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Releases: AIRLegend/aitrack

(Alpha) v0.7.1

15 Sep 16:56
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(Alpha) v0.7.1 Pre-release

Solved bugs

  • Z axis scale is back to its previous range.

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server to report it.

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You also can donate here, if you want to.
BTC - bc1qv7jdqm39vg55y9s9c7uue3k0y4km9l9s8jdz7p
ETH - 0x5e190E545348f5c8D04067DD69935A6409539C18

(Alpha) v0.7.0

08 Sep 18:51
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(Alpha) v0.7.0 Pre-release


  • Adds GUI for calibrating face width (deprecates config fields scale_y, scale_z). This feature automatically adjusts the algorithm in case your face is wider/narrower than the reference, allowing AITrack to find better solutions.
  • Only centermost face is detected now. You can show the software to your friends! (thanks @searching46dof :))
  • Minor tweaks to the face detection model. Detections should be more stable now.
  • Minor improvements to the 3D position solver.
  • New (experimental) face landmark model (named "Very Fast"). It runs a little bit faster than "Fast" (-3/4ms less) and about half the time of "Medium". Check the models explanation page.

Solved bugs

  • IPv6 packets are now correctly sent
  • Head roll isn't stuck at 90º anymore


Thanks to @searching46dof the nice contributions!

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server to report it.

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You also can donate here, if you want to.
BTC - bc1qv7jdqm39vg55y9s9c7uue3k0y4km9l9s8jdz7p
ETH - 0x5e190E545348f5c8D04067DD69935A6409539C18

(Alpha) v0.6.6

14 Aug 21:19
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(Alpha) v0.6.6 Pre-release


  • IPv6 support for the Remote IP address
  • Improve face detection. Now it runs faster with a 5x speedup (lowers CPU consumption).
  • Improvement of face detection in low light conditions.
  • Improvement for the head position solver (improves yaw insensitivity and occasional extreme output values).
  • (Advanced users only) You can now tweak the multithreading config of the app via prefs.ini (this is temporary until a proper GUI is made).

Solved bugs

  • Internal logit function could make facial landmarks "explode" under certain conditions. This release fixes that problem.
  • Rotation (yaw, pitch and roll) values are now clipped to a max amount of +/-90 degrees.


Thanks to @Lignar and @searching46dof for their kind and nice contributions!

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server to report it.

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You also can donate here, if you want to.
BTC - bc1qv7jdqm39vg55y9s9c7uue3k0y4km9l9s8jdz7p
ETH - 0x5e190E545348f5c8D04067DD69935A6409539C18

(Alpha) v0.6.5

01 Sep 18:59
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(Alpha) v0.6.5 Pre-release


  • Changed "No active video feed" message as it was misleading for some users.
  • Added configuration for disabling the tracking shortcut (#111, thanks @UNDEFINED-BEHAVIOR )
  • Added initial steps for a 3D Head model scaling feature (Read more about it here).

Solved bugs

  • Improved frames per second steadiness (#93, thanks @Hugal31!)

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server to report it.

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(Alpha) v0.6.4

11 Feb 17:53
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(Alpha) v0.6.4 Pre-release


  • Added a shortcut to Start/Pause the tracking. Press Ctrl+T.
  • Improved camera support.
  • If a camera is unplugged, selected camera will fall back to Camera 0 (thanks, @Lignar :))
  • Minor tweaks on the Head position solver for "Fast tracker".

Solved bugs

  • Fixed a bug which caused AITrack to crash on startup for some people.
  • Fixed a bug which wouldn't allow the FOV value to be saved.

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server to report it.

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(Alpha) v0.6.3

16 Oct 16:10
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(Alpha) v0.6.3 Pre-release


  • Improved tracking (position solver). Now, the calculation takes into account the FOV value of the camera. You will need to configure this value in the options menu with the right input (you may take a look at the wiki for that).

Solved bugs

  • The position solver now uses more facial points for Medium and Heavy Trackers, so if your facial (pink) points seem right but your in-game view is jumping all arround you should now try these two trackers.

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server to report it.

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(Alpha) v0.6.2

11 Sep 21:19
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(Alpha) v0.6.2 Pre-release


  • Neutralized relative rotation induced on the view while making X/Y head movements.
  • Added program number version on the window.
  • Made an update notifier system.
  • AITrack is now installable via Scoop (add this repository as a bucket and then: scoop install aitrack)

Solved bugs

  • Fixed bug which made some cameras (most of them Logitech) to show duplicated video feeds along its horizontal axis when its resolution was changed.
  • Solved bug which set the camera FPS to 0, causing AITrack to crash.

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server.

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(Alpha) v0.6.1

05 Sep 20:50
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(Alpha) v0.6.1 Pre-release


  • Added logging system to ease the debugging of the rare (and hardly replicable) malfunctions.
  • Preview now shows full captured video feed (not a cropped one).

Solved bugs

  • Fixed cropped video feed for some OCVCamera resolutions (those not having aspect ratio = 1.3333).
  • Disabled Brightness/Exposure control for OCVCamera because the value ranges differ from camera to camera (This is a temporary solution until a proper way of solving this problem is implemented).

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server.

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(Alpha) v0.5.1

25 Aug 17:14
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(Alpha) v0.5.1 Pre-release

This is a minor update solving urgent bugs reported by the community.

Solved bugs

  • Solved bug which caused AITrack, for some users, to crash just after launch. (thanks for the hints, @rbroker)
  • Solved a problem in the video capturing process which could make the tracker not behave well in certain head angles.


  • Added the foundations of the camera preferences settings. Now, if you own a PS3 eye camera, you will be able to change its exposure/gain by editing prefs.ini file (cam_exposure and cam_gain values).

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server.

Join the server!

(Alpha) v0.6

29 Aug 20:23
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(Alpha) v0.6 Pre-release


  • Created specific configuration GUI in order to customize AITrack's experience. All the configuration/preferences items have been moved to the new window so the main one is cleaner
  • Implemented a camera selection system (available in the configuration window) for people using several webcams, as requested in #22.
  • Added configuration support to the cameras (brightness and gain). If the hardware does not support them, they will ignored. (requested in #24).
  • Flipped X and Y signals before sending to Opentrack in order to the user not having to flip them manually.
  • Improved code robustness (thanks @rbroker and @elfring).

Solved bugs

  • Fixed a bug in the landmark stabilization feature which could cause the view to jump uncontrolatelly.

How to update if you were using the previous version

Simply download,unzip and then, copy your old prefs.ini into the new folder (next to the new AITrack.exe).

Keep in mind this version is an alpha and bugs/malfunctions could be present. In case you encounter any issue, please, post it on the issues section or join our discord server.

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