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container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

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Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Developed by Google and later donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Kubernetes provides a robust and flexible solution for container orchestration, allowing organizations to efficiently manage complex microservices architectures. At its core, Kubernetes abstracts the underlying infrastructure, enabling seamless deployment and operation of applications across diverse environments. Its key features include automated load balancing, self-healing capabilities, rolling updates, and declarative configuration, empowering developers and system administrators to effectively manage container workloads. Widely adopted in the industry, Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, fostering innovation, scalability, and portability in modern cloud-native application development.

đź“š Table of Contents

  1. ETCD
  7. PODS
  12. ...



ETCD is a distributed key-value store used as the primary data store in Kubernetes clusters. It maintains the configuration data, ensuring consistency and reliability across multiple nodes, facilitating coordination among various components.

Setup Kubeadm:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system


The Kubernetes API server acts as the control plane's front-end, handling API requests, authentication, and authorization. It validates and processes requests to ensure the desired state of the cluster, interacting with the ETCD store and initiating changes in response to user or controller actions.

Kubernetes Architecture:

kubectl get nodes
curl -X POST / api/v1/namespace/default/pods ...[others]

Install Kube API-Server:


View API-Server Options :

cat /etc/systemd/system/kube-apiserver.service

Running Process / Effective:

ps -aux | grep kube-apiserver

View API-Server Kubeadm:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

View API-Server Options Kubeadm:

cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml


The Kubernetes Scheduler is responsible for assigning work (pods) to nodes based on resource availability, constraints, and policies. It constantly evaluates the cluster state and deploys pods to appropriate nodes, optimizing resource utilization and maintaining high availability.

View scheduler Options :

cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml

scheduler Running Process:

ps -aux | grep kube-scheduler 


in pod-definition.yml under spec, every pod has a field called "nodeName" thay by default is not set.

apiVersion: v1
kind: pod
  name: nginx

  - name:nginx
  image: nginx
  - containerPort: 8080

  nodeName: node02

the scheduler goes through all the pods & looks for those that do not have this property set. those are the candidates for scheduling. if there is no scheduler to monitor & schedule nodes, the pods status continue to be in a pending state. you can manually assign pods to node with "nodeName".you must do this at the creation time of the pod. if the pod is existingyou must create binding object & send a post request to the pod binding API & set the binding object in a JSON format. we creat Pod-binding-definition.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: binding
  name: nginx
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Node
  name: node02

then send a post request to the pod binding API:

curl --header "Content-Type:application/json" --request POST --data  '{"application":"v1","kind":"Binding", ....}

you must convert the YAML file into its equivalent JSON format.


Kubelet is a critical component on each node, ensuring that containers within pods are running and healthy. It communicates with the API server, receives pod specifications, and takes necessary actions to maintain the desired state, such as starting, stopping, or restarting containers.

Setup kubelet (allways install kubelet manually in the worker nodes)


Kubelet Running Process:

ps -aux | grep Kubelet 


Kube-Proxy is responsible for network communication within the cluster. It maintains network rules on nodes, allowing communication between pods and ensuring network connectivity. Kube-Proxy plays a crucial role in service discovery and load balancing.

POD : pod network is an internal virtual network that spans across all the nodes in the cluster to witch all the pods connect to.

Setup Kube Proxy:


Extract the file Run kube-proxy as a service:


View kube-proxy kubeadm:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system
kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system


Pods are the fundamental execution units in Kubernetes, representing a group of one or more containers deployed together on a single node. They share the same network namespace and storage, facilitating communication and data sharing. Pods are the smallest deployable units in the Kubernetes object model.

PODS : smallest object you can create in kubernetes.

For run the python-app: (can run app multiple time) docker run python-app docker run python-app docker run python-app

For run the helper: (will create/die with container --> we should monitor the state of the container) docker run helper -link app1 docker run helper -link app2 docker run helper -link app3

kubectl: create a pod automaticly & make instance of nginx ducker image

kubectl run nginx --image nginx

list of pods available in our cluster

kube get pods

information about the pod

kube describe pod myapp-pod 

Creat pod with YAML file: kubernetes use yaml as inputs to create objects like pods, replica, services,...

example: pod-definition.yml you must have these: 1.apiVersion: v1 [PODS & Service: v1 / ReplicaSet & Deployment: apps/v1] 2.kind: pod [PODS, Service, ReplicaSet, Deployment] 3.metadata: [ Its in form of a Dictionary] name: myapp-pod labels: app: myapp 4.spec: containers: [list/array] - name: nginx-container [- : means its the 1st item in the list] image: nginx

		# you can add more container.
	- name: backend-container
     	  image: redis

now create the kubernetes pod:

kubectl create -f pod-definition.yml

when you creat a pod it will create in default namespace

for creating a pod in a different namespace (for example dev namespace):

kubectl create -f pod-definition.yml --namespace=dev

if you want you can move the namespace to the pod-definition.yml under the metadata section.


