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Releases: ARETEedu/moodle-mod_arete

2.2.1 (25-01-2022)

25 Jan 11:29
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  • More info is added to version.php

2.2 (03-01-2022)

03 Jan 16:50
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  • Moodle privacy policy is applied to the plugin.
  • Security issues are fixed.


  • Sesskey added to the requests for avoiding CSRF
  • All SQLs use placeholders for avoiding SQL injection
  • Moodle Privacy API is implemented
  • File headers are corrected.
  • More Moodle code styling.
  • Namespace is defined for avoiding potential collisions with other components

2.1 (25-11-2021)

25 Nov 16:54
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Release v2.1 - 25 November 2021


  • Date format is modified to the UK format day/month/year.
  • New file icons added.


  • private activity will not be displayed in search.
  • QR code will load the activity in the app.
  • The special characters in activity titles will no longer cause any issues.


  • Codes are improved to prevent the SQL Injection vulnerability
  • Codes are improved to prevent the Cross-site request forgery(CSRF) vulnerability
  • Some hardcoded strings are replaced with get_string() function
  • More Moodle Form API integration.
  • More Moodle code styling.
  • License is changed to GNU General Public License

2.0 (10-09-2021)

10 Sep 18:15
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Release v2.0 - 10 September 2021

    Features and functionality

  • A new top menu is added. The menu contains buttons for 'Terms of use', 'Calibration image'[1], 'Authoring tool'[2] and 'New Activity'[3].
  • The edit mode and view mode are now separated. Only available options for each mode will be displayed in the activity table.
  • The ARLEM files (activity.json and workplace.json) can be edited (using the ARLEM JSON validator) and saved.
  • The activity table can be sorted by different columns.
  • JSON files data are now included in course backups.
  • A rating system is added for the activities (5 Stars voting system).
  • The name of the teacher and owner of file will be displayed in the student view.
  • Number of views for each activity will be displayed in the table. This number is updated every time the activity is loaded in the AR apps.
  • The ARLEM JSON validator will be opened as a modal popup in the same window as the edit page.


  • Enable Web Services from the admin panel: "Enable web services".
  • Enable REST protocol from the admin panel.
  • Go to 'define roles' and enable the allow checkbox "Create a web service token" for authenticated user.
  • Increase post_max_size=1024M, memory_limit=-1(Or as high as you need[4]) , and upload_max_filesize=1024M in the php.ini on your server.
  • If you are the manager of the Moodle site, you need to create your token manually. This is because for security purposes, Moodle does not allow to create the manager tokens using the web service.

[1] An image that can be used to calibrate any activities.
[2] The link to the MirageXR app which is available for Microsoft Hololens 1, Hololens 2, Android, and iOS. This app let the user to create AR learning experiences, upload them to Moodle using this plugin, and retrieve them from Moodle to play.
[3] This allow the user to create a new activity in the AR app (e.g., MirageXR), if it is installed on the user's device.
[4] -1 means unlimited. Recommended for avoiding any upload errors.

1.0.1 (07-06-2021)

07 Jun 11:06
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  • The structure of Allarlem table on the database which caused an error on uploading the JSON string larger than 65kb is changed.

1.0 (16-04-2021)

16 Apr 11:15
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Release v1.0 - 16 April 2021

    Feature and functionality

  • List of all ARLEM units available.
  • Display of ARLEM unit data such author name, file size, time created, time modified , etc...
  • Allow the teachers to mark their own activities as public or private.
  • Allow the teachers to delete their own activities.
  • Allow the teacher to update the contents of the activities using "Edit" page.
  • Allow the teachers to assign any activities to the courses.
  • Integrated JSON validator on each activity editing page.
  • Integrated with course backup system.
  • Allow the students have access to the activities which are assigned by their teachers
  • Opening the activities via QR-code
  • Opening the activities on MirageXR app by clicking on "Play" button
  • Paging support
  • Responsive design
  • Displaying the user role


  • Files store/serve using Moodle file API
  • wekit:// protocol is used for deep linking


  • Enable Web Services from the admin panel: "Enable web services".
  • Enable REST protocol from the admin panel.
  • Go to 'define roles' and enable the allow checkbox "Create a web service token" for authenticated user.
  • Increase post_max_size=1024M, memory_limit=-1(Or as high as you need*) , and upload_max_filesize=1024M in php.ini on your server.
  • If you are the manager of the Moodle site, you need to create your token manually. This is because Moodle for security purposes does not allow to create the manager tokens using web service.

* -1 means unlimited. -1 recommended for avoiding any upload errors.