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Code to accompany the paper: Collapsible Linear Blocks for Super-Efficient Super Resolution (MLSys 2022) []

With similar or better image quality, SESR achieves 2x to 330x improvement (x2 and x4 super resolution) in Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) operations compared to existing methods.

SESR Achieves State-of-the-art Super Resolution Results

Latest Updates

[New] SESR accepted at the 5th Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys 2022). Latest version released on arXiv (link above) containing new results on open source NPU performance estimation, performance numbers on Arm CPU and GPU for a real mobile device, and more results.

Older updates:

-- Quantization-Aware-Training support added for SESR networks. See "Running Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) and generating a TFLITE file" section below. Full int8 quantization (i.e., both weights and activations are quantized to 8-bits) of SESR results in minimal loss of PSNR: FP32 trained SESR-M5 achieves about 35.20dB PSNR on DIV2K dataset. INT8 SESR-M5 achieves 35.00dB PSNR.

-- TFLITE (Int8) can also be generated after QAT. See "Running Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) and generating a TFLITE file" section below.


It is recommended to use a conda environment with python 3.6. Start by installing the requirements: Minimum requirements: tensorflow-gpu>=2.3 and tensorflow_datasets>=4.1. Install these using the following command:



New Efficient Training Methodology

The training time would increase if we directly train collapsible linear blocks in the expanded space and collapse them later. To address this, we developed an efficient implementation of SESR: We collapse the "Linear Blocks" at each training step (using Algorithms 1 and 2 shown in the paper), and then use this collapsed weight to perform forward pass convolutions. Since model weights are very small tensors compared to feature maps, this collapsing takes a very small time. The training (backward pass) still updates the weights in the expanded space but the forward pass happens in collapsed space even during training (see figure below). Therefore, training the collapsible linear blocks is very efficient.

For the SESR-M5 network and a batch of 32 [64x64] images, training in expanded space takes 41.77B MACs for a single forward pass, whereas our efficient implementation takes only 1.84B MACs. Similar improvements happen in GPU memory and backward pass (due to reduced size of layerwise Jacobians).

Expanded Training vs. Collapsed Training

Training x2 SISR:

Train SESR-M5 network with m = 5, f = 16, feature_size = 256, with collapsed linear block:


Train SESR-M5 network with m = 5, f = 16, feature_size = 256, with expanded linear block:

python --linear_block_type expanded

Train SESR-M11 network with m = 11, f = 16, feature_size = 64, with collapsed linear block:

python --m 11 --feature_size 64

Train SESR-XL network with m = 11, f = 16, feature_size = 64, with collapsed linear block:

python --m 11 --int_features 32 --feature_size 64

Training x4 SISR: Requires a corresponding pretrained x2 model to be present in the directory logs/x2_models/

Train SESR-M5 network with m = 5, f = 16, feature_size = 256, with collapsed linear block:

python --scale 4

Train SESR-M5 network with m = 5, f = 16, feature_size = 256, with expanded linear block:

python --linear_block_type expanded --scale 4

Train SESR-M11 network with m = 11, f = 16, feature_size = 64, with collapsed linear block:

python --m 11 --feature_size 64 --scale 4

Train SESR-XL network with m = 11, f = 16, feature_size = 64, with collapsed linear block:

python --m 11 --int_features 32 --feature_size 64 --scale 4

Running Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) and generating a TFLITE file

Run the following command to quantize the network while training and for generating a TFLITE (for x2 SISR, SESR-M5 network):

python --quant_W --quant_A --gen_tflite

By default, the generated TFLITE inputs 1080p (1920x1080) image and outputs an upscaled image (based on x2 or x4 scale).

File description

File Description Contains main training and eval loop for DIV2K dataset Dataset utils and preprocessing
models/ Contains main SESR network class
models/ Contains the expanded and collapsed linear blocks (to be used inside SESR network)
models/ Contains code to support quantization

Flag description and location:

Flag Filename Description Default value
epochs Number of epochs to train 300
batch_size Batch size during training 32
learning_rate Learning rate for ADAM 2e-4
model_name Name of the model 'SESR'
quant_W Quantize Weights (8-bits) False
quant_A Quantize Activations (8-bits) False
gen_tflite Generate int8 TFLITE after quantization-aware training is complete False
tflite_height Height of Low-Resolution image in TFLITE 1080
tflite_width Width of Low-Resolution image in TFLITE 1920
scale Scale of SISR (either x2 or x4 SISR) 2
feature_size models/ Number of features inside linear blocks (used for SESR only) 256
int_features models/ Number of intermediate features within SESR (parameter f in paper). Used for SESR. 16
m models/ Number of 3x3 layers (parameter m in paper). Used for SESR. 5
linear_block_type models/ Specify whether to train a linear block which does an online collapsing during training, or a full expanded linear block: Options: "collapsed" [DEFAULT] or "expanded" 'collapsed'


If you find this work useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Collapsible Linear Blocks for Super-Efficient Super Resolution},
  author={Bhardwaj, Kartikeya and Milosavljevic, Milos and O'Neil, Liam and Gope, Dibakar and Matas, Ramon and Chalfin, Alex and Suda, Naveen and Meng, Lingchuan and Loh, Danny},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.09404},


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