The Replication Controller ensures a specified number of replicas of a pod are running at all times. It monitors the state of pods and takes corrective actions, such as creating or terminating pods, to maintain the desired number of instances and ensure application availability and resilience.

Replica Sets : Replica Sets ensure continuous access to an app and its data, even if a pod stops. with Replica Sets (newer version than replication controller) we unsure that if a pod stops, the user will still have access to the app and data.

Load Balance & Scaling : if more users come, we app more pods to we dont run out of resources.if we run out of resources in the first node, we can add another node.

so we should make a yaml file [we name it ReplicationController-definition.yml]: in template copy and paste metadata & spec from pod yaml to the template of the rc yaml.

apiVersion: v1

kind: ReplicationController

metadata: #[Replication Controller section]
  name: myapp-rc
    app: myapp
    type: front-end

spec: #[Replication Controller section]
    metadata: #[pods section]
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        costcenter: ALPHY
        location: USA

    spec: #[pods section]
        - name: ngnix-container
          image: ngnix

    # you can add more container.
        - name: backend-container
          image: redis
  replicas: 3 # number of replicas

so [Replication Controller] is the parrent and [the pod] is the children

create and run the replicas:

kubectl create -f ReplicationController-definition.yml

list of replication controller & how many of them are there (number of replicas):

kubectl get replicationcontroller

see pods:

kubectl get pods

somehow replicaset is a process to monitor pods. so now we make replicaset-definition.yml file

selector: # identify what pods fall under it. replicaset can manage the pods that are not create as the part of the replicaset.y6

for run the replicaset:

kubectl create -f replicaset-definition.yml

see replicaset:

kubectl get replicaset

if we want 6 replicas, in the yaml file change to replica to 6 . and then run the command:

kubectl replace -f replicaset-definition.yml

or use this code instead and use scale for this:

kubectl scale --replicas=6 -f replicaset-definition.yml

or: TYPE NAME kubectl scale --replicas=6 replicaset myapp-replicaset


Deployments provide declarative updates to applications, allowing rolling updates and rollbacks. They manage Replica Sets, ensuring that the desired state of the application is maintained. Deployments simplify the process of scaling applications and managing their lifecycle.deployments is similar to replicaset but deployments will call a kubernetes objects , named deployment.


kubectl create -f deployment-definition.yml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get replicaset
kubectl get pods

find the image used to create the pod in a new deployment?

kubectl describe deployments.apps frontend-deployment | grep -i image

see how many deployments exist on the system:

kubectl get deployments.

Deploy a pod named nginx-pod using the nginx:alpine image

kubectl run nginx-pod --image=nginx:alpine --restart=Never

Deploy a redis pod using the redis:alpine image with labels set to tier=db.

kubectl run redis --image=redis:alpine --restart=Never --labels=tier=db
kubectl get pod redis --show-labels

create a deployment named webapp using the image kodekloud/webapp-color with 3 replicas

kubectl create deployment webapp --image=kodekloud/webapp-color
kubectl scale deployment webapp --replicas=3


Namespaces provide a way to organize and segregate resources in Kubernetes.Namespaces provide a way to logically divide cluster resources, allowing multiple users or teams to share a cluster without interference. They offer a scope for names and resource isolation, making it easier to organize and manage Kubernetes objects within a cluster.

