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1765 lines (1608 loc) · 293 KB

File metadata and controls

1765 lines (1608 loc) · 293 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
advancedListStories POST /stories List Stories
listAutocompletes GET /autocompletes List autocompletes
listClusters GET /clusters List Clusters
listHistograms GET /histograms List histograms
listRelatedStoriesGet GET /related_stories
listRelatedStoriesPost POST /related_stories
listStories GET /stories List Stories
listTimeSeries GET /time_series List time series
listTrends GET /trends List trends


Stories advancedListStories(body, opts)

List Stories

The stories endpoint is used to return stories based on the json query you set in your request body. The News API crawler gathers articles in near real-time and stores information about them, or metadata. Below you can see all of the query parameters, and JSON schema for the body, which you can use to narrow down your query.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let body = null; // Object | /stories body schema to perform an advanced search with logical operators and nested objects. 
let opts = {
  'publishedAtStart': "publishedAtStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "publishedAtEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  '_return': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for specifying return fields.
  'sortBy': "'published_at'", // String | This parameter is used for changing the order column of the results. You can read about sorting results [here]( 
  'sortDirection': "'desc'", // String | This parameter is used for changing the order direction of the result. You can read about sorting results [here]( 
  'cursor': "'*'", // String | This parameter is used for finding a specific page. You can read more about pagination of results [here]( 
  'perPage': 10 // Number | This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page You can read more about pagination of results [here]( 
apiInstance.advancedListStories(body, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
body Object /stories body schema to perform an advanced search with logical operators and nested objects.
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
_return [String] This parameter is used for specifying return fields. [optional]
sortBy String This parameter is used for changing the order column of the results. You can read about sorting results here. [optional] [default to 'published_at']
sortDirection String This parameter is used for changing the order direction of the result. You can read about sorting results here. [optional] [default to 'desc']
cursor String This parameter is used for finding a specific page. You can read more about pagination of results here. [optional] [default to '*']
perPage Number This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page You can read more about pagination of results here [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


Autocompletes listAutocompletes(type, term, opts)

List autocompletes

The autocompletes endpoint a string of characters provided to it, and then returns suggested terms that are the most likely full words or strings. The terms returned by the News API are based on parameters the type parameters you can see below. For example, if you provide the autocompletes endpoint with the term `New York C` and select the type `dbpedia_resources`, the API will return links to the DBpedia resources `New_York_City`, `New_York_City_Subway`, `New_York_City_Police_Department`, and so on.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let type = source_names; // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of autocompletes. 
let term = News; // String | This parameter is used for finding autocomplete objects that contain the specified value. 
let opts = {
  'language': "'en'", // String | This parameter is used for autocompletes whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'perPage': 3 // Number | This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page. 
apiInstance.listAutocompletes(type, term, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
type String This parameter is used for defining the type of autocompletes.
term String This parameter is used for finding autocomplete objects that contain the specified value.
language String This parameter is used for autocompletes whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional] [default to 'en']
perPage Number This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page. [optional] [default to 3]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


Clusters listClusters(opts)

