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Query Execution component

This component is part of the Data Lake. The query component has the purpose of perform, manage and orchestrate the steps needed to access the data contained in the data lake as if it were contained in a single database.

Getting started

This component is deployed as part of the Data Lake stack.

The query execution component retrieves data from one or more web services that provide historical information of the IoT Platforms. The supported data sources are the Independent Data Storage and standardized data retrieval web services. The query component uses a JSON object as input and returns the information in the common AIoTES JSON-LD format.


The query request allows retrieving historical data from the available sources. The Query Execution component will identify the proper data sources and retrieve the data. It will make use of the proper syntactic and semantic translation web services to translate the data into the common AIoTES data format and ontology.

The historical data and translation web services must be configured using the service registry prototype. An example of the service registry prototype content is provided in the db.json file.

An example of a query in JSON format:

POST /query

    "deviceID": ["deviceID1", "deviceID2"],
    "deviceType": ["motionSensor", "panicButton"],
    "startDate": "2018-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "endDate": "2018-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "platform": ["universAAL", "IoTivity", "FIWARE"],
    "ds": ["Greece-Pylaia", "Greece-Metamorfosi", "Greece-DCCG", "Madrid"]

Query translation

The query translation request returns the necesary calls to the available data sources to retrieve the requested data.


POST /querytranslation

    "deviceID": ["deviceID1", "deviceID2"],
    "deviceType": ["motionSensor", "panicButton"],
    "startDate": "2018-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "endDate": "2018-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "platform": ["universAAL", "IoTivity", "FIWARE"],
    "ds": ["Greece-Pylaia", "Greece-Metamorfosi", "Greece-DCCG", "Madrid"]


The getSchema query returns the structure (table names) of a data base in the Independent Data Storage. If no data base name is provided, it returns the structure of all the data bases in the Independent Data Storage.


POST /getSchema

{ "db": "my_db" }

Build from sources

Build Docker image:

docker build --no-cache -t aiotesdocker/datalayer-datalake-queryexecution:<version> .


Build using Maven:

mvn clean compile assembly:single

Run query execution component:

java -jar target\QueryExecution-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar {service registry prototype URL} {TCP port}

You can run locally the Docker image using:

docker run -d -p {TCP port}:4570 --name query-component aiotesdocker/datalayer-datalake-queryexecution:<version> {service registry prototype URL}

Default TCP port for the REST API: 4570

Swagger description of the API: http://localhost:4570/swagger


The Data Lake Query component depends on the following components:

Web service registry prototype

The current version uses JSON server as web service registry prototype:

Deploy JSON server on Docker:

docker run -d -p {local TCP port}:80 -v {path to JSON file}:/data/db.json --name json-server clue/json-server

Example JSON database file: db.json

Add historical data web services (including Independent Data Storage) under "services". The id of the Independent Data Storage must be the name of the DB where the the historical data are stored and the type must be "independent-storage". For other historical data web services, use type="platform-historic". The attributes "DS" and "platform" correspond to the DS name and type of the platform associated with this web service (for example, universAAL), respectively, and can be used as input parameters in the queries. The attribute "sources" contains the identifiers of the IoT platforms associated with a service. In the case of historical data web services, platform data is used to determine the syntactic and semantic translation of the retrieved data.

Add translation web services under "services". For the IPSM, use type="semantic-translator". Use type="syntactic-translator" for the syntactic translation web services. The attribute "platformType" identifies the platform type associated with a translator and should have the same value as in the SIL (for example, "").

Add platform data under "platforms". The attribute "platformType" defines the syntactic translation of the data. The Alignment attributes define the semantic translation of the data (only upstream alignments are used in historical data translation).

Syntactic translation web services

You can deploy an available syntactic translation web service, which supports universAAL, Fiware and SOFIA2 syntax (associated platform type values: "", "" and "", respectively).

Deploy the syntactic translator on Docker:

docker run -d -p 4568:4568 --name syntactic-translator aiotesdocker/sil-support-mwtranslator

Semantic translation

Deploy the IPSM to allow the semantic translation of the data (the IPSM is part of the SIL deployment).

Further information

Full description of the component API

Available Docker images


The Data Lake Query Component is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.


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