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Releases: Aaron-Junker/USOC


09 Jan 07:05
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Pb2.4Bfx3 Pre-release


03 Jan 16:09
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Pb2.4Bfx2 Pre-release

Fixed a sql injection security bug


24 Jan 18:22
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Pb2.4Bfx1 Pre-release


Fixed bugs

  • Some debug function were still in the image plugin


24 Jan 16:43
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Pb2.4Bfx0 Pre-release



- Install please the hotfix linked above

Install instructions:

USOC now supports PHP8. Through a backwards compatibity script it still supports PHP7.4.
The PHP7.4 support ends in the summer of 2020

We moved all files from the root folder to docs and all from the site folder to the root folder!


  • Added a beautiful installer
    • Removed install.html
    • Added a hint in the admin area if the install folder still exists

  • ID selection on admin/pages/useredit.php now only allows range from lowest id to highest id
  • Added return declarations to functions
  • Added a backwards compatibility script
    • Backward compatibility functions:
      • string_starts_with();
      • string_ends_with();
      • string_contains();
    • PHP8.0 <-> PHP 7.4
  • Added new content system for plugins
  • Added a new plugin system
    • New function: $U->addPage(string $content, string $name, string $code, int $authorID, string $date, int $online):bool
      • Allows to add a new content page
    • New function: $U->addPage(string $content, string $name, string $code, int $authorID, string $date, int $online):bool
      • Allows to add a new content page
    • Added a plugin folder
    • Added infos about installed plugins on the about page
    • You can now upload files with plugins
    • More Information: Wiki
  • New function $U->editSetting(string $name, string $value):bool
  • Added image folder
    • Added Case Games logo
    • Added load image
    • Added icofont folder
  • Added Subfolders to the includes folder
    • In the JS folder are various JavaScript scripts
      • Added a Script that displays information in the JavaScript console
        • Gets implemented in a further version
    • In the SettingsAssets folder are the assets for the new settingseditor page in the Admin area
      • The files get splited up in a further version
    • Please note, that you can't include files, which aren't in th JS folder, with HTML, you must include them with PHP
  • Added a settings overview page in admin area
    • You can change settings now better
    • The old settings menu is now in an other order on the overview page
  • Added icons to the Admin area main page
  • You can add now /raw/ to the beginning of an URL to get the raw page. For example: localhost/raw/index

Example image

  • New option: 2fa.enabled
    • Sets if users can use 2fa or not
    • If you turn off users also don't get asked for the authenticator code
  • /login folder has now as fallback resource /login/login.php
  • Added vendor folder and the composer file works now
  • Added robots.txt
  • Added information about new versions in the about page
    • New function $U->getNewestVersion():array
      • Returns information about the newest version from GitHub
    • New function $U->versionNameToCode(string $name):int
      • Returns the version identifier code from version $name
  • Added image plugin
    • Read for install and use instractions


Code in the database is now saved encoded with html_special_chairs(). This doesn't get done by $U->addPage() or $U->editPage(). To repair your pages just open them in the editor and save them again

  • Plugin System
    • Deleted /admin/pages/blogeditor.php and /admin/sendsiteblog
    • You must now choose the contetn type on the adminarea mainpage to delete a page
    • Plugin system in all editors implemented
  • Renamed register_open() to isRegisterOpen()
  • isRegisterOpen() checks now if user is logged in
  • Renamed placeholder variable $zeile to $row
  • Changed older PHP7.4 functions to PHP8.0 functions
  • Renamed $U->version_code to $U->versionCode
  • Content page names are now all stored lowercase
  • Changed logo source from data URL to fix URL
  • Changed behavior of register and login system
    • If setting "login.login_open" is 0
      • You can now login if you are an administrator in the admin area
      • You also can't register new users now
    • In the admin area you can now only login with an admin account
  • New admin area login style

Example image

  • The "Change password" button in the menu is now hidden if login.changepassword is off
  • $U->getLang() returns now also the english string if the translated string is ""
  • Removed ability on admin/2fa.php to delete or add secret keys
  • Better styled install.html
  • When you add an Google Account you get now redirected to the main page
  • User editor
    • Added a user search function
    • You can't edit yourself now
    • Shows now an error if the user doesn't exists
  • 2fa
    • Code input is now styled and in login.php
    • You can now cancel code input
    • You can not login with a other account if you haven't finished login yet
  • Chenged order of items on about.php
  • Better visible menu items in dark mode when hovered

