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ApproxTrain is an open-source framework that allows sufficiently fast evaluation of DNNs training and inference using simulated approximate multipliers. ApproxTrain is as user-friendly as TensorFlow (TF) and requires only a high-level description of a DNN architecture along with C/C++ functional models of the approximate multiplier. We improve the speed of the simulation at the multiplier level using a novel LUT-based approximate floating-point (FP) multiplier on GPU (AM Simulator). Additionally, a novel flow is presented to seamlessly convert C/C++ functional models of approximate FP multipliers into AM Simulator. ApproxTrain leverages CUDA and efficiently integrates AM Siumlator into TensorFlow library, to overcome the absence of native hardware approximate multiplier in commercial GPUs.

Installation of Dependencies

ApproxTrain requires Tensorflow, CUDA Toolkit, cuDNN, GNU C++ compiler and Python3. We recommend using Python 3.5-3.8 and g++ 5.4.0 or higher. We did the development and testing on an Ubuntu 18.04.6 environment with Tensorflow 2.3.0, CUDA 10.1, CuDNN 7.6.5, g++ 8.4 and python 3.6.9. A brief guide on installing those dependency versions on an Ubuntu system are given below. Alternatively, If you can follow the official TensorFlow build guide.

Tensorflow 2.3

# check Tensorflow version
python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)'

# install tensorflow 2.3.0
pip3 install --user Tensorflow==2.3.0

g++ 8

# Check g++ version
g++ -v
# install g++ version 8
sudo apt -y install  g++-8 

# add g++ 8 as an alternative g++
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8 8

# update default g++ to version    
# Note: you must select the g++-8 from drop down
sudo update-alternatives --config g++

Note: Make sure your g++ version is greater than 5.4. Otherwise it may lead to a segmentation fault due to a known issue in Tensorflow.

CUDA Toolkit 10.1

# Check CUDA version

Download CUDA 10.1 from CUDA 10.1 archive and follow the steps in the CUDA documentation.

cuDNN 7.6.5

cuDNN is required for other tensorflow official layers, e.g., pooling.

Download CuDNN from the NVIDIA website. Note that you will have to register for this. After downloading the tarball:

# decompress cuDNN
tar -xvf cudnn-10.1-linux-x64-v7.6.5.32.tar.xz
# copy to CUDA tool kit directory
sudo cp cudnn-*-archive/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/include 
sudo cp -P cudnn-*-archive/lib/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda/lib64 
sudo chmod a+r /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*

Further details and alternative installation methods can be found installation guide.

Supporting operands

Apporximate Operator Tensorflow equivalent Gradient Computation Status
AMConv2D Conv2D Complete
denseam Dense Complete
MatMulAM MatMul Complete
AMMHA MultiHeadAttention Complete

Running an Example

Install tensorflow dataset

In our example, we use tfds package to load and preprocess the train/test images. Install tfds as:

pip3 install --user tensorflow-datasets

Clone the repository

git clone
cd ApproxTrain

Compile the framework with AM Simulator

Warnings come from Tensorflow library could be safely ignored.

When building is sucessful, and '' file are created.


If you do not specify AMSIMULATOR, framework will be built with native hardware multiplication FP32 (* operator).

Using in-built approximate multipliers

We provides two approximate multipliers, minimally biased multiplier (MBM) and Mitchell logarithm-based (MIT) approximate multiplier with different bit-widths as shown in the table below. (s, e, m) represents sign, exponent and mantissa. For lookup table-based (lut) AM Simulator, we support mantissa bit-width from 1 (16 Bytes) to 11 (16.8 Mb). For multipliers with mantissa bit-width greater or equal to 12, direct C simulation should be used and expect performance degradation. Note that, the number after underscore in column Generate LUT File Name is the mantissa bit-width, which is needed for ApproxTrain to initialize lookup table.

Name Multiplier Bit-width (s, e, m) LUT AM Simulator Generated LUT File Name
FMBM32_MULTIPLIER MBM 32 (1, 8, 23)
FMBM16_MULTIPLIER MBM 16 (1, 8, 7) MBM_7.bin
FMBM14_MULTIPLIER MBM 14 (1, 8, 5) MBM_5.bin
FMBM12_MULTIPLIER MBM 12 (1, 8, 3) MBM_3.bin
FMBM10_MULTIPLIER MBM 10 (1, 8, 1) MBM_1.bin
MITCHEL16_MULTIPLIER MIT 16 (1, 8, 7) MIT_7.bin
MITCHEL14_MULTIPLIER MIT 14 (1, 8, 5) MIT_5.bin
MITCHEL12_MULTIPLIER MIT 12 (1, 8, 3) MIT_3.bin
MITCHEL10_MULTIPLIER MIT 10 (1, 8, 1) MIT_1.bin

Now generate binary LUT files for AMSimulator

cd lut

Now, launch the example script with preferred approximate multiplier (e.g. FMBM16_MULTIPLIER) as:

python3 --mul="lut/MBM_7.bin"

You would expect 98% accuracy or higher, if everything works properly.

If you are not sure about whether you are running GPU or not, run the following commands.

python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.test.gpu_device_name())'

For Developers

If you are interested in adding your own multiplier or your own dataset, please visit the developers guide.




Mitchell logarithm-based approximate multiplier: Computer Multiplication and Division Using Binary Logarithms

Minimally biased multipliers: Minimally Biased Multipliers for Approximate Integer and Floating-Point Multiplication

Some code snippets have been taken from tfapprox, add custom operand to tensorflow and tensorflow.

Citing ApproxTrain

If ApproxTrain helps you in your academic research, you are encouraged to cite our paper.

  author={Gong, Jing and Saadat, Hassaan and Gamaarachchi, Hasindu and Javaid, Haris and Hu, Xiaobo Sharon and Parameswaran, Sri},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems}, 
  title={ApproxTrain: Fast Simulation of Approximate Multipliers for DNN Training and Inference}, 


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