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This library is not maintained anymore. Consider using GRDB.swift as it's CoreData independent and provides broader functionality to operate with data. It also allows building code abstrated of concrete storage type easily as all the CRUD functionality added via Codable.


An elegant CoreData wrapper

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Percy is a CoreData based library written in Swift that allows you to separate the data persistence implementation from the rest of the application. Main goals of this library are:

  • Provide ready-to-use persistence layer for your application
  • Separate common application logic from using NSManagedObjects by using standard PONSO model objects
  • Allow for clear and simple one-line operations (create, read, update, delete)
  • Eliminate anxiety when accessing stored objects from different threads
  • and much more ...

The main part of library is Persistable protocol. It includes requirements to your model objects to associate them with NSManagedObject and convert them in both directions.

How to start using Percy

  1. Create .xcdatamodel CoreData model describing your persistent layer (with enabled code-gen for NSManagedObjects).
  2. Create entitiy struct (preferred) or class which you want to persist.
struct Post {
  let id: Int
  var text: String
  1. Conform your entity to Persistable protocol (in example PostObject is NSManagedObject stored in CoreData).
import Percy

extension Post: Persistable {

  init(object: PostObject, in context: OperationContext) throws {
    id = Int(
    text = object.text!

  func fill(object: PostObject, in context: OperationContext) throws { = Int32(id)
    object.text = text

  1. Now your Post entity can be persisted in Percy!
let percy = try! Percy(dataModelName: "MyDataModel")

// Save post
let post = Post(id: 1, text: "My new note")
try! percy.upsert(post)

// Retrieve saved post
let predicate = Post.makeAssociatedObjectPredicate(id: 1)
let savedPost: Post = percy.first(predicate: predicate, sortDescriptors: nil)!

Percy comes with custom CoreData stores support (e.g. EncryptedCoreData) and classes, which allow you to track store updates.

Changes tracking

There are two classes allowing you to track database contents and its changes.


LiveList - class that stores array of Persistable objects. This list can be filtered with NSPredicate and sorted with custom function if needed. You can use it as Data Source for UITableView or UICollectionView.

Usage is pretty simple:

  1. Ask instance of Percy for a LiveList with required filter and sorting.
  2. Set onChange closure to perform row operations with your Table or Collection.
  3. Alternatively you can just call reloadData() in LiveList.onFinish closure.


ChangeObserver - class which not stores objects in memory, but instead can just notify about some object was added, updated or deleted. ChangeObserver also supports filtering. This can be useful with non-UI modules of your app, like notifications schedulers, synchronization mechanisms and so on.

Examples of using LiveList and ChangeObserver can be found in Percy.xcworkspace.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 10+


Percy is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Percy'


  • Implement tests
  • Add grouping functions support


We would love you for the contribution to Percy


Alexander Kulabukhov,


Percy is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


An elegant CoreData wrapper







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