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CSCI-157 Anonymization

Reviewing Python while learning about data privacy and anonymization.


In this assignment, you will:

  • Review basic Python syntax and data structures, such as loops, functions, list, dictionaries and classes.
  • Use Python to work with files.
  • Learn about privacy issues resulting from data release.
  • Use Python dictionaries to perform a join of two datasets.
  • Learn about the limitations of simple data anonymization techniques.
  • Apply a simple differential privacy technique.
  • Use Python dictionaries to compute statistics over a dataset.

Useful Resources

Review the lecture notes and provided example code for a review of Python syntax. You will also want to read the Python references provided below:

Background: Anonymization

Suppose you are working for Company X and your team is tasked with producing a health record data set to be released to the participants in an upcoming hackathon. Your colleague removed the columns for names and says that the data is ready to go but you aren't convinced. After reviewing the data set, you are concerned that if someone were to combine your "anonymous" data with other publicly available sources there could be trouble. Unfortunately your colleague doesn't share in your concerns and requires proof.

Is this so far fetched? In 2007, Netflix held a competition to improve their recommendation algorithms. This required releasing a large amount of anonymous data from their customers' movie ratings and viewing histories. By combining the Netflix data set with the Internet movie database (IMDb) site data, researchers found a way to link the identity of a Netflix user to a user's IMDb profile based on the select reviews that they published.

With more data being generated and released (and redacted) every day, this is not limited to an old and irrelevant data set. Consider the APIs that expose locations of bikeshare/scooter information (e.g., NABSA). Making these locations publicly available through an API allows for this data to be incorporated into ecosystems that extend beyond the provider's control. As a result you can get useful features like Google maps providing walking directions to the closest scooter/bike within a city, regardless of the service provider. But what is the cost of this? After all, these locations are public knowledge since we can physically see these bikes and scooters on the street. So the exact location of a scooter at a given time may not expose much. What about the pairs of start and end locations along with the date and time of usage? Now we can track usage habits at a particular location and possibly an address. Combining this data and auxiliary information we may be able to identify a set of candidates that are using the scooters. Further analysis may expose things such as daily habits -- particularly when someone normally leaves their house and returns, exposing further sensitive information. Fortunately there are techniques to thwart this.

To address this we have two main problems to tackle: (i) maintain the statistical relevance of the sensitive data and (ii) protect the people represented by the data. Fortunately, there is a well-studied body of tools and techniques under the umbrella of differential privacy for exactly this purpose. By training a model to understand an originally sensitive, but anonymized, data set we can generate synthetic data that looks statistically similar but further protects the individuals contained within. To see more about this, you can read [the blog post by Alexander Watson] ( and follow along with the example notebook they provide to understand further.


You were assigned to process data of a survey among three age groups from three ZIP codes. The purpose of this survey was to find the answer to the following questions:

  • Does the majority of people in each ZIP code like pizza, pasta, or burgers?
  • Does the majority of people in each age group like pizza, spaghetti, or burgers?

Your task is to protect the anonymity of the responses while sharing the respondents' date of birth and ZIP codes. You will investigate two anonymization techniques:

  • Eliminating respondents' first and last names from the database (Homework 1).
  • Response randomization, a toy differential privacy technique (Homework 2).


All files for both homework are present in the /src directory. The directory includes two artificial databases in the form of .csv files (names and DOB are generated via Mockaroo).

  • voters.csv:

    • Structure: First Name, Last Name, Birthday, Zipcode
    • Description: artificial "voters" database for zipcodes 91762, 91763, 91764 from three age groups: people born in 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
  • responses.csv:

    • Structure: First Name, Last Name, Birthday, Zipcode, Question 1, Question 2, Question 3
    • Description: artificial "voters" "responses" to the following sensitive questions (0: No, 1: Yes):
      • Question 1: Do you like pizza?
      • Question 2: Do you like pasta?
      • Question 3: Do you like burgers?

    The responses were generated using /src/tools/ script. You do not need to run this script to complete any of assignments.

Homework 1

In this homework, you will investigate a simple method for ensuring survey anonymity, such as eliminating respondents' first and last names from the database.

Problem 1

This step is our first attempt to anonymize the data from src/responses.csv by replacing the first and last names of respondents with "Person #1", "Person #2", "Person #3", etc.

