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What is it?

textua11y is a web application that lets a user easily manipulate text and background colors to test their color contrasts for accessibility. For ease-of-use and scope reasons, the colors available are from the Material Design color palette. This tool is a work in progress, and I plan to continually add features and make improvements as we go along.

Why is it?

I believe we can all do better to make the web more accessible to people who need it. Accessibility isn't really that hard when you incorporate it from the very beginning of a project: the design phase. It's also not all that hard in general, we just need better educational tools. This is my first major step in educating myself so I can pass on the knowledge and educate others.



  • updated to be a Next.js app with no functional differences


  • users can cycle through color pickers
  • #sidebar and #contents scroll independently