List Clusters

The clusters endpoint is used to return clusters based on parameters you set in your query.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding clusters by cluster id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding clusters by cluster id. 
  'storyCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding clusters with more than or equal to a specific amount of stories associated with them. 
  'storyCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding clusters with less than or equal to a specific amount of stories associated with them. 
  'timeStart': "timeStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding clusters whose creation time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'timeEnd': "timeEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding clusters whose creation time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'earliestStoryStart': "earliestStoryStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its earliest story is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'earliestStoryEnd': "earliestStoryEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its earliest story is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'latestStoryStart': "latestStoryStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its latest story is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'latestStoryEnd': "latestStoryEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its latest story is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'locationCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding clusters belonging to a specific country. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notLocationCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding clusters belonging to a specific country. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  '_return': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for specifying return fields.
  'sortBy': "'published_at'", // String | This parameter is used for changing the order column of the results. You can read about sorting results [here]( 
  'sortDirection': "'desc'", // String | This parameter is used for changing the order direction of the result. You can read about sorting results [here]( 
  'cursor': "'*'", // String | This parameter is used for finding a specific page. You can read more about pagination of results [here]( 
  'perPage': 10 // Number | This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page You can read more about pagination of results [here]( 
apiInstance.listClusters(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding clusters by cluster id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding clusters by cluster id. [optional]
storyCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding clusters with more than or equal to a specific amount of stories associated with them. [optional]
storyCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding clusters with less than or equal to a specific amount of stories associated with them. [optional]
timeStart String This parameter is used for finding clusters whose creation time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
timeEnd String This parameter is used for finding clusters whose creation time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
earliestStoryStart String This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its earliest story is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
earliestStoryEnd String This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its earliest story is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
latestStoryStart String This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its latest story is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
latestStoryEnd String This parameter is used for finding clusters whose publication date of its latest story is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
locationCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding clusters belonging to a specific country. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notLocationCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding clusters belonging to a specific country. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
_return [String] This parameter is used for specifying return fields. [optional]
sortBy String This parameter is used for changing the order column of the results. You can read about sorting results here. [optional] [default to 'published_at']
sortDirection String This parameter is used for changing the order direction of the result. You can read about sorting results here. [optional] [default to 'desc']
cursor String This parameter is used for finding a specific page. You can read more about pagination of results here. [optional] [default to '*']
perPage Number This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page You can read more about pagination of results here [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


Histograms listHistograms(opts)

List histograms

For the numerical metadata that the News API gathers (such as word counts or social shares for example), you can use the histograms endpoint to access and display this information. As this endpoint does not return actual stories, the results you are given will not count towards your story allowance provided by your subscription, so you can effectively query this endpoint free of charge.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. 
  'title': "title_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'body': "body_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'text': "text_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnTitle': "translationsEnTitle_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnBody': "translationsEnBody_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnText': "translationsEnText_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'linksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. 
  'notLinksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. 
  'language': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'notLanguage': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'publishedAtStart': "publishedAtStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "publishedAtEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'categoriesTaxonomy': "categoriesTaxonomy_example", // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesConfident': true, // Boolean | This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'entitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodyStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': "entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText_example", // String | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'sentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'sentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'notMediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'authorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'notAuthorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'authorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'notAuthorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'notSourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'sourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'notSourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'notSourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'sourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'clusters': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering [here]( 
  'aql': "aql_example", // String | This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. 
  'aqlDefaultField': "'text'", // String | This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. 
  'query': "query_example", // String | This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. 
  'intervalStart': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for setting the start data point of histogram intervals. 
  'intervalEnd': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for setting the end data point of histogram intervals. 
  'intervalWidth': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for setting the width of histogram intervals. 
  'field': "'social_shares_count'" // String | This parameter is used for specifying the y-axis variable for the histogram. 
apiInstance.listHistograms(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. [optional]
title String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
body String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
text String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnTitle String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnBody String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnText String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
linksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. [optional]
notLinksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. [optional]
language [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
notLanguage [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
categoriesTaxonomy String This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesConfident Boolean This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional] [default to true]
categoriesId [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesId [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
entitiesId [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesId [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodyStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText String This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
sentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
sentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
notMediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
authorId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
authorName String This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorName String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
sourceName [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
notSourceName [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
sourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
clusters [String] This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering here. [optional]
aql String This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. [optional]
aqlDefaultField String This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. [optional] [default to 'text']
query String This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. [optional]
intervalStart Number This parameter is used for setting the start data point of histogram intervals. [optional]
intervalEnd Number This parameter is used for setting the end data point of histogram intervals. [optional]
intervalWidth Number This parameter is used for setting the width of histogram intervals. [optional]
field String This parameter is used for specifying the y-axis variable for the histogram. [optional] [default to 'social_shares_count']

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


RelatedStories listRelatedStoriesGet(opts)


