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Abastro edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 6 revisions

Stellar Sky is highly configurable, and you can change config in 3 ways, which are

File Config, GUI Config, Overlay Config.

Configuration is divided into 3 main categories and a overlay category(specifies the position of each overlay).

Main Config Categories

Client Config

This category contains settings for client. Most of the performance settings and cosmetic settings come here. Most of these can be changed in-game, while playing via either gui config or overlay config.

Server(Common) Config

This category contains settings for server. In minecraft, there's a server on singleplayer as well, which is why it's called common category as well.

These settings affect the world, so you should restart the world to apply these settings.

Per-Dimension Config

Among the server category, there's per-dimension config category which contains config settings for each dimension.

Each dimension is recognized by its name, and corresponding config is applied to the dimension.

Some of settings here are for client - which are to be sent to client and serve the settings.

To create per-dimension config for a new dimension, add the name to the list 'Applied Dimensions(Applied_Dimensions)'.

In contrary, to remove per-dimension config for a dimension, remove the name of the dimension from the list.

Here's config properties classified by themes.

Quality vs Frame Per Second

Because performance has ever been a problem since Stellar Sky got out, there are several configuration options to control it.

Limit Magnitude (Mag_Limit)

Limit Magnitude or Mag_Limit specifies the limit magnitude of the naked eye.

Although this property is in client category, it can't be changed in-game. You need to restart Minecraft to change this settings. By the way, It's in optics subcategory.

Since there are more faint stars than bright stars, increasing limit magnitude a bit can improve FPS very much.

So try adjusting this value first when you have performance/quality problems!

Recommendations and Defaults

Currently(v0., 4.5 is the default.

Raise this to 6.0 ~ 6.5 for more realistic and fancier view.

Drop this to 3.0 if you have performance issues even with the default value.

Milkyway Fragments Number (Milkyway_Fragments_Number)

Milky way is drawn in fragments, and this property is the number of the fragments. This property is in milkyway subcategory, client category.

The more fragments there are, the better the milky way looks, though the more laggy the game will be.

However, the effect of this property on performance is pretty limited.

Moon Fragments Number (Moon_Fragments_Number)

Moon(and Sun) is drawn in fragments as well, and this property is the number of the fragments. This property is in solarsystem subcategory, client category.

Unlike it's name, this affects both the Sun and the Moon.

It's similar with milkyway fragments number - except for one thing, this gives lesser impact on performance.

Atmosphere Cache Level (Atmosphere_Cache_Level)

To render the atmosphere, Stellar Sky creates a cache of atmosphere texture for further uses.

This property determines the size of the cache - to be exact, the size of the texture will be 2^(level)px squared.

In case you couldn't find it - This property is in atmosphere subcategory, client category.

Less level will improve FPS, but the atmosphere will be defective - exponentially.

Atmosphere Fragments Number (Atmosphere_Fragments_Number)

Atmosphere is rendered in fragments as well - again, this property is of the number of fragments. This property is in the same subcategory as the property above.

And again, it's similar with the property of milkyway fragments number.


As a cosmetic mod, Stellar Sky comes with various cosmetic properties.

(Work in Progress)

Server & World Control

Server Enabled (Server_Enabled)

This property enables/disables server-side feature of Stellar Sky. This property is in server category.

Disable(set to false) this to make Stellar Sky as a pure client-side mod.

Enable(set to true) this to enable the server features like day cycle control.

Patch Provider (Patch_Provider)

This property determines whether to patch the WorldProvider. This property is in per-dimension category.

This is effectively the per-dimension version of 'Server Enabled', as changing the day cycle requires provider patching.

Day Cycle Control

Day Length (Day_Length)

You can change the length of a day on some worlds with this property. This property is in server category.

It's given in ticks, and you can change it without any restrictions.

It's even a real number, so you can have a day of 24000.1 ticks. Have fun!

Year Length (Year_Length)

You can change the length of a year on some worlds as well. Also it's in the same category with the property above.

Similar with day length, except that year length is given in days - which is specified by property of day length.

This determines the length of a season, as you know. But there's no apparent season in either Minecraft or Stellar Sky - then what's the actual effect of this option?

The answer is, that this changes the sun's maximal altitude on the sky.

On the northern hemisphere, Sun goes higher in summer, and it goes lower in winter. Also, the length of a day longer in summer, and shorter in winter for sufficiently high latitude.

These happen in Stellar Sky as well - Thus in short, this determines day length of a date.

Tick Offset (Tick_Offset)

You can determine the tick offset on the tick #0 with this property. Again, it's in the same category.

This allows to change the starting time in a day, e.g. starting on the midday, dawn or midnight.

Day Offset (Day_Offset)

You can determine the day on the tick #0 with this property. Again,, It's in the same category.

This allows to change the starting day in a year, setting the starting season.

Year Offset (Year_Offset)

You can determine the year on the tick #0 with this property. Again,,, It's in the same category.

This actually changes nothing - Or not?

Axial Tilt (Axial_Tilt)

This is what makes the difference between winter and summer. Again,,,, It's in the same category.

For more information, take a look at this wikipedia page. Make sure to put axial tilt in degrees here.


This determines the latitude in degrees, which affects day length of a date. This property is in the per-dimension category.

You can look at the midnight sun, and overhead summer sun by changing this property. Try it.

Just Don't go over 90 or under -90.


This determines the longitude in degrees, which is effectively same as the starting 'Tick Offset'. There's one difference - this property is per-dimension. (It's in the per-dimension category)

Precession (Precession)

This property is in the server category.

I can't quite explain this one, so please take a look at this wikipedia page.

The unit is degrees per year.