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Test if the setup worked

JulianAnders edited this page Sep 14, 2018 · 5 revisions

To see if the previous steps worked we use the Car Sim Control CLI. You can download the sourcecode frome here. After downloading the source, you have to build it via maven.

Before running the jar you have to connect your computer to the Raspberry Pi with an Ethernet cable. After that, you can finally run the jar with the following arguments.

java -jar .\carsimCLI.jar discover

If everything was successful the CLI should now print out a message that it found a Car Simulator in the network and give you information about its IP Address.

Congratulations! You just set up your Car Simulator. Since the example LUA, with which our simulatorimage is equipped, is not very powerful you may want to add some features to it. To do so please follow this guide on how to write lua scripts.