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An experimental project to simplify the creation of RESTful APIs.


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An experimental project to simplify the creation of RESTful APIs by using Node.js, Express.js, Typescript, TypeORM and Mysql.


  1. RESTFul API generated by this project need to have a user account and be logged, you can edit the user.the.ts file in folder src/theObject, but it is not recommanded to delete it
  2. This project is still an alpha version, so please don't use it in production environment.

Table of contents

  1. How to use it
  2. About
    1. .env file
    2. theObject and the files
      1. theObject
    3. Entities
    4. Caches
    5. Access
    6. DTOs
    7. Routers
    8. Documentation
      1. Swagger
      2. Swagger implementation
    9. Migrations
    10. Logs
    11. Securities
      1. Tokens
      2. Passwords

How to use it

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  3. Create your entity_name.the.ts files in the src/theObject folder
  4. Create your database and configure the .env file
  5. Run npm run generate:theApi to generate all the files required to configure and manage your API
  6. Run npm run migration:generate and npm run migration:run to create the tables in the database
  7. Run npm run start:swagger to generate the server and generate the swagger documentation / Run npm start to start the server without generate swagger documentation if it was already generated


.env file

Place it to the root of the project. Use it to configure the database connection and you're app

.env file exemple
#App data
APP_NAME: 'Name of your project'
APP_VERSION: 'Version of your project'
APP_DESCRIPTION: 'Description of your project'

#Server Config
SV_PORT: 3000
SV_HOSTNAME: 'localhost'

DB_PORT: 3306
DB_USER: 'root'
DB_PASSWORD: 'your_password'
DB_DATABASE: 'name_of_your_database'
DB_CHARSET: 'utf8mb4'
DB_PREFIX: 'prefix_of_your_database_tables'

LOG_LIMIT_SIZE: 1000000 #1Mo #Limit size of log file
LOG_LIMIT_FILES: 10 #Limit number of log files

#Timer to define how long data will be stored in cache
CA_TIMER: 30000 #Milliseconds #30Secondes

#Tokens secret keys
TK_SECRETKEY: 'your_secret_key_for_token'
TK_SECRETREFRESHKEY: 'your_secret_key_for_refresh_token'

#Timer to define how long tokens will be valid
# '20s' = 20 seconds, '1m' = 1 minute, '2h' = 2 hours, '1d' = 1 day
TK_VALIDTOKENTIMER: '20m' #Timer to define how long tokens will be valid
TK_VALIDREFRESHTOKENTIMER: '3d' #Timer to define how long refresh tokens will be valid

TL_TIMER: 7200000

TheObject and the files

One entity_name.the.ts file = one const entity_name: TheObject


The TheObject is an object that contains all the properties required to configure and manage the API in one place.
By defining it, you can manage your entites and their properties, the dtos, the access for each user role and the caches.

Explanation of theObject
type theObject = {

    entity: { //Data of your entity and its Dto
        entityName: string, //Name of your entity, correspond to the name of the table in the database
        columns?: [ //Columns of your entity, correspond to the columns of the table in the database
                name: string, //Name of the column
                type: "string" | "number" | "Date" | "boolean" | "Blob", //typescript type of the column
                options: {
                    nullable: boolean, //is the column can be null
                    unique?: boolean, //is the values of the collumn are unique
                    columnType: ColumnType, //type of the column in the database ("VarChar, Char, Int,...")
                    default?: string | number | boolean | Date | null, //default value of the column in the database
        relations?: [ //Relations of your entity, correspond to the relations of the table in the database
                name: string, //Name of the relation
                type: "OneToOne" | "OneToMany" | "ManyToOne" | "ManyToMany", //Type of the relation
                relationWith: string, //Name of the entity with which the relation is made,
                manyToManyOwningSide?: boolean, //Is the relation is a manyToMany relation and the entity is the owning side
                oneToManyJoinTable?: string, //Required for ManyToOne relations. Name of the join table column if the relation is a manyToOne relation
                manyToManyJoinTable?: string //Required for ManyToMany relations. Name of the join table column if the relation is a manyToMany relation
        dtoExcludedColumns?: string[], //Columns of the entity that you don't want to include in the dto
        dtoExcludedRelations?: string[], //Relations of the entity that you don't want to include in the dto
    cache: { //Data of the cache
        isEntityCached: boolean, //Is the entity have to be cached
    access: [ //Data of the different user roles and their access
            userRole: undefined |"User" | "Admin" | "SuperAdmin", //User role for which the access is defined
            httpMethods: Set<"GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE">, //HTTP methods allowed for the user role
            getAccessParams?: string[], //Params allowed for the GET method for the user role
            getAccessRelations?: string[], //Relations allowed for the GET method for the user role


