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Java CI codecovpages-build-deployment

Team builder

This is a project by Software Engineering (SE) students of the National University of Singapore (NUS). It is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative. You can view the NUS source code here.

We aim for this project to be able to help Computing Students manage contacts to form teams for hackathons, etc.

  • For the detailed documentation of this project, see the Team Builder Product Website.
  • This project is an implementation of a project that is part of the initiative. If you would like to contribute code to this project, see for more info.



  1. Downloaded Java JDK 11 for your operating system.

Team Builder Installation:

  1. Download teambuilder.jar from the latest release
  2. Run Team Builder using method (A) or (B) (A) Run teambuilder.jar from the command line using
    java -jar teambuilder.jar
    (B) Double click onto teambuilder.jar


View the full user guide here


View the full developer guide here

If you would like to contribute to our project, there are some items you will need to note:

  1. All Pull Requests are subjected to a NUS Professor's approval as this project is graded for a module.
  2. Code Reviews, however, are greatly appreciated.
  3. Making an issue for a bug is also greatly appreciated.


View our team page here

Other Acknowledgements