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anlitsai committed Jun 19, 2024
1 parent 223ff81 commit eaadd25
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90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions content/daily/2024/06/
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title: NGC 6188:天壇座 ê 龍族
date: 2024-06-19
publishdate: 2024-06-19T11:45:00+0800
tags: [NGC 6188, 發射星雲, OB1 星協, 恆星風, 輻射, 大質量恆星, 角寸尺, 天壇座, 可見光, 紫外光, 波段]
summary: 天頂是毋是發生龍族 ê 戰爭?

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- 原始文章:[NGC 6188: Dragons of Ara](
- 影像來源 kah 版權:[Carlos Taylor](
- 台文翻譯:[An-Li Tsai][An-Li Tsai] ([NSYSU][NSYSU])

## [漢羅] NGC 6188:天壇座 ê 龍族
天頂是毋是發生龍族 ê 戰爭?
雖罔講看起來敢若是按呢,毋過其實這寡龍是 氣體 kah 塗粉 ê 薄雲 產生 ê [幻影][illusions]
這个發光 ê 雲是 tī 4000 [光年][light years] 遠 ê [發射星雲][emission nebula] NGC 6188。
伊 tī 南天 ê [天壇座][constellation Ara] 大型分子雲邊緣,毋過 tī 可見光波段是看袂著。
藏 tī 天壇座 [OB1 星協][OB1 association] 內底 ê 大質量少年 [恆星][stars of],才拄 tī 幾若百萬年前生出來。
In ê 恆星風 kah 強烈 ê [紫外光輻射][ultraviolet radiation][雕出][sculpting] 這个烏暗形體,嘛提供能量予星雲發光。
較新 ê [恆星][star] 形成,可能是受著 前一代大質量 [恆星][stars] 爆炸 抑是 恆星風 ê 推捒 kah 壓縮 分子氣體 引起--ê。
這張 [予人印象足深][impressively] ê 詳細 [影像][image] tī 天頂 ê 角寸尺有 2 度闊,差不多是 4 粒月娘 ê 大細。
[NGC 6188][of NGC 6188] 進前估計 ê 距離來算,這差不多有 150 光年大。

## [POJ] NGC 6188: Thian-tôaⁿ-chō ê Liông-cho̍k
Thiⁿ-téng sī-m̄-sī hoat-seng liông-cho̍k ê chiàn-cheng?
Sui-bóng kóng khòaⁿ--khí-lâi káⁿ-nā sī án-ne, m̄-koh kî-si̍t chit kóa liông sī khì-thé kah thô͘-hún ê po̍h-hûn sán-seng ê hoàn-iáⁿ.
Chit-ê hoat-kng ê hûn sī tī 4000 kng-nî hn̄g ê hoat-siā seng-hûn NGC 6188.
I tī lâm-thian ê Thian-tôaⁿ-chō tōa-hêng hun-chú-hûn pian-iân, m̄-koh tī khó-kiàn-kng pho-tōaⁿ sī khòaⁿ bē-tio̍h.
Chhàng tī Thian-tôaⁿ-chō OB1 seng-hia̍p lāi-té ê tōa chit-liōng siàu-liân hêng-chhiⁿ, chiah tú tī kúi-nā pah-bān nî-chêng seⁿ--chhut-lâi.
In ê hêng-chhiⁿ-hong kah kiông-lia̍t ê chí-gōa-kng hok-siā, tiau chhut chit-ê o͘-àm hêng-thé, mā thê-kiong lêng-liōng hō͘ seng-hûn hoat-kng.
Khah sin ê hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng, khó-lêng sī siū-tio̍h chêng chi̍t-tāi tōa chit-liōng hêng-chhiⁿ po̍k-chà ia̍h-sī hêng-chhiⁿ-hong ê chhui-sak kah ap-sok hun-chú khì-thé ín-khí--ê.
Chit-tiuⁿ hō͘ lâng ìn-siōng chiok chhim ê siông-sè iáⁿ-siōng tī thiⁿ-téng ê kak-chhùn-chhioh ū 2 tō͘ khoah, chha-put-to sī 4 lia̍p goe̍h-niû ê tōa-sè.
Chiàu NGC 6188 chìn-chêng kó͘-kè ê kī-lî lâi sǹg, che chha-put-to ū 150 kng-nî tōa.