Exemple user.the.ts file
import {TheObject} from "../types";

export const user: TheObject = {
    entity: {
        entityName: "user",
        columns: [
                name: "role",
                type: "string",
                options: {
                    nullable: false,
                    unique: false,
                    columnType: "varchar",
                    default: "User"
                name: "email",
                type: "string",
                options: {
                    nullable: false,
                    unique: true,
                    columnType: "varchar"
                name: "password",
                type: "string",
                options: {
                    nullable: false,
                    unique: false,
                    columnType: "varchar"
                name: "nom",
                type: "string",
                options: {
                    nullable: false,
                    unique: false,
                    columnType: "varchar"
                name: "prenom",
                type: "string",
                options: {
                    nullable: false,
                    unique: false,
                    columnType: "varchar"
        relations: [
                name: "profile",
                type: "OneToOne",
                relationWith: "profile"
                name: "photos",
                type: "OneToMany",
                relationWith: "photo"
        dtoExcludedColumns: ["role", "password"],
        dtoExcludedRelations: []
    cache: {
        isEntityCached: false,
    access: [
            userRole: "User",
            httpMethods: new Set(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
            getAccessParams: ["id"],
            getAccessRelations: ["profile", "photos"]
            userRole: "Admin",
            httpMethods: new Set(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
            getAccessParams: ["id"],
            getAccessRelations: ["profile", "photos"]
            userRole: "SuperAdmin",
            httpMethods: new Set(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
            getAccessParams: ["id"],
            getAccessRelations: ["profile", "photos"]

By using the theObject, running npm run generate:theApi, for each entity_name.the.ts file that you define, you generate all the files required to configure and manage your API.

The files generated are:

  1. entity_name.entity.ts
  2. entity_name.cache.ts
  3. entity_name.access.ts
  4. entity_name.dto.ts
  5. entity_name.router.ts
  6. entity_name.swaggerImplement.ts
  7. swagger.ts


the entities are the entity_name.entity.ts files
An entity_name.entity.ts code define a new TypeORM entity. it is a class that maps to a database table.

When a new entity_name.entity.ts file is generated, this one is saved at ./src/entityfolder and the entity_name defined in this file have by de default, 3 columns that you don't need to define inside your entity_name.the.ts :

  1. id : a primary key column that is an auto-increment number
  2. createdAt : a column that is a date and time of the creation of the entity
  3. updatedAt : a column that is a date and time of the last update of the entity
Exemple user.entity.ts generated using theObject
import {PrimaryGeneratedColumn, CreateDateColumn, UpdateDateColumn, Entity, Column, OneToOne,OneToMany, JoinColumn,  } from "typeorm";
import {Profile} from "./profile.entity";
import {Photo} from "./photo.entity";

export class User {

    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({type: "int"})
    id : number;

    @CreateDateColumn({type: "datetime"})
    createdAt: Date;

    @UpdateDateColumn({type: "datetime"})
    updatedAt: Date;

    @Column({nullable: false, unique: false, type: "varchar", default: "User",})
    role: string

