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anlitsai committed May 15, 2024
1 parent dd8617b commit 09af738
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 0 deletions.
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions content/daily/2024/05/
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title: 烏洞 ê 吸積盤 kah 噴射流
date: 2024-05-07
publishdate: 2024-05-07T11:45:00+0800
tags: [free2share, 烏洞, 吸積盤, 噴射流, 超新星, 巡天, 追蹤觀測, 自轉軸, 雨燕衛星, 超大質量烏洞]
summary: 烏洞若是 kā 一粒恆星吞落去,會發生啥物代誌?

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- 原始文章:[Black Hole Accreting with Jet](
- 插圖來源:[NASA](, [Swift](, [Aurore Simonnet]( ([Sonoma State U.](
- 落對永遠去:[It's Black Hole Week at NASA!](
- 台文翻譯:[An-Li Tsai][An-Li Tsai] ([NSYSU][NSYSU])

## [漢羅] 烏洞 ê 吸積盤 kah 噴射流
烏洞若是 kā 一粒恆星吞落去,會發生啥物代誌?
細節 ê 部份咱毋知,毋過觀測 ê 結果有提供一寡新 ê 線索。
2014 年,有一个 [強力爆炸][powerful explosion] 去予 [超新星自動巡天觀測計畫][All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae](ASAS-SN 計畫)ê 地面機器人望遠鏡 紀錄落來。
隨後 [NASA][NASA] 踅地球 ê [雨燕衛星][Swift satellite] kah 其他儀器,繼續做追蹤觀測。
Tùi 發射線 做電腦模擬 ê 結果表示講,這應該是有一粒星去予遙遠 ê [超大質量烏洞][supermassive black hole] [搝甲散去][ripped apart]
這个相挵 ê 結果就畫 tī [這張藝術插圖][featured artistic illustration] 內底。
[烏洞][black hole] tī 中央,是一粒細細粒 ê 烏點。
物質若是落 tùi 烏洞去,伊會 kah 其他物質相挵,造成溫度變懸。
烏洞周圍有一个 [吸積盤][accretion disk],過去是恆星 ê 熱物質,另外閣有一條 tī [烏洞自轉軸][black hole's spin axis] 方向 ê [噴射流][jet]

## [POJ] O͘-tōng ê khip chek pôaⁿ kah phùn-siā lâu
O͘-tōng nā-sī kā chi̍t-lia̍p hêng-chheⁿ thun lo̍h-khì, ē hoat-seng siáⁿ-mih tāi-chì?
Sè-chiat ê pō͘-hūn lán m̄-chai, m̄-koh koan-chhek ê kiat-kó ū thê-kiong chi̍t-kóa sin ê sòaⁿ-soh.
2014 nî, ū chi̍t-ê kiông-le̍k po̍k-chà khì hō͘ Chhiau-sin-seng Chū-tōng Sûn-thian Koan-chhek kè-ōe (ASAS-SN kè-ōe) ê tē-bīn ki-khì-lâng bōng-oán-kiàⁿ kì-lio̍k lo̍h-lâi.
Sûi-āu NASA se̍h Tē-kiû ê Ú-iàn ōe-chheⁿ kah kî-thaⁿ gî-khì, kè-sio̍k chò tui-chong koan-chhek.
Tùi hoat-siā-sòaⁿ chò tiān-náu bô͘-gí ê kiat-kó piáu-sī kóng, che èng-kai sī ū chi̍t-lia̍p chheⁿ khì hō͘ iâu-oán ê chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōng giú kah sòaⁿ--khì.
Chit-ê sio-lòng ê kiat-kó to̍h ōe tī chit-tiuⁿ gē-su̍t chhah-tô͘ lāi-té.
O͘-tōng tī tiong-ng, sī chi̍t-lia̍p sè-sè-lia̍p ê o͘-tiám.
Bu̍t-chit nā-sī lak tùi o͘-tōng khì, i ē kah kî-thaⁿ bu̍t-chit sio-lòng, chō-sêng un-tō͘ piàn koân.
O͘-tōng chiu-ûi ū chi̍t-ê khip-chek-pôaⁿ, kòe-khì sī hêng-chheⁿ ê jia̍t-bu̍t-chit, lēng-gōa koh-ū chi̍t tiâu tī o͘-tōng chū-choán-tek hong-hiòng ê phùn-siā-lâu.

