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What is it?

FApro is a desktop application for financial advisors to manage the contacts of their clients. This is especially built for those with more than 50 clients to handle.

What value it brings?

This application revolutionizes client engagement for financial advisors by facilitating strategic communication and personalized service.

  • It ensures advisors efficiently prioritize outreach, focusing on clients requiring immediate attention, thereby optimizing client satisfaction and retention.
  • The system offers insights into clients’ financial product portfolios, enabling advisors to tailor advice and recommendations effectively.
  • Additionally, it streamlines scheduling, allowing for seamless planning of future communications.

This approach not only elevates the advisor-client relationship but also enhances the advisor's ability to serve with precision and foresight, setting a new standard in client management excellence.

Where can I find out more?

Check out our detailed documentation of this project at FApro Product Website.


This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.