    @Column({nullable: false, unique: true, type: "varchar", })
    email: string

    @Column({nullable: false, unique: false, type: "varchar", })
    password: string

    @Column({nullable: false, unique: false, type: "varchar", })
    nom: string

    @Column({nullable: false, unique: false, type: "varchar", })
    prenom: string

    @OneToOne(() => Profile, (profile) => profile.user   )
    profile: Profile

    @OneToMany( () => Photo, (photo) => photo.user  )

    photos: Photo []



The caches are the entity_name.cache.ts files
An entity_name.cache.ts code define a new entityCache object that is used to store the data of the entity in cache.

An entityCache object is composed of 2 properties :

  1. entity : the entity defined in the entity_name.entity.ts file
  2. isEntityCached : a boolean that define if the entity have to be cached or not

When a new entity_name.cache.ts file is generated, this one is saved at ./src/cachefolder

Exemple user.cache.ts generated using theObject
import {User} from '../entity/user.entity';
import {entityCache} from "../types";

export const userCache : entityCache = {

    entity : User,
    isEntityCached : false



The access are the entity_name.access.ts files
An entity_name.access.ts code define a new Set of entityAccess object that is used to define the access of the different user roles to the différent HTTP methods from entity_name.router.ts for its entity_name.

An entityAccess object is composed of 4 properties :

  1. userRole : the user role for which the access is defined. It can be undefined, "User", "Admin" or "SuperAdmin". If it is undefined, it's define the access for user that are not logged
  2. httpMethods : a Set of the HTTP methods allowed for the user role. It can include "GET", "POST", "PUT" or "DELETE"
  3. getAccessParams : an array of the params allowed for the GET method for the user role. By defining a params in the array, a controller will be generated to get the entity by this params
  4. getAccessRelations : an array of the relations allowed for the GET method for the user role. By defining a relation in the array, a controller will be generated to get the entity by this relation

When a new entity_name.access.ts file is generated, this one is saved at ./src/accessfolder

Exemple user.access.ts generated using theObject
import {entityAccess} from "../types";
export const userAccess : Set<entityAccess> = new Set([

        userRole: "User",
        accessMethods: new Set(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
        getAccessParams: ["id"],
        getAccessRelations: ["profile", "photos"]
        userRole: "Admin",
        accessMethods: new Set(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
        getAccessParams: ["id"],
        getAccessRelations: ["profile", "photos"]
        userRole: "SuperAdmin",
        accessMethods: new Set(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
        getAccessParams: ["id"],
        getAccessRelations: ["profile", "photos"]



The DTOs are the entity_name.dto.ts files
An entity_name.dto.ts code define a new entityDto object that is used to define the dto of the entity.

An entity_nameDto is a class that is used to define the data that will be sent to the client when a request is made to the API.

When a new entity_name.dto.ts file is generated, this one is saved at ./src/dtofolder

Exemple user.dto.ts generated using theObject
import {User} from "../entity/user.entity";
import {ProfileDto} from "./profile.dto";
import {PhotoDto} from "./photo.dto";

export class UserDto {

    readonly id: number;
    readonly email: string;
    readonly nom: string;
    readonly prenom: string;
    readonly profile: ProfileDto
    readonly photos: PhotoDto []

    constructor(user: User){ =; =;
        this.nom = user.nom;
        this.prenom = user.prenom;
        user.profile ? this.profile = new ProfileDto(user.profile) : this.profile = undefined ? = => new PhotoDto(photo)) : = undefined;




The routers are the entity_name.router.ts files
An entity_name.router.ts code define a new entity_nameRouter using Express.js

By default, the entity_nameRouter have 5 routes:
1.GET /entity_name: Get all instances of the entity
2.GET /entity_name/:id(\\d+): Get one instance of the entity by its id. (//d+) is a regex that defines that the id must be a number
3.POST /entity_name: Create a new instance of the entity
4.PUT /entity_name/:id(\\d+): Update one instance of the entity by its id. (//d+) is a regex that defines that the id must be a number
5.DELETE /entity_name/:id(\\d+): Delete one instance of the entity by its id. (//d+) is a regex that defines that the id must be a number

but you can add more routes by defining them in the entity_name.the.ts file at TheObject properties getAccessParams and getAccessRelations.