## [KIP] NGC 6188: Thian-tuânn-tsō ê Liông-tso̍k
Thinn-tíng sī-m̄-sī huat-sing liông-tso̍k ê tsiàn-tsing?
Sui-bóng kóng khuànn--khí-lâi kánn-nā sī án-ne, m̄-koh kî-si̍t tsit kuá liông sī khì-thé kah thôo-hún ê po̍h-hûn sán-sing ê huàn-iánn.
Tsit-ê huat-kng ê hûn sī tī 4000 kng-nî hn̄g ê huat-siā sing-hûn NGC 6188.
I tī lâm-thian ê Thian-tuânn-tsō tuā-hîng hun-tsú-hûn pian-iân, m̄-koh tī khó-kìan-kng pho-tuānn sī khuànn bē-tio̍h.
Tshàng tī Thian-tuânn-tsō OB1 sing-hia̍p lāi-té ê tuā tsit-liōng siàu-liân hîng-tshinn, tsiah tú tī kuí-nā pah-bān nî-tsîng senn--tshut-lâi.
In ê hîng-tshinn-hong kah kiông-lia̍t ê tsí-guā-kng hok-siā, tiau tshut tsit-ê oo-àm hîng-thé, mā thê-kiong lîng-liōng hōo sing-hûn huat-kng.
Khah sin ê hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng, khó-lîng sī siū-tio̍h tsîng tsi̍t-tāi tuā tsit-liōng hîng-tshinn po̍k-tsà ia̍h-sī hîng-tshinn-hong ê tshui-sak kah ap-sok hun-tsú khì-thé ín-khí--ê.
Tsit-tiunn hōo lâng ìn-siōng tsiok tshim ê siông-sè iánn-siōng tī thinn-tíng ê kak-tshùn-tshioh ū 2 tōo khuah, tsha-put-to sī 4 lia̍p gue̍h-niû ê tuā-sè.
Tsiàu NGC 6188 tsìn-tsîng kóo-kè ê kī-lî lâi sǹg, tse tsha-put-to ū 150 kng-nî tuā.

## [English] NGC 6188: Dragons of Ara
Do dragons fight on the altar of the sky?
Although it might appear that way, these dragons are [illusions][illusions] made of thin gas and dust.
The [emission nebula][emission nebula] NGC 6188, home to the glowing clouds, is found about 4,000 [light years][light years] away near the edge of a large molecular cloud, unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern [constellation Ara][constellation Ara] (the Altar).
Massive, young [stars of][stars of] the embedded Ara [OB1 association][OB1 association] were formed in that region only a few million years ago, [sculpting][sculpting] the dark shapes and powering the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense [ultraviolet radiation][ultraviolet radiation].
The recent [star][star] formation itself was likely triggered by winds and supernova explosions from previous generations of massive [stars][stars], that swept up and compressed the molecular gas.
This [impressively][impressively] detailed [image][image] spans over 2 degrees (four full Moons), corresponding to over 150 light years at the estimated distance [of NGC 6188][of NGC 6188].

## 詞彙學習(漢羅/POJ/KIP/華語/English)
- 【NGC 6188】NGC lio̍k-it-pat-pat/NGC lio̍k-it-pat-pat/NGC 6188/NGC 6188
- 【發射星雲】hoat-siā seng-hûn/huat-siā sing-hûn/發射星雲/emission nebula
- 【天壇座】Thian-tôaⁿ-chō/Thian-tuânn-tsō/天壇座/constellation Ara (Altar)
- 【OB1 星協】OB one seng-hia̍p/OB one sing-hia̍p/OB1 星協/OB1 ossociation
- 【恆星風】hêng-chheⁿ-hong/hîng-tshenn-hong/恆星風/stellar wind
- 【紫外光】chí-gōa-kng/tsí-guā-kng/紫外光/ultraviolet
- 【輻射】hok-siā/hok-siā/輻射/radiation
- 【可見光】khó-kiàn-kng/khó-kiàn-kng/可見光/visible light
- 【波段】pho-tōaⁿ/pho-tuānn/波段/wavelength
- 【大質量恆星】tōa-chit-liōng hêng-chheⁿ/tuā-tsit-liōng hîng-tshenn/大質量恆星/massive star
- 【角寸尺】kak-chhùn-chhioh/kak-tshùn-tshioh/角尺寸/angular size

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[An-Li Tsai]:


[emission nebula]:
[light years]:
[constellation Ara]:
[stars of]:
[OB1 association]:
[ultraviolet radiation]:
[of NGC 6188]:

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