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Room Reservations

Caleb Sander edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 3 revisions

Essentially a clone of the legacy service. If you want to change the room list, you have to manually insert or delete in the rooms table.


  • Can view a list of SAC rooms that can be reserved
  • Can reserve a room between two times on a specific day with an optional reason
  • Prevents users from making overlapping reservations
  • Can view a list of your own reservations and delete them
  • Can view all reservations between specified dates for specified rooms

SQL tables

(In rooms.sql)


Column Type Comments
room_id INT PK
location VARCHAR(50) e.g. SAC 23
title VARCHAR(50) e.g. ASCIT Screening Room
description VARCHAR(255) e.g. A room for watching DVDs and videos; some rooms don't have descriptions


Column Type Comments
reservation_id INT PK
room_id INT References rooms.room_id
user_id INT References members.user_id
reason TEXT Optional
start_time DATETIME
end_time DATETIME Form requires start_time and end_time to be on the same day
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