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. 
  'title': "title_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'body': "body_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'text': "text_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnTitle': "translationsEnTitle_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnBody': "translationsEnBody_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnText': "translationsEnText_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'linksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. 
  'notLinksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. 
  'language': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'notLanguage': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'publishedAtStart': "publishedAtStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "publishedAtEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'categoriesTaxonomy': "categoriesTaxonomy_example", // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesConfident': true, // Boolean | This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'entitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodyStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': "entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText_example", // String | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'sentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'sentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'notMediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'authorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'notAuthorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'authorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'notAuthorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'notSourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'sourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'notSourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'notSourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'sourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'clusters': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering [here]( 
  '_return': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for specifying return fields.
  'storyId': 789, // Number | A story id
  'storyUrl': "storyUrl_example", // String | An article or webpage
  'storyTitle': "storyTitle_example", // String | Title of the article
  'storyBody': "storyBody_example", // String | Body of the article
  'aql': "aql_example", // String | This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. 
  'aqlDefaultField': "'text'", // String | This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. 
  'query': "query_example", // String | This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. 
  'boostBy': "boostBy_example", // String | This parameter is used for boosting the result by the specified value. 
  'storyLanguage': "'auto'", // String | This parameter is used for setting the language of the story. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'perPage': 3 // Number | This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page. 
apiInstance.listRelatedStoriesGet(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. [optional]
title String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
body String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
text String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnTitle String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnBody String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnText String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
linksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. [optional]
notLinksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. [optional]
language [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
notLanguage [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
categoriesTaxonomy String This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesConfident Boolean This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional] [default to true]
categoriesId [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesId [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
entitiesId [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesId [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodyStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText String This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
sentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
sentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
notMediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
authorId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
authorName String This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorName String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
sourceName [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
notSourceName [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
sourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
clusters [String] This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering here. [optional]
_return [String] This parameter is used for specifying return fields. [optional]
storyId Number A story id [optional]
storyUrl String An article or webpage [optional]
storyTitle String Title of the article [optional]
storyBody String Body of the article [optional]
aql String This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. [optional]
aqlDefaultField String This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. [optional] [default to 'text']
query String This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. [optional]
boostBy String This parameter is used for boosting the result by the specified value. [optional]
storyLanguage String This parameter is used for setting the language of the story. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional] [default to 'auto']
perPage Number This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page. [optional] [default to 3]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


RelatedStories listRelatedStoriesPost(opts)


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. 
  'title': "title_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'body': "body_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'text': "text_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnTitle': "translationsEnTitle_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnBody': "translationsEnBody_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnText': "translationsEnText_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'linksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. 
  'notLinksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. 
  'language': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'notLanguage': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'publishedAtStart': "publishedAtStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "publishedAtEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'categoriesTaxonomy': "categoriesTaxonomy_example", // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesConfident': true, // Boolean | This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'entitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodyStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': "entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText_example", // String | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'sentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'sentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'notMediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'authorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'notAuthorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'authorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'notAuthorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'notSourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'sourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'notSourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'notSourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'sourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'clusters': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering [here]( 
  '_return': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for specifying return fields.
  'storyId': 789, // Number | A story id
  'storyUrl': "storyUrl_example", // String | An article or webpage
  'storyTitle': "storyTitle_example", // String | Title of the article
  'storyBody': "storyBody_example", // String | Body of the article
  'aql': "aql_example", // String | This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. 
  'aqlDefaultField': "'text'", // String | This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. 
  'query': "query_example", // String | This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. 
  'boostBy': "boostBy_example", // String | This parameter is used for boosting the result by the specified value. 
  'storyLanguage': "'auto'", // String | This parameter is used for setting the language of the story. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'perPage': 3 // Number | This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page. 
apiInstance.listRelatedStoriesPost(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. [optional]
title String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
body String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
text String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnTitle String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnBody String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnText String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
linksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. [optional]
notLinksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. [optional]
language [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
notLanguage [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
categoriesTaxonomy String This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesConfident Boolean This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional] [default to true]
categoriesId [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesId [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
entitiesId [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesId [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodyStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText String This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
sentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
sentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
notMediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
authorId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
authorName String This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorName String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
sourceName [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
notSourceName [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
sourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
clusters [String] This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering here. [optional]
_return [String] This parameter is used for specifying return fields. [optional]
storyId Number A story id [optional]
storyUrl String An article or webpage [optional]
storyTitle String Title of the article [optional]
storyBody String Body of the article [optional]
aql String This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. [optional]
aqlDefaultField String This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. [optional] [default to 'text']
query String This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. [optional]
boostBy String This parameter is used for boosting the result by the specified value. [optional]
storyLanguage String This parameter is used for setting the language of the story. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional] [default to 'auto']
perPage Number This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page. [optional] [default to 3]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


