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POA deploy

Deploy POA blockchain rapidly using Docker.

Use docker-compose


Docker Toolbox installed.

To download and install Docker Toolbox for your environment please follow the Docker Toolbox instructions.

Getting Start

Just run the following:

$ docker-compose up -d

By default this will create:

  • 1 container which is a signer node with bootstrapped
  • 1 container which is another signer node
  • 1 container which is a normal node
  • 1 Netstats container (with a Web UI to view activity in the cluster)
  • 1 Explorer container

To access the Netstats Web UI:

open http://localhost:3000

To access the explorer:

open http://localhost:8000

Test accounts ready for use

As part of the bootstrapping process we bootstrap 3 Ethereum accounts, two are signer.

See files/genesis.json.

User kubernetes

cd k8s

work flow

if you have set keystore.secret to true in kuberneteth.yaml create an account and upload the key

# Example
# create a new encrypted keyfile
$ geth account new
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat passphrase:
Address: {30a75c364a57d7479b7c5d16c5dc4dcc2176eb5b}
# upload it to the kubernetes server for specified Node
$ kubectl create secret generic geth-key-<Node_UserIdent> --from-file ~/.ethereum/keystore/UTC--2017-11-20T18-36-59.948336313Z--30a75c364a57d7479b7c5d16c5dc4dcc2176eb5b

if not, just copy any existing geth key to the keystore folder, and add it's name and password to kuberneteth.yaml or use the key that is already present in the folder if you just want to play around (password is '123')

once the key is provided you can just create the cluster with those 2 commands:

cd k8s
./kuberneteth # this will create a file called 'deployment.yaml'
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml # this will deploy the cluster to kubernetes


Deploy POA blockchain rapidly using Docker.






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