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2014-07-30 20:44

#Issue #45


On Wizards(

Roman Nurik shared some examples how to create elegant multistep forms. He created a WizardPager component that does all the heavy lifting.

Add animations to your Android app(

He also published an intro how to add animations to your Android app.

Styling Pull to Refresh Part 2(

Mark Allison continues his series on how to style a "pull to refresh" ListView.

How to define a Android Multiline EditText(

In this short blogpost Lars Vogel shares a snippet that shows you how to properly style a multiline TextField.

Use built-in feedback mechanism on Android(

Is your app crashing and you don't know about it? Lucky for us Android has a builtin error reporting mechanism to handle such cases. Tom Tasche explains in his blog post how to do it.

Android Emulator to Work on the Macbook Pro Retina(

Do you need to get the android emulator to work on a MacBook Pro Retina? This blog post explains how.



UnifiedPreference is a library for working with all versions of the Android Preference package from API v4 and up.

ACRA - Know your Bugs(

If you need some Error Reporting with more power, then Acra is your thing. It support multiple backends like HockeyApp or Bugsense.


Do you need some Jelly Bean goodness for your notifications on older devices? Then checkout this repository by Jake Wharton. It adds the missing functionality.


Here comes the same for startActivity and ActivityOptions


Exit Buttons in Android(

Bad idea or worst idea? Watch the debate.


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本文由AWCNTT 原创翻译,AndroidWeekly中国 荣誉推出

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