Stories listStories(opts)

List Stories

The stories endpoint is used to return stories based on parameters you set in your query. The News API crawler gathers articles in near real-time and stores information about them, or metadata. Below you can see all of the query parameters, which you can use to narrow down your query.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. 
  'title': "title_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'body': "body_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'text': "text_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnTitle': "translationsEnTitle_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnBody': "translationsEnBody_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnText': "translationsEnText_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'language': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'notLanguage': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'linksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. 
  'notLinksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. 
  'publishedAtStart': "publishedAtStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "publishedAtEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'categoriesTaxonomy': "categoriesTaxonomy_example", // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesConfident': true, // Boolean | This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'entitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodyStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': "entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText_example", // String | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'sentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'sentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'notMediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'authorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'notAuthorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'authorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'notAuthorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'notSourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'sourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'notSourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'notSourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'sourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'clusters': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering [here]( 
  '_return': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for specifying return fields.
  'aql': "aql_example", // String | This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. 
  'aqlDefaultField': "'text'", // String | This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. 
  'query': "query_example", // String | This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. 
  'sortBy': "'published_at'", // String | This parameter is used for changing the order column of the results. You can read about sorting results [here]( 
  'sortDirection': "'desc'", // String | This parameter is used for changing the order direction of the result. You can read about sorting results [here]( 
  'cursor': "'*'", // String | This parameter is used for finding a specific page. You can read more about pagination of results [here]( 
  'perPage': 10 // Number | This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page You can read more about pagination of results [here]( 
apiInstance.listStories(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. [optional]
title String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
body String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
text String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnTitle String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnBody String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnText String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
language [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
notLanguage [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
linksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. [optional]
notLinksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. [optional]
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
categoriesTaxonomy String This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesConfident Boolean This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional] [default to true]
categoriesId [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesId [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
entitiesId [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesId [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodyStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText String This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
sentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
sentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
notMediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
authorId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
authorName String This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorName String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
sourceName [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
notSourceName [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
sourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
clusters [String] This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering here. [optional]
_return [String] This parameter is used for specifying return fields. [optional]
aql String This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. [optional]
aqlDefaultField String This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. [optional] [default to 'text']
query String This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. [optional]
sortBy String This parameter is used for changing the order column of the results. You can read about sorting results here. [optional] [default to 'published_at']
sortDirection String This parameter is used for changing the order direction of the result. You can read about sorting results here. [optional] [default to 'desc']
cursor String This parameter is used for finding a specific page. You can read more about pagination of results here. [optional] [default to '*']
perPage Number This parameter is used for specifying number of items in each page You can read more about pagination of results here [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


TimeSeriesList listTimeSeries(opts)

