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import { CssColor, fromString, fromHsla, fromRgba } from 'css-color-converter-class'


parameter type description
value string Supports named colors (only client side), hex, rgb/rgba, hsl/hsla

Returns instance of CssColor if valid, null if invalid.

fromHsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)

parameter type description
hue number /
saturation number /
lightness number /
alpha number default = 1

Returns instance of CssColor

fromRgba(red, green, blue, alpha)

parameter type description
red number /
green number /
blue number /
alpha number default = 1

Returns instance of CssColor




accessibility name type description
public hexRegExp RegExp new RegExp('^#?([0-9a-fd]{2})([0-9a-fd]{1,2})([0-9a-fd]{0,2})([0-9a-fd]{0,2})$', 'i')
public rgbRegExp RegExp new RegExp('^rgb\\(([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)\\)$', 'i')
public rgbaRegExp RegExp new RegExp('^rgba\\(([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)\\)$', 'i')
public hslRegExp RegExp new RegExp('^hsl\\(([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)%?,([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)%?\\)$', 'i')
public hslaRegExp RegExp new RegExp('^hsla\\(([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+),([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)%?,([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)%?,([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)\\)$', 'i')

non static

accessibility name type description
public htmlColorName string only set if it was created with one
default = ''
public hex string default = ''
public red number default = 0
public green number default = 0
public blue number default = 0
public hue number default = 0
public saturation number default = 50
public lightness number default = 100
public alpha number default = 1

Accessors (Javascript, Typescript)

non static

accessibility name type get set description
public hexString string ✔️ returns "hex" property and applies a "#" if it has non
does the same as the method toHexString
public saturationString string ✔️ returns "saturation" property as string with "%" at the end
public lightnessString string ✔️ returns "lightness" property as string with "%" at the end
public rgbString string ✔️ returns a rgb string 'rgb(100,100,100)'
does the same as the method toRgbString
public rgbaString string ✔️ returns a rgba string 'rgba(100,100,100, 1)'
does the same as the method toRgbaString
public hslString string ✔️ returns a hsl string 'hsl(0,50%,100%)'
does the same as the method toHslString
public hslaString string ✔️ returns a hsla string 'hsla(0,50%,100%, 1)'
does the same as the method toHslaString



accessibility name parameter returns description
public getInstanceFromString value: string instance of CssColor if valid else null does the same as fromString
Supports named colors (only client side), hex, rgb/rgba, hsl/hsla

non static

accessibility name parameter returns description
public constructor rgb?: Partial<RGB> | null

hsl?: Partial<HSL> | null

alpha = 1

hex = ''

htmlColorName = ''
instance of CssColor /
public setHtmlColorName value: string void sets htmlColorName to the new value and re-calculates "hsl-values", "rgb-values" and "alpha" (if valid string)
public fromHtmlColorName / void re-calculates "hsl-values", "rgb-values" and "alpha" based on htmlColorName
public setHex value: string void sets hex to the new value (if it matches hexRegExp) and re-calculates "hsl-values", "rgb-values" and "alpha"
public fromHex / void re-calculates "hsl-values", "rgb-values" and "alpha" based on hex
public setRed value: number void sets red to the new value and re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex"
public setGreen value: number void sets green to the new value and re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex"
public setBlue value: number void sets blue to the new value and re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex"
public setRgb rgb: Partial<RGB> void sets the new RGB values and re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex"
public setRgba rgba: Partial<RGBA> void sets the new RGBA values and re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex"
public fromRgb / void re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex" based on "rgb-values" and "alpha"
public fromRgba / void re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex" based on "rgb-values" and "alpha"
public setHue value: number void sets hue to the new value and re-calculates "rgb-values" and "hex"
public setSaturation value: number void sets saturation to the new value and re-calculates "rgb-values" and "hex"
public setLightness value: number void sets lightness to the new value and re-calculates "rgb-values" and "hex"
public setHsl hsl: Partial<HSL> void sets the new HSL values and re-calculates "rgb-values" and "hex"
public setHsla hsla: Partial<HSLA> void sets the new RGBA values and re-calculates "hsl-values" and "hex"
public fromHsl / void re-calculates "rgb-values" and "hex" based on "hsl-values" and "alpha"
public fromHsla / void re-calculates "rgb-values" and "hex" based on "hsl-values" and "alpha"
public setAlpha value: number void sets alpha to the new value an re-calculates "hex"
public getRgb / Required<RGB> /
public getRgba / Required<RGBA> /
public getHsl / Required<HSL> /
public getHsla / Required<HSLA> /
public toRgbString / string does the same as accessor rbgString
public toRgbaString / string does the same as accessor rbgaString
public toHslString / string does the same as accessor hslString
public toHslaString / string does the same as accessor hslaString
public getStrings / Array<string> [ this.rgbString, this.rgbaString, this.hslString, this.hslaString, this.hexString, this.htmlColorName ]

Helper Classes

class RGB {
  red = 0
  green = 0
  blue = 0

class RGBA extends RGB {
  alpha = 1

class HSL {
  hue = 0
  saturation = 50
  lightness = 100

class HSLA extends HSL {
  alpha = 1


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