When a new entity_name.router.ts file is generated, this one is saved at ./src/routerfolder

Exemple user.router.ts generated using theObject
//Import Express
const express = require('express');
import { Request, Response } from 'express';

//Import entity User
import  {User}  from '../entity/user.entity';

//Import entityDto UserDto
import { UserDto } from '../dto/user.dto';

//Import entityAccess UserAccess
import {userAccess} from "../access/user.access";

//Import HttpMethodsToDatabase
import getOne from "../../src/tools/httpMethodToDataBase/getOne";
import getAll from "../../src/tools/httpMethodToDataBase/getAll";
import insert from "../../src/tools/httpMethodToDataBase/insert";
import update from "../../src/tools/httpMethodToDataBase/update";
import deleteOne from "../../src/tools/httpMethodToDataBase/deleteOne";

//Import Middleware
import verifyToken from "../../src/tools/jwt/verifyToken";
import {verifyUserAccessMiddleware} from "../tools/access/verifyUserAccessByRole";

//Import Cache
import * as cache from 'memory-cache';
import {userCache} from "../cache/user.cache";
import createCache from "../../src/tools/caches/createCache";
import deleteCache from "../../src/tools/caches/deleteCache";
import searchCache from "../../src/tools/caches/searchCache";

//Declare Router for User
export const UserRouter = express.Router();

//Get Method to get all User from database
UserRouter.get('/', verifyToken, verifyUserAccessMiddleware(userAccess), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

    try {

        //Check if User have to be cached
        switch (userCache.isEntityCached) {

            //If User have to be cached
            case true:

                //Check if User is already cached
                let isCachedExisting : boolean = searchCache(req);

                //If User is already cached
                if(isCachedExisting) {

                    //Get User from cache
                    return res.status(200).json(cache.get(req.url));


                //If User isn't already cached, cache it
                // @ts-ignore
                return createCache(req, res, await getAll <User, UserDto>(User, UserDto));

            //If User haven't to be cached
            case false:

                //Get User from database
                // @ts-ignore
                return res.status(200).json(await getAll <User, UserDto>(User, UserDto));


        //If an error occurred, send a 500 error message
    } catch (error) {

        return res.status(500).json({message: 'An error occurred while trying to get all User'});



//Get Method to get one User from database
UserRouter.get('/:id(\\d+)', verifyToken, verifyUserAccessMiddleware(userAccess), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

    try {

        //Check if User have to be cached
        switch (userCache.isEntityCached) {

            //If User have to be cached
            case true:

                //Check if User is already cached
                let isCachedExisting : boolean = searchCache(req);

                //If User is already cached
                if(isCachedExisting) {

                    //Get User from cache
                    return res.status(200).json(cache.get(req.url));


                //If User isn't already cached, cache it
                // @ts-ignore
                return createCache(req, res, await getOne <User, UserDto>(User, Number(, UserDto));

            //If User haven't to be cached
            case false:

                //Get User from database
                // @ts-ignore
                return res.status(200).json(await getOne <User, UserDto>(User, Number(, UserDto));


        //If an error occurred, send a 500 error message
    } catch (error) {

        return res.status(500).json({message: 'An error occurred while trying to get one User by id ${}'});



//Post Method to insert one User in database'/', verifyToken, verifyUserAccessMiddleware(userAccess), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

    try {

        //Create an instance of User
        let userToInsert: User = new User();

        //Hydrate User with request body =;
        userToInsert.password = req.body.password;
        userToInsert.nom = req.body.nom;
        userToInsert.prenom = req.body.prenom;
        userToInsert.profile = req.body.profile; =;