List time series

The time series endpoint allows you to track information contained in stories over time. This information can be anything from mentions of a topic or entities, sentiment about a topic, or the volume of stories published by a source, to name but a few. The full list of parameters is given below. Using the Date Math Syntax, you can easily set your query to return information from any time period, from the current point in time to when the News API started collecting stories. The returned information can be rounded to a time also specified by you, for example by setting the results into hourly, daily, or weekly data points.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. 
  'title': "title_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'body': "body_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'text': "text_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnTitle': "translationsEnTitle_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnBody': "translationsEnBody_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnText': "translationsEnText_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'language': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'notLanguage': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'categoriesTaxonomy': "categoriesTaxonomy_example", // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesConfident': true, // Boolean | This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'entitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodyStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': "entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText_example", // String | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'sentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'sentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'notMediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'authorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'notAuthorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'authorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'notAuthorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'notSourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'sourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'notSourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'notSourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'sourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'clusters': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering [here]( 
  'aql': "aql_example", // String | This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. 
  'aqlDefaultField': "'text'", // String | This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. 
  'query': "query_example", // String | This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. 
  'publishedAtStart': "'NOW-7DAYS/DAY'", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "'NOW/DAY'", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'period': "'+1DAY'" // String | The size of each date range is expressed as an interval to be added to the lower bound. It supports Date Math Syntax. Valid options are `+` following an integer number greater than 0 and one of the Date Math keywords. e.g. `+1DAY`, `+2MINUTES` and `+1MONTH`. Here are [Supported keywords]( 
apiInstance.listTimeSeries(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. [optional]
title String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
body String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
text String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnTitle String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnBody String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnText String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
language [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
notLanguage [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
categoriesTaxonomy String This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesConfident Boolean This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional] [default to true]
categoriesId [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesId [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
entitiesId [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesId [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodyStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText String This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
sentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
sentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
notMediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
authorId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
authorName String This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorName String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
sourceName [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
notSourceName [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
sourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
clusters [String] This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering here. [optional]
aql String This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. [optional]
aqlDefaultField String This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. [optional] [default to 'text']
query String This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. [optional]
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional] [default to 'NOW-7DAYS/DAY']
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional] [default to 'NOW/DAY']
period String The size of each date range is expressed as an interval to be added to the lower bound. It supports Date Math Syntax. Valid options are `+` following an integer number greater than 0 and one of the Date Math keywords. e.g. `+1DAY`, `+2MINUTES` and `+1MONTH`. Here are Supported keywords. [optional] [default to '+1DAY']

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml


Trends listTrends(field, opts)

List trends

The trends endpoint allows you to identify the most-mentioned entities, concepts and keywords relevant to your query. For example, this endpoint allows you to set parameters like a time period, a subject category, or an entity, and your request will return the most mentioned entities or keywords that are mentioned in relation to your query.


