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CppAndre edited this page Oct 6, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the PreyRun wiki!


  • Download PreyRun.rar or PreyRun - without configs.rar
  • Extract the file from the archive somewhere (game00.pk4, description.txt, ...)
  • In your Prey root folder (where Prey.exe and PreyDed.exe are located) create a new folder called 'PreyRun'
  • Copy the files you have extracted previously to the newly created sub folder 'PreyRun'
  • Your folders shoud look something like this

Useful stuff

Open the console (ctrl + alt + ^) and type pr_hud_timer 1 and hit ENTER now when you load a map you should see the in-game timer, you can control the timer with pr_timer_start, pr_timer_stop and pr_timer_reset.

Setting pr_timer_autostart and pr_timer_autostop to 1 will automatically start and stop the timer on run start and end which is defined by pr_timer_methode.

Setting pr_disablejukeboxes will mute all jukeboxes. Which should help if you plan to upload you runs to Youtube especially if your living in Germany.

Starting an RTA run

  • Set pr_timer_methode to 0
  • Set pr_timer_autostart and pr_timer_autostop to 1
  • If you had your timer running you should reset it with pr_timer_reset
  • Load a save game which is BEFORE you gain control over Tommy. You can use this savegame if you want

To simplify this process you can use a reset bind which could look something like this:

bind "o" "pr_autojump 0; pr_timer_autostart 1; pr_timer_autostop 1; pr_timer_methode 0; pr_timer_reset; loadgame runStart"

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