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A Telegram Bot to track group chat referrals with a point system.


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A Telegram Bot to track public group referrals with a built in point system.


This is a Telegram Bot for a referral program to a group chat. It has a built in point system that also awards extra points to the referrer when referrees are active in the group chat. Members can generate a link to the ReferralBot which contains the member's unique referral code. When a new user clicks the link to join a chat with the bot, the referral is logged and a user is sent a message and link to join the official group. Once the user joins the group, the referring member is awarded the point.

This bot was created to watch for new members in only one group chat. If you need to refer users to multiple groups, you will need multiple instances of this bot.

Important! Admin password is not stored encrypted in this base design. For a permanent solution, reconfigure for secure storage method.


Enter a private chat with @BotFather and send the command /newbot

Follow the prompts to create a new bot.

Once the bot is created, set the bot to allow groups and to turn off group privacy:

@BotFather /mybots > Bot Settings > Allow Groups? > Turn groups on

@BotFather /mybots > Bot Settings > Group Privacy > Turn off

Setup any user visible bot commands:

@BotFather /mybots > Edit Bot > Edit Commands > command - description

Ubuntu 18.04 VPS install:

wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.1

Clone repository:

git clone

Edit the config file located at ~/Telegram-Referral-Bot/TelegramReferralBot/netcoreapp2.1/config.conf:

sudo nano ~/Telegram-Referral-Bot/TelegramReferralBot/netcoreapp2.1/config.conf

In config.conf:

Replace < YOUR_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN > with your bot access token provided from @BotFather. For example: bot=1225611394:AAGJM-neC1bIHrqdUg26cq4F-hFWu3HyiGt

Replace< GROUP_NAME > with your group link. For example: linkGroup=

Replace < BOT_NAME > with your bot's @Username. For example: linkBot=

Replace < PASSWORD > with a password for editing. For example: pw=123456

Replace < START_DATE > with the date the referral campaign will begin. Month/Day/Year. For example start date of May 21st, 2020: start=5/21/2020

Replace < NUMBER_OF_DAYS > with the integer number of days the referral campaign is to last. For example: days=14

Points are obtained by referring new members and group chat activity of those new members. Every post by the referred user above < THRESHOLD > gives the reffering user 1 point, up to < MAXIMUM > per day. In order for a message to be accepted for a point reward, the message text length must be longer than < THRESHOLD >. This prevents some spam, nuisance posts, and unengaging posts such as a simpele "Hi guys!" from being counted. This can also be set to 0 to disable the points from user posts feature. The < MAXIMUM > applies for each referred user.

For example: Bob referred Jane, Ginger and Katie. < MAXIMUM > is set to 5. Jane sent 3 messages in the group chat today that exceeded < THRESHOLD >. Ginger sent 15 and Katie sent none. Bob would have 1 point for each when they joined the group with his referral code. He would get an additional 3 points today from Jane, 5 from Ginger (the max due to < MAXIMUM >), and 0 from Katie. Giving him 8 points for today's user activity and 3 for referals for a total of 11 points.

Replace < MAXIMUM > with an integer number for max points per day. For example: max=5

Replace < THRESHOLD > with the number of characters required in the message in order to be awarded a point. For example: threshold=15

Start the bot:

Start the bot on the VPS with the command: dotnet < path/to/bot.dll > For example: dotnet Telegram-Referral-Bot/TelegramReferralBot/netcoreapp2.1/TelegramReferralBot.dll

If sucessfully started, bot will respond in the console with its user ID and name.

Add bot to group with the following link (replace < BOT_USER_NAME > with the bot user name):< BOT_USER_NAME >?startgroup=added2group For example:

If sucessfully added and started, bot will respond with a greeting.

Set bot permisions to Admin if not already.


	/disableNotice - (Private Chat Only) Turn off private bot notices.
            /enableNotice - (Private Chat Only) Turn on private bot notices.
            /getRefLink - (Private Chat Only) Generates your referral code for the program.
            /help - Sends a list of available commands.
            /listAll - (Private Chat Only) Full list of all members with points.
            /listRef - (Private Chat Only) Full list of all members referral count.
            /myID - Gets your Telegram user ID.
            /myPoints - Gets your current referral point total.
            /refTotal - Displays a list of total referred members per day.
            /top10 - Displays the names and points of the top 10 ranks in the referral program.

	/disableNotice - (Private Chat Only) Turn off private bot notices.
            /disableWelcome - (Group Chat Only and Group Admin Only) Disables the welcome message the bot sends when a referred user joins the group.
            /editUser - (Private Chat Only) Begins the edit user wizard. Follow the prompts to edit user data.
            /enableNotice - (Private Chat Only) Turn on private bot notices.
            /enableWelcome - (Group Chat Only and Group Admin Only) Enables the welcome message the bot sends when a referred user joins the group.
            /FindMemberID - (Private Chat Only) Use: /FindMemberID <USER_NAME>  Replace <USER_NAME> with the Nickname or @Username to attempt to find the Telegram user ID number.
            /getRefLink - (Private Chat Only) Generates your referral code for the program.
            /help - Sends a list of available commands.
            /listAll - (Private Chat Only) Full list of all members with points.
            /listRef - (Private Chat Only) Full list of all members referral count.
            /myID - Gets your Telegram user ID.
            /myPoints - Gets your current referral point total.
            /refTotal - Displays a list of total referred members per day.
            /top10 - Displays the names and points of the top 10 ranks in the referral program.


This bot is design to only track one public group at a time. You will need to create seperate instances of this bot to link more than one group.

Log files are saved to a Log folder inside of the Output folder.

Data files are saved to the Log folder. Data files are created once an hour of each day and contain a data dump from all databases. This is to help in reconstructing the databases if needed.

The offset feature, set by /editUser wizard, can be used to adjust a member's point total, if required. It can also be used to award bonus points for completing additional tasks, if desired. Set this value to -1000000 to ban the user from the referral campaign. This can also be achieved by Option 5 - Ban user in the /editUser wizard.

Failed logins, accessed in the /editUser wizard, is the number of attempts the user tried password protected commands with an incorrect password. After 10 failed attempts, the user is banned from commands that require a password until their Failed logins value is set to 0 by another admin with the password.

When a new member joins the group, if they joined with a referral code, the bot will respond in the group with a welcome message. This serves as a convienent way of seeing who was referred by whom and when new referrals join. This feature can be disabled by any group admin with the command /disableWelcome in the group. Or enabled by any group admin with /enableWelcome in the group. The bot will also send the referring member a private message notifying them that a new member joined with their referral code. This message can be disabled with the command /disableNotice and enabled with the command /enableNotice in a private chat with the bot.

Some commands require a user ID number of the member, such as the /editUser wizard. A user's ID number can be obtain two ways with this bot. 1) Have the user send the /myID command. 2) If the user has interacted with the bot, the bot maintains a log of users. Send the /FindMemberId < USER_NAME > command in a private chat with the bot, replacing < USER_NAME > with the nickname or @username of the member you need the ID number for. If any matches are found in the database, the bot will respond with info on each potential match for you to verify which user is the correct one.


A Telegram Bot to track group chat referrals with a point system.







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