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Auckland travel advisory app

built using React Native


$ cd traveladvisor
$ npm install
$ react-native start
$ react-native run-android

API key

This app uses public APIs from Auckland Transport to get the notifications. To use those APIs the app needs a key. Anybody can sign up for an API key on

Before building the app replace the "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" placeholder in traveladvisor/components/settings.js with a valid key.

Running an Android Emulator

Go into the android sdk tools directory:

$ cd android-sdk-linux/tools

Run the AVD Manager and create/manage emulators from there

$ ./android avd

Android Build

  • Update the following keys with appropriate values in the android/ file
  • Go into the android build directory
$ cd traveladvisor/android/
  • Run gradlew with the assembleRelease option
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease

On successful build, the APKs will be located under traveladvisor/traveladvisor/android/app/build/outputs/apk.