import AylienNewsApi from 'aylien-news-api';
let defaultClient = AylienNewsApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: app_id
let app_id = defaultClient.authentications['app_id'];
app_id.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_id.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
// Configure API key authorization: app_key
let app_key = defaultClient.authentications['app_key'];
app_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//app_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new AylienNewsApi.DefaultApi();
let field = keywords; // String | This parameter is used to specify the trend field. 
let opts = {
  'id': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. 
  'notId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. 
  'title': "title_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'body': "body_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'text': "text_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnTitle': "translationsEnTitle_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnBody': "translationsEnBody_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'translationsEnText': "translationsEnText_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports [boolean operators]( 
  'linksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. 
  'notLinksPermalink': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. 
  'language': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'notLanguage': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports [ISO 639-1]( language codes. 
  'publishedAtStart': "publishedAtStart_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'publishedAtEnd': "publishedAtEnd_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with dates]( 
  'categoriesTaxonomy': "categoriesTaxonomy_example", // String | This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesConfident': true, // Boolean | This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLabel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'categoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'notCategoriesLevel': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories [here]( 
  'entitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesId': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikipedia': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesLinksWikidata': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTypes': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodyStockTickers': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': "entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText_example", // String | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities [here]( 
  'sentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentTitlePolarity': "sentimentTitlePolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. 
  'sentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'notSentimentBodyPolarity': "sentimentBodyPolarity_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesWidthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesHeightMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesContentLengthMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'notMediaImagesFormat': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'mediaVideosCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'authorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'notAuthorId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. 
  'authorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'notAuthorName': "authorName_example", // String | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'notSourceId': [null], // [Number] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. 
  'sourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'notSourceName': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. 
  'sourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'notSourceDomain': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. 
  'sourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceLocationsCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesState': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesCity': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'notSourceScopesLevel': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. [Here]( you can find more information about how [to work with locations]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceLinksInCountMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'sourceRankingsAlexaCountry': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks [here]( 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountFacebookMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountLinkedinMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMin': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. 
  'socialSharesCountRedditMax': 56, // Number | This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. 
  'clusters': ["null"], // [String] | This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering [here]( 
  'aql': "aql_example", // String | This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. 
  'aqlDefaultField': "'text'", // String | This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. 
  'query': "query_example" // String | This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. 
apiInstance.listTrends(field, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
field String This parameter is used to specify the trend field.
id [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by story id. [optional]
notId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by story id. [optional]
title String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
body String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
text String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnTitle String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnBody String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
translationsEnText String This parameter is used for finding stories whose translation title or body contains a specific keyword. It supports boolean operators. [optional]
linksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on their url. [optional]
notLinksPermalink [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on their url. [optional]
language [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
notLanguage [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose language is the specified value. It supports ISO 639-1 language codes. [optional]
publishedAtStart String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is greater than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
publishedAtEnd String This parameter is used for finding stories whose published at time is less than the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with dates. [optional]
categoriesTaxonomy String This parameter is used for defining the type of the taxonomy for the rest of the categories queries. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesConfident Boolean This parameter is used for finding stories whose categories are confident. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional] [default to true]
categoriesId [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesId [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories id. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLabel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories label. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
categoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
notCategoriesLevel [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories by categories level. You can read more about working with categories here. [optional]
entitiesId [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesId [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `id`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikipedia [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikipedia URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesLinksWikidata [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's Wikidata URL. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTypes [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `types`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `stock_tickers`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodyStockTickers [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `stock_tickers` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form`. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText String This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesTitleSurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in story titles. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
entitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to find stories based on the specified entities `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
notEntitiesBodySurfaceFormsText [String] This parameter is used to exclude stories based on the specified entity's `surface_form` in the body of stories. You can read more about working with entities here. [optional]
sentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentTitlePolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose title sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
sentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for finding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
notSentimentBodyPolarity String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose body sentiment is the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of images is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesWidthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose width of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesHeightMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose height of images are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesContentLengthMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose images content length are less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
notMediaImagesFormat [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose images format are the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
mediaVideosCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose number of videos is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
authorId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author id is the specified value. [optional]
authorName String This parameter is used for finding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
notAuthorName String This parameter is used for excluding stories whose author full name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceId [Number] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceId [Number] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source id is the specified value. [optional]
sourceName [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
notSourceName [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source name contains the specified value. [optional]
sourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
notSourceDomain [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source domain is the specified value. [optional]
sourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source country is the specified value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source state/province is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceLocationsCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source city is the specified value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCountry [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesState [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified state/province value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesCity [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified city value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for finding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
notSourceScopesLevel [String] This parameter is used for excluding stories whose source scopes is the specified level value. Here you can find more information about how to work with locations. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceLinksInCountMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Links in count is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Links in count here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is greater than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaRankMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is less than or equal to the specified value. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
sourceRankingsAlexaCountry [String] This parameter is used for finding stories from sources whose Alexa rank is in the specified country value. It supports ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. You can read more about working with Alexa ranks here. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountFacebookMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Facebook social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountGooglePlusMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Google+ social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountLinkedinMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose LinkedIn social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMin Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is greater than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
socialSharesCountRedditMax Number This parameter is used for finding stories whose Reddit social shares count is less than or equal to the specified value. [optional]
clusters [String] This parameter is used for finding stories with belonging to one of clusters in a specific set of clusters You can read more about working with clustering here. [optional]
aql String This parameter is used to supply a query in AYLIEN Query Language. [optional]
aqlDefaultField String This parameter is used to supply an optional default field name used in the AQL query. [optional] [default to 'text']
query String This parameter is used to make an advanced query using $and, $or, $not logical operators and $eq for exact match, $text for a text search and $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte for range queries. value must be a json string. [optional]

Return type



app_id, app_key

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/xml