Fixed bugs

Fixed security bugs

  • You can access wrong files from admin area

Other bugs

Fixex the whole oAuth system

  • Changepassword.php can be accessed even when not logged in
  • Wrong string when registration is closed
  • You can register a new account when you're logged in
  • You can save a page even when it already existed
  • Some functions were declared they give back mixed but they have a type.
  • URL'S parsed by page.php could contain false URL's
  • False setting search in register.php
  • register.php can't be displayed
  • Javascript info banner always on log off screen
  • "Back" link doesn't work in admin/pages/settingseditorsend.php
  • Mobile view doesn't look good on some browsers because it has forced scrollbars
  • setting didn't have a type
  • is doubled
  • Headers in profile settings aren't in the right size
  • Google oAuth client id wasn't variable in login.php
  • login.php checks for the wrong oAuth google file
  • The user editor didn't show translations just "%a" and "%b"
  • Useless string replace in login.php
  • String for wrong login is not translated
  • Error messages have a wrong margin
  • No real dark mode for error messages
  • Buttons had no margin
  • Adminarea about page has no title
  • You can see older codes on the 2fa code input¨
  • Working logout


06 Dec 14:48
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Pb2.3Bfx0 Pre-release



  • You can access the database connection from $U->db_link
  • Added link in the admin area to the about page
  • Added link to register.php in sitemap
  • Added simple style for printing
  • You can now delete pages in the adminarea
  • New function bool $U->deletePage(string $table, string $name)
    • $table: The table the page is stored ("Blog" or "Sites")
    • $name: The name of the page


  • Removed install files
  • Adjusted the CSS files to the new Code Conventions

Fixed bugs

  • Syntax error in logout.php*
  • Fixed bug in that don't let you see the english translation if no other is available
  • Removed .htaccess in admin/ckeditor because the editor couldn't load anymore
  • Fixed too big logo in admin/pages/about.php
  • Wrong link to login.php in sitemap.php
  • Wrote licence instead of license
  • Wrong translations in blogeditor
  • No fallback on blogsites if no blog article is saved


12 Oct 06:02
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Pb2.2Bfx0 Pre-release


  • Restrict access to admin/ckeditor


  • Changed to intstall.html for better read experience

Fixed bugs

  • Google logout doesn't work
  • Fixed typo in install.html
  • The client id isn't flexible in profile.php (#53)


03 Oct 14:07
Choose a tag to compare
Pb2.1Bfx0 Pre-release


  • Added more documentation in login folder


  • Edited some little things in login/login.php
  • Edited some little things in login/register.php
  • The version in admin/pages/about.php is now readed from the class

Fixed bugs

  • No translation in the title of the mainpage of the adminarea
  • Fixed a little security bug in login/login.php
  • Changed some misplaced session_start() #51
  • No traslated back on admin/pages/about.php
  • Fixed bugs in admin/login.php and admin/2fa.php
  • Some include_once "konfiguration.php" existed


19 Sep 15:25
Choose a tag to compare
Pb2.0Bfx1 Pre-release

Fixed Bugs

  • Version named Pb2.0Bfx0 instead of Pb2.0Bfx0RCA


19 Sep 15:12
Choose a tag to compare
Pb2.0Bfx0 Pre-release


  • Access blog pages through /blog/name
  • Access pages through /name
  • Added link to


  • Added some missing, but optional ";"
  • Don't show google login when it's deactivated

Fixed bugs

  • All bugs in #49


14 Sep 17:13
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Pb2.0Bfx0RCA Pre-release

This Version isn't backward compatible to older versions

The install wizard doesn't work.

This is a release Candidate version. Issues will be tracked in #49


  • Added better class system
  • Added HTTP-Errors 400, 405, 410, 414, 423
  • Added experimental information to installer.


  • Better organisation of code
  • Renamed profil.php in profile.php
  • Added more documentation to code
  • Moved blogsite, index and HTTP-Errors to page.php
  • Added all translations
  • Updated files to new code conventions
  • Changed to


  • Removed is_there_usoc.json
  • /errors/*
  • blog.php
  • blogsite.php
  • option for a hash

Fixed bugs

  • #48
  • And other