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anlitsai committed May 25, 2024
1 parent e361ebd commit 436c0d7
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 0 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions content/daily/2024/05/
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
title: 美國 Georgia 州 ê 極光
date: 2024-05-16
publishdate: 2024-05-16T11:45:00+0800
tags: [極光, 地磁風暴, 緯度, 灌溉設備, khă-tián, 太陽活跳區 AR 3664, 太陽活跳區, 翻點, 頂月眉]
summary: 這是 tī 美國 Georgia 州庄跤暗暝足熟似 ê 景色:天頂 ê 月娘 tī 西爿地平線欲落去矣。

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- 原始文章:[Aurora Georgia](
- 影像來源 kah [版權][copyright][Wright Dobbs](
- 極光恐龍:[報你看著 ê 極光](
- 台文翻譯:[An-Li Tsai][An-Li Tsai] ([NSYSU][NSYSU])

## [漢羅] 美國 Georgia 州 ê 極光
這是 tī 美國 Georgia 州庄跤暗暝定定看著 ê 景色:天頂 ê 月娘 tī 西爿地平線欲落去矣。
相片是 tī 當地時間 5 月 10 號翻點進前翕--ê,因為感光時間傷長,倒爿彼粒頂月眉煞傷光。
前景有一台長長 ê 灌溉設備,迒過 Bainbridge 市北方 24 公里遠 ê 農地面頂。
這个 tī Georgia 州南部暗暝天頂 閃閃爍爍 ê 極光 kha-tián,確實是真罕得看著 ê 景色。
太陽活跳區 AR 3664 最近 ê 強烈活動,引起地球極端地磁風暴,予本底干焦 tī 南北極才看會著 ê 極光,tī 頂禮拜拜六禮拜 ê 時陣,變做 tī Georgia 州南部、甚至 tī 地球閣較低緯度 ê 所在嘛看會著。

## [POJ] Bí-kok Georgia chiu ê Ke̍k-kng
Che-sī tī Bí-kok Georgia chiu chng-kha àm-mê tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê kéng-sek: thiⁿ-téng ê goe̍h-niû tī sai-pêng tē-pêng-sòaⁿ beh lo̍k khì-ah.
Siòng-phìⁿ sī tī tong-tē sî-kan 5 goe̍h 10 hō hoan-tiám chìn-chêng hip--ê,in-ūi kám kng Sî-kan siuⁿ tn̂g,tò-pêng hit lia̍p téng-goe̍h-bâi soah siuⁿ kng.
Chiân-kéng ū chi̍t tâi tn̂g-tn̂g ê koàn-kài siat-pī, hāⁿ-kòe Bainbridge chhī pak-hong 24 kong-lí hn̄g ê lông-tē bīn-téng.
Chit-ê tī Georgia chiu lâm-pō͘ àm-mê thiⁿ-téng siám-siám-sih-sih ê ke̍k-kng kha̋-tián, khak-si̍t sī chin hán-tit khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê kéng-sek.
Thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu-khu AR 3664 chòe-kīn ê kiông-lia̍t oa̍h-tōng, ín-khí Tē-kiû ke̍k-toan Tē-chû hong-pō, hō͘ pún-té kan-na tī lâm pak-ke̍k chiah khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h ê ke̍k-kng, tī téng-lé-pài pài-la̍k-lé-pài ê sî-chūn, piàn-chò tī Georgia chiu lâm-pō͘, sīm-chì tī Tē-kiû koh-khah kē hūi-tō͘ ê só͘-chāi mā khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h.
Thài-iông oa̍h-tōng-le̍k nā jú kiông, Tē-kiû to̍h ē hoat-seng jú chē tē-chû hong-pō.

## [KIP] Bí-kok Georgia tsiu ê Ki̍k-kng
Tse-sī tī Bí-kok Georgia tsiu tsng-kha àm-mê tiānn-tiānn khuànn-tio̍h ê kíng-sik: thinn-tíng ê gue̍h-niû tī sai-pîng tē-pîng-suànn beh lo̍k khì-ah.
Siòng-phìnn sī tī tong-tē sî-kan 5 gue̍h 10 hō huan-tiám tsìn-tsîng hip--ê,in-uī kám kng Sî-kan siunn tn̂g,tò-pîng hit lia̍p tíng-gue̍h-bâi suah siunn kng.
Tsiân-kíng ū tsi̍t tâi tn̂g-tn̂g ê kuàn-kài siat-pī, hānn-kuè Bainbridge tshī pak-hong 24 kong-lí hn̄g ê lông-tē bīn-tíng.
Tsit-ê tī Georgia tsiu lâm-pōo àm-mê thinn-tíng siám-siám-sih-sih ê ki̍k-kng kha̋-tián, khak-si̍t sī tsin hán-tit khuànn-tio̍h ê kíng-sik.
Thài-iông ua̍h-thiàu-khu AR 3664 tsuè-kīn ê kiông-lia̍t ua̍h-tōng, ín-khí Tē-kiû ki̍k-tuan Tē-tsû hong-pō, hōo pún-té kan-na tī lâm pak-ki̍k tsiah khuànn-ē-tio̍h ê ki̍k-kng, tī tíng-lé-pài pài-la̍k-lé-pài ê sî-tsūn, piàn-tsò tī Georgia tsiu lâm-pōo, sīm-tsì tī Tē-kiû koh-khah kē huī-tōo ê sóo-tsāi mā khuànn-ē-tio̍h.
Thài-iông ua̍h-tōng-li̍k nā jú kiông, Tē-kiû to̍h ē huat-sing jú tsē tē-tsû hong-pō.

## [English] Aurora Georgia
A familiar sight from Georgia, USA, the Moon sets near the western horizon in this rural night skyscape.
[Captured on May 10][Captured on May 10] before local midnight, the image overexposes the Moon's bright waxing crescent at left in the frame.
A long irrigation rig stretches across farmland about 15 miles north of the city of Bainbridge.
[Shimmering curtains of aurora][Shimmering curtains of aurora] shine across the starry sky, definitely an unfamiliar sight for southern Georgia nights.
Last weekend, extreme geomagnetic storms triggered by the recent intense activity from solar active region [AR 3664][AR 3664] brought [epic displays of aurora][epic displays of aurora], usually seen closer to the poles, to southern Georgia and even lower latitudes on planet Earth.
[As solar activity][As solar activity] ramps up, more storms are possible.

## 詞彙學習(漢羅/POJ/KIP/華語/English)
- 【極光】ke̍k-kng/ki̍k-kng/極光/aurora
- 【地磁風暴】tē-chû hong-pō/tē-tsû hong-pō/地磁風暴/geomagnetic storm
- 【緯度】hūi-tō͘/huī-tōo/緯度/latitudes
- 【灌溉設備】koàn-kài siat-pī/kuàn-kài siat-pī/灌溉設備/irrigation rig
- 【khă-tián】khă-tián/kha̋-tián/布簾/curtain
- 【太陽活跳區】thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu-khu/thài-iông ua̍h-thiàu-khu/太陽活躍區/active region
- 【AR 3664】AR sam-lio̍k-lio̍k-sù/AR sam-lio̍k-lio̍k-sù/AR 3664/AR 3664
- 【翻點】hoan-tiám/huan-tiám/半夜/midnight
- 【頂月眉】téng-goe̍h-bâi/tíng-gue̍h-bâi/上弦月/waxing crescent

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[An-Li Tsai]:


[Captured on May 10]:
[Shimmering curtains of aurora]:
[AR 3664]:
[epic displays of aurora]:
[As solar activity]:

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