements in the Table 6 4 - 5 hours Executes the solution search and gets results for sol_runtime/nonred_sol_runtime elements in the Table 6 2 - 3 minutes Generates a test suite for the Linux- feature model 4 - 5 days Selects 12 scenarios with the #T cardinalities of 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 and the redundancy ratios of 0%, 20%, 50%, 70%, and 90% 1 minute Generates redundant constraints for the Linux- feature model 15 - 20 minutes

To run these bash scripts in your system:

  1. First, you need to make the script executable with chmod:
$ chmod u+x
  1. Run the script by prefixing it with "./ ":
$ ./

Build apps by yourself

JDK requirement: OpenJDK 17.0.2

Get the Maven dependencies from the GitHub package repository

Our implementation depends on our CA-CDR library. Thus, after cloning the source code into your system, you need to add the below script in your settings.xml file (not the settings.xml attached in the repository) to download the dependencies from the GitHub package repository.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""


Replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username, and TOKEN with your personal access token (see Creating a personal access token). Note: your token must have the read:packages scope.

Compile the source code

After having the source code and the settings.xml file, you could compile the source code and package it into jar files using Maven.

$ mvn clean package --settings <path to settings.xml>

If you don't have Maven on your computer, please follow the Maven guide to install it.

Move jar files to the ./app folder

Use the bash script to move jar files to the ./app folder. The script will create the ./app folder.

Next, create a ./results folder to store the results.

Finally, you could execute the evaluations using bash scripts.


[1] V.M. Le, A. Felfernig, M. Uta, T.N.T. Tran, C. Vidal, WipeOutR: Automated Redundancy Detection for Feature Models, 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'22), 2022.

[2] Heradio, R., Fernandez-Amoros, D., Galindo, J.A., et al. Uniform and scalable sampling of highly configurable systems. Empir Software Eng 27, 44 (2022).

[3] K. Kang, S. Cohen, J. Hess, W. Novak, and A. Peterson, 'Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility Study', Technical Report CMU/SEI-90-TR-021, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, (1990) link


Source code to support SPLC 2022 paper "WipeOutR: Automated Redundancy Detection for Feature Models"







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