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An Automation for Logrotation, LogPurging and Compressing For weblogic and tomcat Standard Installations


DiskSpaceMan is a Shell script, designed in bash with various modules. It was initially designed for Log Rotation and further expanded to acheive the following tasks under a single window.

  • Log Rotation
  • Log Purging
    • Removal of Old Logs based on the Retention Period
    • Compressing the Uncompressed Rotated log files

How To Execute

Step1: Download the All in one ZIP file from the repository

Step2: Uncompress/Unzip the downloaded zip file

Step3: Execute the script as a valid user, Either tomcat or weblogic along with the desired retentionperiod

./ --retentionperiod=30days

BuiltIn Features

👉 Efficient Logging

The script is designed with an efficient and Debug level logging functionality. All messages to STDOUT is properly formatted with time stamp. Take a look at the sample given below

   weblogic@testserver> ./ --retentionperiod=100days
   22-08-18 14:57:27  **** DISKSPACEMAN - PROCESS STARTED ****
   22-08-18 14:57:27 LIST OF DIRECTORIES FOUND: [ /opt/weblogic/domains/test_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs,/opt/weblogic/domains/test_domain/servers/wls_PegaServer1/logs,/opt/weblogic/logs/pega ]
   22-08-18 14:57:27
   22-08-18 14:57:27
   22-08-18 14:57:27 ===========================================================
   22-08-18 14:57:27 PROCESSING DIRECTORY: /opt/weblogic/domains/test_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs
   22-08-18 14:57:27
   22-08-18 14:57:27 LIST OF FILES FOUND FOR LOGROTATION: [ access.log,AdminServer.log,test_domain.log ]
   22-08-18 14:57:27 -- LOGROTATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY FOR /opt/weblogic/domains/test_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs/access.log
   22-08-18 14:57:27 -- LOGROTATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY FOR /opt/weblogic/domains/test_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log
   22-08-18 14:57:27 -- LOGROTATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY FOR /opt/weblogic/domains/test_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs/test_domain.log
   22-08-18 14:57:27
   22-08-18 14:57:27 PURGING PROCESS STARTED
   22-08-18 14:57:27 REMOVING THE 100 DAYS OLD FILES
   22-08-18 14:57:27 LIST OF FILES GOING TO BE REMOVED: [  ]
   22-08-18 14:57:27
   ./test_domain.log06787:  97.1% -- replaced with ./test_domain.log06787.gz
   ./logrotate-out.conf:     0.0% -- replaced with ./logrotate-out.conf.gz
   ./test_domain.log06835:  96.9% -- replaced with ./test_domain.log06835.gz
   ./test_domain.log06808:  97.1% -- replaced with ./test_domain.log06808.gz
   ./test_domain.log06826:  97.0% -- replaced with ./test_domain.log06826.gz
   ./test_domain.log06878:  97.1% -- replaced with ./test_domain.log06878.gz
   22-08-18 14:57:27 PURGING PROCESS COMPLETED
   22-08-18 14:57:27 ===========================================================

Here you could notice that all userful information is getting printed including the file name and the directory the script is processing

It can help to understand the working prinicple of this script and it comes handy for troubleshooting in case of any issues in future.

👉 Runtime Validations

The script performs multiple level of validation to make sure nothing goes wrong

Validation1: Username validation

The script will try to validate the username as it is being invoked, to determine the correct workspace The Log directories Script is designed to dynamically switch the log directories based on the user of execution. This is to avoid an accidental execution of script as an invalid user like root , which would end up in messing up the logs and eventually result it application downtime


If the script has been started as a weblogic user, the script will consider the following directories as a workspace



If the script has been started as a tomcat user, the script will consider the following directories as a workspace


If the script is started as any other user, the script would print an error message and exit. Sample execution shown below

 root@testserver# whoami
 root@testserver# ./ --retentionperiod=100days
 Correct the Errors before proceeding

 ERROR: Invalid User to run the script
 Valid Users are
          1) tomcat
          2) weblogic


Validation2: Startup Argument Validation

The script gets the retentionperiod as a startup arguement, Attempt of execution without the startup arguement would yield the following result

 #Tried with no startup argument
 weblogic@testserver> ./
 Please execute the script correctly
 ./ --retentionperiod=400days

 #Tried with wrong or invalid startup argument
 weblogic@testserver> ./ --asdfasdf
 Please execute the script correctly
 ./ --retentionperiod=400days

 #Spelling mistake in Startup argument
 weblogic@testserver> ./ --retentionpariod=300
 Please execute the script correctly
 ./ --retentionperiod=400days

Risk Assesement

❄️ Script does not use rm or mv command to prevent accidential log overwriting or deletion

❄️ It uses the Native logrotate command instead of manually copying and performing the log rotation

❄️ It leave no log file (or) foot print in the file system as the output is directly printed to STDOUT, If you would liketo save the output to a file you can use runtime redirection using > logfilename 2>&1

❄️ CPU load and memory load of this script has been tested and proven to be Efficient and not having any issues.

Additional Notes

  • Complete Test Execution Session Output is in the repository for your reference
  • This Script can be scheduled to run everyday using crontab for efficient server management and housekeeping.


Log Rotation, Log Purging and Compressing






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