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AXOME edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 1 revision

Austeritas Logo

Welcome to the Austeritas Wiki!

Inside of this wiki you may exchange information about how to use the software and what users have to do in order to get it running as good as possible. Austeritas is an open-source moderation tool for Bedrock Dedicated Servers (BDS), capable of banning, warning and kicking players, managing ban appeals and mod messages right from your browser. This makes moderation incredibly easy.


You are free to contribute to this wiki. Please be respectful and help us keeping the article quality as high as possible. We are always open for great, helpful additions!

How an article should be built

Please always include the following things in an article:

  • How can you achieve the function described?
  • How can you reproduce the actions described in the article?
  • What are possible advantages and disadvantages?
  • What's important to know?

We're excited to see your first article!