        //Check if User have to be cached
        switch (userCache.isEntityCached) {

            //If User have to be cached
            case true:

                //Check if User is already cached
                let isCachedExisting : boolean = searchCache(req);

                //If User is already cached
                if(isCachedExisting) {

                    //Delete User from cache and insert it in database
                    await deleteCache(req, res, await insert (User, userToInsert));

                    return res.status(201).json({message: 'Instance of User created successfully.'})


                //If User isn't already cached, insert it in database
                await insert (User, userToInsert);

                return res.status(201).json({message: 'Instance of User created successfully.'})

            //If User haven't to be cached
            case false:

                //Insert User in database
                await insert (User, userToInsert);

                return res.status(201).json({message: 'Instance of User created successfully.'})


        //If an error occurred, send a 500 error message
    } catch (error) {

        return res.status(500).json({message: 'An error occurred while trying to insert one User'});



//Put Method to update one User in database
UserRouter.put('/:id(\\d+)', verifyToken, verifyUserAccessMiddleware(userAccess), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

    try {

        let updated;

        //Create an instance of User
        let userToUpdate: User = new User();

        //Hydrate User with request body =;
        userToUpdate.password = req.body.password;
        userToUpdate.nom = req.body.nom;
        userToUpdate.prenom = req.body.prenom;
        userToUpdate.profile = req.body.profile; =;

        //Check if User have to be cached
        switch (userCache.isEntityCached) {

            //If User have to be cached
            case true:

                //Check if User is already cached
                let isCachedExisting : boolean = searchCache(req);

                //If User is already cached
                if(isCachedExisting) {

                    //Delete User from cache and update it in database
                    // @ts-ignore
                    return await deleteCache(req, res, await update <User, UserDto>(User, Number(, userToUpdate, UserDto));

                //If User isn't already cached, update it in database
                // @ts-ignore
                updated = await update <User, UserDto>(User, Number(, userToUpdate, UserDto);

                //Send a 200 status code and the updated User
                return res.status(200).json(updated);

            //If User haven't to be cached
            case false:

                //Update User in database    
                // @ts-ignore
                updated = await update <User, UserDto>(User, Number(, userToUpdate, UserDto);

                //Send a 200 status code and the updated User
                return res.status(200).json(updated);


        //If an error occurred, send a 500 error message
    } catch (error) {

        return res.status(500).json({message: 'An error occurred while trying to update one User by id ${}'});



//Delete Method to delete one User in database
UserRouter.delete('/:id(\\d+)', verifyToken, verifyUserAccessMiddleware(userAccess), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

    try {

        let deleted;

        //Check if User have to be cached
        switch (userCache.isEntityCached) {

            //If User have to be cached
            case true:

                //Check if User is already cached
                let isCachedExisting : boolean = searchCache(req);

                //If User is already cached
                if(isCachedExisting) {

                    //Delete User from cache and delete it in database
                    // @ts-ignore
                    return await deleteCache(req, res, await deleteOne <User>(User, Number(;


                //If User isn't already cached, delete it in database
                // @ts-ignore
                deleted = await deleteOne <User>(User, Number(;

                //Send a 200 status code and the deleted User
                return res.status(200).json(deleted);

            //If User haven't to be cached
            case false:

                //Delete User in database
                // @ts-ignore
                deleted = await deleteOne <User>(User, Number(;

                //Send a 200 status code and the deleted User
                return res.status(200).json(deleted);


        //If an error occurred, send a 500 error message
    } catch (error) {

        return res.status(500).json({message: 'An error occurred while trying to delete one User by id ${}'});




The documentation section refers to swagger


Swagger, now known as OpenAPI, is an open-source set of tools and specifications for designing, documenting, and consuming APIs.
The swagger documentation is generated using swagger-jsdoc and swagger-ui-express