## [KIP] Oo-tōng ê khip tsik puânn kah phùn-siā lâu
Oo-tōng nā-sī kā tsi̍t-lia̍p hîng-tshenn thun lo̍h-khì, ē huat-sing siánn-mih tāi-tsì?
Sè-tsiat ê pōo-hūn lán m̄-tsai, m̄-koh kuan-tshik ê kiat-kó ū thê-kiong tsi̍t-kuá sin ê suànn-soh.
2014 nî, ū tsi̍t-ê kiông-li̍k po̍k-tsà khì hōo Tshiau-sin-sing Tsū-tōng Sûn-thian Kuan-tshik kè-uē (ASAS-SN kè-uē) ê tē-bīn ki-khì-lâng bōng-uán-kiànn kì-lio̍k lo̍h-lâi.
Suî-āu NASA se̍h Tē-kiû ê Ú-iàn uē-tshenn kah kî-thann gî-khì, kè-sio̍k tsò tui-tsong kuan-tshik.
Tuì huat-siā-suànn tsò tiān-náu bôo-gí ê kiat-kó piáu-sī kóng, tse ìng-kai sī ū tsi̍t-lia̍p tshenn khì hōo iâu-uán ê tshiau-tuā tsit-liōng oo-tōng giú kah suànn--khì.
Tsit-ê sio-lòng ê kiat-kó to̍h uē tī tsit-tiunn gē-su̍t tshah-tôo lāi-té.
Oo-tōng tī tiong-ng, sī tsi̍t-lia̍p sè-sè-lia̍p ê oo-tiám.
Bu̍t-tsit nā-sī lak tuì oo-tōng khì, i ē kah kî-thann bu̍t-tsit sio-lòng, tsō-sîng un-tōo piàn kuân.
Oo-tōng tsiu-uî ū tsi̍t-ê khip-tsik-puânn, kuè-khì sī hîng-tshenn ê jia̍t-bu̍t-tsit, līng-guā koh-ū tsi̍t tiâu tī oo-tōng tsū-tsuán-tik hong-hiòng ê phùn-siā-lâu.

## [English] Black Hole Accreting with Jet
What happens when a black hole devours a star?
Many details remain unknown, but observations are providing new clues.
In 2014, a [powerful explosion][powerful explosion] was recorded by the ground-based robotic telescopes of the [All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae][All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae] (Project ASAS-SN), with followed-up observations by instruments including [NASA][NASA]'s Earth-orbiting [Swift satellite][Swift satellite].
Computer modeling of these emissions fit a star being [ripped apart][ripped apart] by a distant [supermassive black hole][supermassive black hole].
The results of such a collision are portrayed in the [featured artistic illustration][featured artistic illustration].
The [black hole][black hole] itself is a depicted as a tiny black dot in the center.
As matter falls toward [the hole][the hole], it collides with other matter and [heats up][heats up].
Surrounding the black hole is an [accretion disk][accretion disk] of hot matter that used to be the star, with a [jet][jet] emanating from the [black hole's spin axis][black hole's spin axis].

## 詞彙學習(漢羅/POJ/KIP/華語/English)
- 【烏洞】o͘-tōng/oo-tōng/黑洞/black hole
- 【吸積盤】khip-chek-pôaⁿ/khip-tsik-puânn/吸積盤/accretion disk
- 【噴射流】phùn-siā-liû/phùn-siā-liû/噴射流/jet
- 【巡天】sûn-thian/sûn-thian/巡天/all sky survey
- 【追蹤觀測】tui-chong koan-chhek/tui-tsong kuan-tshik/追蹤觀測/follow-up observation
- 【自轉軸】chū-choán-te̍k/tsū-tsuán-ti̍k/自轉軸/spin axis
- 【超新星】chhiau-sin-seng/tshiau-sin-sing/超新星/supernova
- 【雨燕衛星】Ú-iàn ōe-chheⁿ/Ú-iàn uē-tshenn/雨燕衛星/Swift satellite
- 【超大質量烏洞】chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōng/tshiau-tuā tsit-liōng oo-tōng/超大質量黑洞/supermassive black hole

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[An-Li Tsai]:


[powerful explosion]:
[All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae]:
[Swift satellite]:
[ripped apart]:
[supermassive black hole]:
[featured artistic illustration]:
[black hole]:
[the hole]:
[heats up]:
[accretion disk]:
[black hole's spin axis]:

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