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Paniikki: Computer Lab For Students

Paniikki is a cutting edge computer lab in the computer science department. It is located in T-building C106 (right under lecture hall T1). This documentation is a Paniikki cheatsheet.

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< The blue box at the entrance is Paniikki >

For more services directed at students, see :doc:`welcomestudents`.

The name

Paniikki means "panic" in English which is a fascinating name as people in panic are in panic. I don't know which comes first, the space or the emotion. Anyway, people experience the both simultaneously.



You can access Paniikki in the T-building C106. It is right by the building's main entrance (you can see it through the windows by the building's main entrance).


You can ssh via the normal Aalto shell servers kosh and lyta. Going through them, you can then ssh to one of the Paniikki computers. Be warned, there is no guarantee that you get an empty one... if it seems loaded (use htop to check), try a different one.

You can find the hostnames of the Paniikki computers on


CPU properties Spec
Model Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v4 @ 3.60GHz
Architecture x86_64
CPU(s) 12
Thread(s) per core 2
max MHz 4000.0000
Virtualization VT-x
L1d cache 32K
L1i cache 32K
L2 cache 256K
L3 cache 15360K
Model NVIDIA Quadro P5000
GPU properties Spec
Core GP104GL (Pascal-based)
Core clock 1607 MHz
Memory clock 1251 MHz
Memory size 16384 MiB
Memory type 256-bit GDDR5X
Memory bandwidth 320
CUDA cores 2560
CUDA compute capability 6.1
OpenGL 4.5
OpenCL 1.2
Near GeForce Model GeForce GTX 1080
Memory properties Spec


First thing first, you don't have sudo rights on Aalto classroom machines and you can't, because they are shared. We provide the most used SW and if you need more you could inquire via We try to have a good base software that covers most people's needs.

What? How?
Python via Anaconda module load anaconda
Python (system) Default available
Tensorflow in the Python environments, e.g. anaconda above


In short, module is a software environment management tool. With module you can manage multiple versions of software easily. Here are some sample commands:

There are some modules set up specifically for different courses: if you just load the environment with "module load", you will have everything you need.

Read the details in :doc:`Module environment page </triton/tut/modules>`.

Example 1

Assume we are in Paniikki and wants to do our homework for CS-E4820 Machine Learning: Advanced probabilistic methods. In the course students use Tensorflow and Edward.

# Check available modules
$ module load courses/    # Tab to auto-complete

# Finally you will complete this
$ module load courses/CS-E4820-advanced-probabilistic-methods.lua

# Check the module you loaded
$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
        1) courses/CS-E4820-advanced-probabilistic-methods

# Check the packages
$ conda list    # You will see Tensorflow and etc.

# Launch Jupyter
$ jupyter notebook

# Do your homework

# You are done and want to un-load all the modules?
$ module purge

Example 2: General Python software

Need Python and general software? The anaconda modules have Python, a bunch of useful scientific and data packages, and machine learning libraries.

# Latest Python 3
$ module load anaconda

# Old Python 2
$ module load anaconda2

Example 3: List all software

You can check all other modules as well

$ module avail
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< Available modules in Paniikki as of 2018 March 8th >

You want to use Matlab?

$ module load matlab/2017b
$ matlab


If you have any question please contact and clearly mention the Paniikki classroom in the message.