Default kube-system kube-public

Example: Default: web-pod | db-service | web-deployment Dev: db-service | web-pod

if we want to connect to internal namespace or outer one: mysql.connect("db-service") mysql.connect("")

sevice name: db-service Namespace: dev Service: svc Domain: cluster.local

kubectl get pods // only shaw pods from default namespace
kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system

so we make our namespace-dev.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    name: dev

create namespace:

kubectl create -f namespace-dev.yml

or use this one:

kubectl create namespace dev


kubectl get pods --namespace=dev

use the kube config command to set the namespace in the current context: (contexts are used to manage multiple clusters in multiple envirements from the same management system) kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=dev

now you can do this:

kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods --namespace=default
kubectl get pods --namespace=dev

to view pods in all namespaces:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

to limit resources in a namespace, create a resource quota.start with creating definition file: compute-quota.yml in the spec section manage your limit for resources.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
    name: compute-auota
    namespace: dev

        pods: "10"
        requests.memory: 5 Gi
        limit.memory: 10 Gi

now: kubectl create -f compute-quota.yml


Services enable communication between different parts of an application or between applications. They abstract the underlying network details, providing a consistent way to access pods. Services play a crucial role in facilitating connectivity, load balancing, and service discovery within a Kubernetes cluster.helps us connect applications together with other applications or users.

for example: application services for backend | frontend | database | ...

setup example: kubernetes node : my laptop in a same network: internal pod notwork range: the pod ip :

you cant access becouse it is in a seperate if we cant to connect to the web application:

from --> SSH --> curl

services help us map requests to the node from our laptop, through the node, to the pod, running the web container.

NodePortService: listen to port on the node and forward requests on that port, to a port on the pod that running the web application

Services Types: NodePort Service, Cluster IP, Load Balancer

Lets dive into these:

NodePort Service:

listen to port on the node and forward requests on that port, to a port on the pod that running the web application. NodePort Service makese an internal POD accessible on a port on the Node

TargetPort: were the service forwards the requests to. (In this case : POD IP, for example port is 80 & IP is
the cluster IP of service: service port is 80 & the IP is
Port of the node: in this example 30008

	|	Node 30008 (Range 30000-32767)	| Service |	POD (TargetPort)	|

Lets make service-definition.yml file. [we know that the pod was created with a label.we have to bring that label into the service definition file (selector part)] copy and paste from pod-definition.yml file (labels part) to the selector in service-definition.yml file.this link service to the pod.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
 	name: myapp-service

 	type: NodePort
 	  - targetPort: 80
 		port: 80
 		nodePort: 3008
 		app: my-app
 		type: front-end

if you dont provide a target port, its assumed to be the same as port. if you dont provide a node port, a free port in athe valid range is automatically allocated.

create myapp-service:

kubectl creat -f server-definition.yml

see the created service:

kubectl get services

use the port to access the web service:


what do you do when you have multiple PODs? In a production environment? You have multiple instances of your web application running for high availability and load balancing purposes in this case. We have multiple similar pods running our web application they all have the same labels with a key app and set to a value of my app the same label is used as a selector during the creation of the service. So when the service is created it looks for a matching pod with the label and finds three of them.The service then automatically selects all the three pods as endpoints to forward the external requests coming from the user. it uses a random algorithm does the service acts as a built in load balancer to distribute load across different pods and finally let us look at what happens when the pods are distributed across multiple nodes.

When we create a service without us having to do any additional configuration kubernetes automatically creates a service that spans across all the nodes in the cluster and maps the target port to the same node port on all the nodes in the cluster. this way you can access your application using the IP of any node in the cluster and using the same port number which in this case is 30008 .

Cluster IP:

the service creates a virtual IP inside the cluster to enable communication between different services. such as a set of front end services to set of back end services. The pods all have an IP address assigned to them as we can see on the screen but these IP as we know are not static.These pods can go down any time and new pods are created all the time. you cannot rely on these IP addresses for internal communication between the application.A kubernetes service can help us group these PODs together and provide a single interface to access the PODs in a group. For example a service created for the backend PODs will help group all the backend PODs together and provide a single interface for other PODs to access this service.

lets create service-definition.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: back-end

  type: ClusterIP // is the port where the back-end is exposed
 	- targetPort: 80
 	port: 80

 	app: my-app
 	type: back-end

create back-end service:

kubectl creat -f server-definition.yml

see the created service:

kubectl get services

see how many services exist / service type:

kubectl get svc

see targetPort/labels/... configured on the kubernetes service:

kubectl describe svc kubernetes

Lets creat a service: redis-service to expose the redis application whitin the cluster on port 6379

kubectl expose pod redis --name=redis-service --port=6379 --targe-tport=6379
kubectl describe svc redis-service

Load Balancer:

provisions a load balancer for our service in supported cloud distribute load across the different web services in your front end tier


container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.






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