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🧙 Fellowship of engineeRING 🧙

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Study materials and references focused towards Semester 3 of B.E (IT department)

All the folder except LabWork - Assignments contains reference materials (practice programs and pdfs)

Table of contents

🌟LabWork - Assignments 🌟

Contents of coding subjects i.e. DBMS, DSA, JAVA Lab and PCPF of LabWork - Assignments are generally in the following order:

  • code --> Programs and/or problem statement
  • ouputs --> Screenshots on how to run programs
  • write-up --> Observations and explanation of process

Theoretical subjects like AM 3 and PCOM contains handwritten material for each assignments

1. 📝 DSA

  • Assignment 01
    • Dijkstra's algorithm
  • Assignemt 02
    • Recursion
  • Experiment 01
    • Implementation of Stack
  • Experiment 02
    • Evaluation of Infix expression using Stack
    • Evaluation of Postfix expression using Stack
    • Evaluation of Prefic expression using Stack
  • Experiment 03
    • Infix expression to postfix expression using Stack
  • Experiment 04
    • Implementation of Queue (Linear)
  • Experiment 05
    • Implementation of Queue (Circular)
  • Experiment 06
    • Implementation of Singly Linked list (Linear)
  • Experiment 07
    • Implementation of Stack using Singly Linked list
  • Experiment 08
    • Implementation of Queue using Singly Linked list
  • Experiment 09
    • Implementation of Circular singly Linked list (Circular)
  • Experiment 10
    • Josephus problem
  • Experiment 11
    • Implementation of Doubly Linked list (Linear)
  • Experiment 12
    • Implementation of Circular Doubly Linked list (Circular)
  • Experiment 13
    • Implementation of Binary search Tree
  • Experiment 14
    • Implementation of AVL Tree (Self balancing binary search tree)
  • Experiment 15
    • Breadth first search traversal
    • Depth first search traversal
  • Experiment 16
    • Implermentation of Binary search algorithm
  • Experiment 17
    • Implementation of Selection sort algorithm
    • Implementation of Insertion sort algorithm
  • Experiment 18
    • Implementation of Merge sort algorithm (Divide and conquer)
    • Implementation of Quick sort algorithm

2. 📝 JAVA Lab

3. 📝 DBMS

PS: Go through write-ups of each experiment for Problem statement

4. 📝 PCPF

PS: Go through write-ups of each experiment for Problem statement

  • Assignment 01
    • Concept of Threads in java
  • Assignment 02
    • Implementation of Exception handling
    • Types of Exception handling
  • Experiment 01
    • OOP concepts in C++
      • Classes
      • Objects
      • Constructor
      • Constructor overloading
  • Experiment 02
    • Illustration of Inheritence using C++
  • Experiment 03
    • Dynamic Binding
    • Runtime polymorphism
    • Virtual functions
  • Experiment 04
    • Haskell using prelude in commadline
      • Factorial of a number
      • List comprehension
      • Square of a number
      • Converts temperatures in °C to °F
  • Experiment 05
    • Haskell
      • Check if number is odd or even
      • Fibonacci series using recursion
      • List comprehension
  • Experiment 06
    • Haskell
      • conditional expression
      • guarded equations
      • pattern matching
  • Experiment 07
    • Prolog installation
  • Experiment 08
    • Prolog
      • Illustration of Facts and Rules
      • Find length of the list

5. 📝 PCOM

6. 📝 AM 3

📚 Data structures and algorithms (C)

  • Structures practice


  • 🌟Module wise PPTs🌟 Special thanks to Dimple Bohra ma'am
  • Arraylist
  • Jagged array
  • Demo programs


  • Haskell demo programs
  • Prolog demo programs

📚 Reference books

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