While generating all the files required to configure and manage your API, a swagger.ts file is generated at ./ folder.
This file contains some information about your API and the data of your entities, DTOs. This file is used to generate the swagger documentation

When you run npm run start:swagger, the swagger documentation (swagger-output.json) file is generated at ./build folder.
This file is used to generate the swagger documentation at "http://localhost:3000/api/". You can use it to test your API

Exemple swagger.ts generated
const swaggerAutogen = require('swagger-autogen')({openapi: '3.0.0'});
    const doc: object = {
        info: {
            version: '0.0.1',
            title : 'THE_API',
            description : 'The API Project'
        host : 'localhost:3000',
        basePath : '/',
        schemes: ['http'],
    securityDefinitions: {
    apiKeyAuth: {
        type: 'apiKey',
        in: 'header',
        name: 'Authorization',
        description: "Type into the textbox: Bearer {your JWT token}." //JWT token is generated from the login route.
    consumes: ['application/json'],
    produces: ['application/json'],
    tags: [
        //User Tag
            'name' : 'User',
            'description' : 'User Endpoint'
    definitions: {
        //User Definition
        User: {
            email : "varchar",
            password : "varchar",
            nom : "varchar",
            prenom : "varchar",
            profile : {
                gender : "varchar",
                photo : "varchar",
            photos : [
                    url : "varchar",
        //UserDto Definition
        UserDto: {
            email : "varchar",
            nom : "varchar",
            prenom : "varchar",
            profile : {
                gender : "varchar",
                photo : "varchar",
            photos : [
                    url : "varchar",
const outputFile : string = 'build/swagger-output.json';
//const outputFile : string = './swagger-output.json';
const endpointsFiles : string[] = ['build/src/index.js', 'build/src/tools/swagger/swaggerImplement/**/*.swaggerImplement.js'];
//const endpointsFiles : string[] = ['./src/index.ts', './src/tools/swagger/swaggerImplement/**/*.swaggerImplement.ts'];

swaggerAutogen(outputFile, endpointsFiles, doc).then(async() => {
    await import ('./build/src/index'); // Your project's root file

Swagger implementation

The swagger implementation are the entity_name.swaggerImplement.ts files

An entity_name.swaggerImplement.ts is a schema of the entity_nameRouter that is used to generate the swagger documentation.

When a new entity_name.swaggerImplement.ts file is generated, this one is saved at ./src/tools/swagger/swaggerImplementfolder

After having run npm run start:swagger, the swagger implementation files are deleted. You can regenerate them by running npm run generate:theApi


Migrations are the files generated by TypeORM, that are used to create the tables in the database.

After having defined your entity_name.the.ts files, and running npm run generate:theApi:

  1. When you run npm run migration:generate, the migration file is generated at ./src/migration folder.
  2. When you run npm run migration:run, the tables are created in the database.
  3. When you run npm run migration:revert, the tables are deleted from the database.


Logs are the files generated by winston, that are used to log the errors and the requests made to the API.

After running npm run start:swagger or npm start, the logs files are generated at ./logs folder.



If userRole is defined in the entity_name.the.ts file, the API use tokens to secure the routes.
The tokens are generated using jsonwebtoken
You can define the secret keys and the timers of the tokens in the .env file
The tokens are generated when a user login to the API, sent to the client as cookies and are used to secure the routes.

The cookie sent to the client contains the following data :

  1. userId : the id of the user
  2. userEmail : the email of the user
  3. userRole : the role of the user
  4. userAgent : HTTP user agent header sent by the user. It is used to identify the device and the browser of the user. If this header is not sent or différent from the userAgent when a new request is sent to the server, the user is not allowed to access the API
  5. userIp : the IP address of the user. It is used to identify the device of the user. If this IP address is not the same when a new request is sent to the server, the user is not allowed to access the API


Passwords are hashed using bcrypt
Password have to be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character


An experimental project to simplify the creation of RESTful APIs.







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