Complete the method .run(..) in src/ to store the nameless responses into the file anonymous_responses.csv. Follow the instructions given in the template.

Rename to and submit it.

Problem 2

In this step you will show the vulnerability of our simple anonymizer. Using the "publicly available" artificial voters' database voters.csv, you need to de-anonymize anonymous_responses.csv by matching Date of Birth (DOB) and ZIP code fields of these databases.

In src/, the constructor of the class SimpleDeanonymizer initializes self.voters_dictionary from voters.csv by storing the tuple (dob, zipcode) as keys and the tuple (first_name, last_name) as values.

Your task is to complete the method .run(..) to match the DOB and ZIP codes from anonymous_responses.csv with self.voters_dictionary, obtain the first and last names of each respondents and store the de-anonymized responses into the file deanonymized_responses.csv. Note that using a dictionary data structure for matching two datasets guarantees O(|responses|) linear running time for the de-anonymization algorithm.

Once you are done with this task, you may compare the approximate correctness of your de-anonymization using src\ that compares the answers in the original file src/responses.csv with the answers in the de-anonymized file deanonymized_responses.csv.

Rename to and submit it.

Homework 2

In this homework, you will investigate a simple alternative to the anonymization you did in Homework 1. Specifically, you will use response randomization - a toy differential privacy technique. 

Problem 1

In this step you will use a simple differential privacy algorithm for anonymization. Instead of replacing names of the respondents (as in Homework 1), for each of 3 questions, your program will:

  • Toss a coin (use an external/built-in library to randomly generate 0 or 1).
  • If it heads (1), store the truthful response.
  • If it tails (0), then toss the coin again and write its outcome (0 or 1).

Assume the p is the fraction of people who answered "Yes" on the original survey. After the such a randomization, we expect p/2 + 1/4 fraction of people with "Yes" answers. Thus, it is possible to estimate the opinion of the majority (check what happens if p is equal 0.20, 0,40, 0.50, 0.80). At the same time, individual responses will be provided with refutability and hence confidentiality.

Complete the function randomized_response(truthfull_response) in src/ to generate the randomized responses.

Similar to the previous homework, once your code is working, you may compare the original responses with the randomized responses using src/

Rename to and submit it.

Problem 2

Now is the time to analyze the answers to the survey questions based on the responses. Specifically, you will compare the original file src/responses.csv and randomized_responses.csv and see if they produce similar results.

In src/, the method .read(responses_filename) of the class Statistics stores the survey responses into two dictionaries:

  • self.zipcodes with keys 91762, 91763, 91764
  • self.age_groups with keys 1960, 1970, 1980.

Per each key, these dictionaries contain values of the dictionary format {'pizza': <int>, 'pasta': <int>, 'burgers': <int>} where the integer values are the counters of the "Yes" responses.


>>> s = Statistics()
>>> print(s.zipcodes)
{91762: {'pizza': 10, 'pasta': 4, 'burgers': 25}, 91763: {'pizza': 33, 'pasta': 44, 'burgers': 15}, 91764: {'pizza': 4, 'pasta': 1, 'burgers': 2}

Your task is to complete methods .favorite_by_zipcode(self) and .favorite_by_agegroup(self) that find and print the percent of "Yes" answers per each ZIP code and age group. Compare the results from the original survey and randomized survey and if answers to the questions of the survey (see above) match.

Note that it is possible that they do not fully match, as randomization decreases the fraction of "Yes" answers if they are greater than 50%, and increases that fraction if the original fraction of "Yes" answers is less than 50%.

Rename to and submit it.

Bonus problem

Write two methods in the class Statistics that will answer the main question of the survey.

  • .majority_opinion_by_zipcode(self): Does the majority of people in each ZIP code like pizza, pasta, or/and burgers?
  • .majority_opinion_by_agegroup(self): Does the majority of people in each age group like pizza, pasta, or/and burgers?

You may want to modify other methods of the class Statistics and/or function add_data, since you need to calculate the total number of respondents by each ZIP code and age group.

Make sure your modification does not "break" the solution of the Problem 2.

Similarly to the Problem 2, print and compare the results of the original and randomized survey.

Submit the modified

Collaboration policy

You may work in groups for these homework. Make sure to specify group members in the comments of the code files you submit.

Revision History


Reviewing basic Python while learning about data privacy and anonymization







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